The truth is that the enemy is in danger.

If Barty, who is about to be exposed, plans to fight to the death, what will he do tonight?

How does he plan to escape Hogwarts safely?

Andy turned his head and looked in the direction of the golden mist.

Goblet of Fire. If Barty also tampered with the Goblet of Fire, he could only leave through the Goblet of Fire.

Are there any extra door keys? It is possible, but Andy cannot be sure of the number. There is no point in thinking about this question.

If anyone in the castle can know the answer, it can only be Dumbledore.

Andy has been telling Dumbledore the question for a long time. If Dumbledore is online all the time, he can control the situation.

Even if Barty Jr. made multiple portkeys, it would be difficult for him to use the portkeys to take himself and Harry away in the maze.

Unless he can fully grasp Harry's location.

At this moment, the sky behind Andy exploded with a bang.

Andy and Krum both looked in the direction of the sound.

In the sky above the maze, someone fired a red spark, not far from the entrance of the maze, which was the direction Krum and Andy came from.

Krum couldn't help but sigh: "That Potter, he really went there."

Andy: "You said Harry was there too?"

Krum: "Of course, when he and I entered the maze, I heard Delacour's scream. He chose to save people, and I chose to come to you."


It turned out that the people in that direction were Harry and Fleur.

Andy looked at this signal, and what he feared was really coming true.

As long as the red spark appears, it means that the warriors are in danger.

At this time, the professors must enter the scene.

If Barty Jr. wants to make trouble, this is a great opportunity. He can use Moody's identity to contact Harry openly.

If Andy is Barty Jr., he will do this.

Andy sighed lightly. Since the plot has been messed up, the previous ideas are meaningless.

At this point, he can only respond to the situation as it happens.

Andy raised his foot and walked towards the sparks. Krum hurriedly stopped him: "Wait! What's going on? You just asked me a question and you plan to abandon me?"

Andy stopped and wondered: "What do you want?"

Krum: "If you want to leave here, you must defeat me first!"

Andy: "I don't want to fight you. I won't take the initiative."

Krum was angry that he was underestimated. He immediately raised his wand and pointed it at Andy: "Faint..."

As soon as he moved, Andy cast a spell with all his strength: "Repel quickly!"

The two were not far apart, and Andy's spell was launched later but arrived first.

Krum was startled, and before he could react, he was hit by Andy's spell, and flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, the ground was soft, so he didn't suffer any serious injuries, but he couldn't stand up.

"Sorry, but to be honest, I've never heard of such a request."

Andy passed Krum and headed towards the location of the first spark.


Five minutes ago.

Harry and Krum parted ways, left the passage that Andy blasted out, and suddenly got into the maze, but instantly lost his way.

He rushed left and right in the maze, relying only on the sound he heard just now as a guide, and ran in the direction of the scream.

He crossed one corner after another, and his head was soon wet with sweat.

Just when he thought he was going to lose his way forever, finally, when he passed a hedge wall, he saw a light blue color lying on the ground.

Harry ran over quickly, it was Fleur, she was lying on the ground, already asleep.

"What on earth is this... Fleur! Are you okay?!"

Harry fired a red spark into the sky without thinking, and quickly squatted down to check Fleur's condition.

But then, he froze.

He heard a rustling sound coming from behind him, and there was also a little sound of mucus wriggling.

Harry felt a chill on his back and quickly jumped to the side.

The next moment, a jet of flame whizzed past and hit him directly at the position he was just at, exploding a spark.

"Disarm you!"

Harry didn't even look at it, rolled on the ground, aimed at the direction of the flame, and cast a disarming spell to counterattack.

As a result, there was only a slight sound, and his spell hit the attacker, bounced directly away, and disappeared without a trace.

Harry calmed down and saw clearly what attacked him and


It was a blasting-tailed skrewt raised by Hagrid!

The blasting-tailed skrewt had swelled to a size Harry did not recognize. If it had not emitted a smell like rotten fish and shrimp, Harry would not have recognized it.

The blasting-tailed skrewt grew to ten feet, almost twice as tall as Harry.

It was covered with a hard gray-white shell, and it was these armor-like shells that deflected Harry's spells.

The spikes on its back arched, and it looked like a giant scorpion with a stinger wrapped around its back, which made people feel indescribably disgusted.

Seeing the blasting-tailed skrewt's face, to be honest, Harry felt like vomiting.

The blasting-tailed skrewt didn't care about that, and rolled up its tail, and shot another flame from its tail towards Harry.

The surging heat burned Harry, and he felt his face was as red as if it was burned.

The disarming spell was obviously useless against such an attack.

Harry fell to the ground in a panic, the flames flew over his head and hit the hedge wall behind him, sparks flew everywhere, and a small piece of hard branches was completely melted.

"Stupid! Stuppid! Stuppid!"

Harry got up from the ground and cast three consecutive Stuppidating Spells, which were all deflected, leaving the blasting skrewt without even a small scratch.

The blasting skrewt quickly moved forward, its tail stretched out, and it was about to eject the next fireball.


Harry used the Obstacle Spell with all his strength.

This was a spell he learned from Hermione at the last minute for the final.

Cedric also helped a lot in learning this spell.

Harry was lucky, his Obstacle Spell accurately hit the belly of the blasting skrewt.

There was no shell to protect it, which was the most vulnerable part of the blasting skrewt.

The movement of the blasting skrewt slowed down suddenly. Harry's barrier spell could only do this much, and there was no way to completely push the blasting skrewt away.

But it was enough.

After finally gaining a little space to relax, Harry subconsciously ran away.

The blasting skrewt's shell was too hard and could rebound the spell. With his strength, he was no match for it.

The blasting skrewt just stayed there, watching Harry's figure getting farther and farther away.

Just when it thought Harry had completely left, it found that Harry had turned back halfway through the run.

If the blasting skrewt could speak, it would definitely slowly type a question mark.

Harry's eyes widened with anger, and he almost forgot that Fleur was still lying on the ground.

If he ran away, Fleur would definitely not survive.

Harry ran back in three or two steps, and in a hurry, he simply rushed directly under the blasting skrewt and pressed his wand against the blasting skrewt's abdomen at close range.


With a loud bang, Harry's magic turned into a small explosion, and he and the blasting-tailed skrewt flew backwards.

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