The more he fought, the more he was defeated.

Seeing a layer of gray-white stratum corneum on Barty's skin.

Without Barty's introduction, Andy quickly recognized the potion.

This is the Edelus potion, which can harden the skin epidermis and greatly enhance the user's defense. It is expensive.

From Barty's confident eyes, it can be seen that in addition to the Edelus potion, he must have taken other potions that can help him fight.

These potions will seriously damage his body.

Andy didn't expect Barty to be so crazy. Mixing various potions together may have very serious side effects and even conflict with each other.

He doesn't care about the consequences at all. He just wants to hold Andy here, and he will do anything for it.

Harry has now been teleported away by his portkey. The longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for Andy.

[Shan Ze Lin Ji]

Andy turned around, and the ice lotus appeared, striding towards Little Barty.

Little Barty had seen this magic, but Peter suffered a great loss in front of it.

As long as the attack is directed at Andy, the ice lotus can attract the opponent's attention and direct the attack to himself.

Little Barty's head was shocked, and his eyes suddenly became dull.

As a means to fight against the ice lotus, he used the mind-blocking technique to block his brain.

He vaguely felt a spiritual gravity that continued to emerge from the ice lotus. As long as he aimed at Andy, the magic would be deflected to a certain extent.

Even if he used the mind-blocking technique, the ice lotus could have such an effect on him.

Little Barty was secretly shocked. This magic is so strong. If he doesn't know the mind-blocking technique, there is almost no strategy to deal with it.

The problem is not solved. With the ice lotus present, it is difficult for him to deal with Andy with all his strength.

Barty immediately swung his wand at the ice lotus: "Thunder Explosion!"

"Shatter into pieces!"

The ice lotus was first hit by the bursting fire, and then was directly cut into several petals by the subsequent spell, which exploded directly into several small ice shatters.

At the same time, Andy's attack also arrived, and the first spell directly shattered Barty's armor spell.

Barty had lost the initiative after dealing with the ice lotus, and had no choice but to move his feet as much as possible to avoid Andy's attack.

But Andy was not as persistent as he thought in using spells to accurately hit, and Andy's blasting spell followed, hitting Barty's original standing position, blasting a deep pit, and the impact force threw Barty into the air.

Barty had no time to react, and flew out like a kite with a broken string, and then fell heavily to the ground.

His face was flushed, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. The left half of his body, which was directly hit by the shock wave, was shaking uncontrollably, and the gray-white skin on his body was almost completely shattered.

Where is Andy?

Little Barty's eyes were wide open. After knocking him down, Andy ran straight towards the Goblet of Fire.

The next moment, Little Barty climbed up regardless of anything.

"Quickly repel!"

Little Barty's mouth was spurting blood, but the power of the spell was still undiminished, and he hit Andy.

Andy opened the Jade Shield and resisted it.

Little Barty's spell hit him, crackling, but it couldn't penetrate the Jade Shield.

"Goblet of Fire is flying!"

Andy pointed his wand and used the summoning spell to pull the Goblet of Fire off the platform.

Seeing that he and the Goblet of Fire had closed more than half of the distance, at this time, Little Barty's banishment spell also arrived.

The banishment spell is the counter-spell of the summoning spell, which can terminate the effect of the summoning spell and return it to its original position.

With two whooshes, the Goblet of Fire flew back and forth in the air, and finally fell on the ground between the two people, and no one got it.

Andy used the summoning spell again, pulling the Goblet of Fire, and at the same time turned into flowing water, floating to the side at a very fast speed, and running towards the Goblet of Fire in both directions.

Little Barty was furious: "Avada Kedavra!"

The deadly green light went straight to Andy.

Andy had no choice but to give up the plan and shuttle to the side to avoid it.

It was still the same problem. He had a shield, but he didn't dare to verify in person whether his shield was thicker or the death curse was stronger.

After all, one was a shield that could withstand a bath in the flames of a fire dragon, and the other was the strongest spell that was said to be unstoppable by any magic.

In the conflict, who was stronger?

For this question, Andy couldn't just grab anyone to test it.

After all, in today's world, there are still a few people like Little Barty who use the death curse as daily magic.

Barty fired a series of death curses, all of which hit Andy's path, and finally succeeded in forcing Andy to retreat.


His complexion became worse and worse because of the frequent use of the death curse, red and black, and he seemed to have no life at all.

But his goal was achieved, and Andy failed to completely get rid of Little Barty's entanglement.

"Hahahaha! How could I not know your weird mental magic! According to my observation, even you can't summon an ice lotus again in a short time!"

"Without it, you can't divert my attention!"

Andy narrowed his eyes, his heart was a little turbulent, considering whether to play the trump card again.

In fact, among the three God's Eyes equipped by Andy now, there is a magic that he has never used.

That is the elemental combat skill of Yingtianzuo, [Illusion Wish in Water].

Similar to the ice lotus summoned by Shanze Linji, the Illusion Wish in Water will generate a virtual image that taunts the surrounding enemies and attacks the enemies within the range at the same time.

All along, Andy has been consciously hiding this magic and has never used it.

On the one hand, it is because Yingtianzuo is a relatively auxiliary God's Eye.

In terms of functionality, Water Phantom Wish and Mountain and Marsh Linji have some overlaps.

The biggest difference is that the phantom summoned is of water attribute, but not as strong as Ice Lotus.

In this state, Little Barty is very strong. Ice Lotus can't hold out for too long in front of him, and can only buy Andy a short time. The phantom summoned by Water Phantom Wish can control him for a shorter time.

Water Phantom Wish is more suitable for dealing with multiple enemies.

On the other hand, Andy always feels that Little Barty is doing it on purpose. He is deliberately tempting Andy to show more things. In fact, Ice Lotus has limited influence on him.

"Come on! Come again!"

Little Barty is getting more and more excited and screaming.

Andy suppressed his anxiety and cast the blasting spell again.

Little Barty used the barrier spell to limit the environment in front of him and slow down the speed of the blasting spell.


The spell exploded, and Little Barty had already hidden to the side.

In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged several moves again, like two violent storms intertwined again, colliding with each other with magic.

Complex and piercing noises exploded in the maze.

Andy and Little Barty fought back and forth, and the aftermath of the battle between the two sides blew the surrounding hedge walls into a mess.

The ground was also full of traces of magic cutting back and forth, and only the Goblet of Fire remained intact under the deliberate protection of the two.

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