Although the situation was very good, the situation was not good.

Although Barty was extremely excited, he was gradually suppressed by Andy.

His injured arm affected his movements, and then affected his whole body. In the duel with Andy, this was a very fatal weakness.

In addition, the effect of [Star Destiny] continued to take effect, and Andy's spell was much more powerful than Barty could imagine.

Once he was hit by Andy's spell, he would be seriously injured at best, and even lie dead at worst, which forced him to defend with all his strength, leaving no room for counterattack.

Under the blessing of many factors, Barty could only hold on.

If his strength had not been temporarily improved by using magic potions, he would have been solved by Andy long ago.

Andy also had his own concerns.

Considering the range and venue, as well as the fact that there were other people in the maze, Andy did not choose to use the elemental burst of the Celestial Constellation like last time.

The Heavenly Flower of the Falling is an indiscriminate attack magic, very powerful, but also very deadly.

Whether it is against enemies or friends.

Not to mention [Sky Star].

Both of these magics have more suitable occasions to play, and not now.

Without using the elemental burst skill, Andy still suppressed Little Batty, but could not win as quickly as last time.

Andy knew he could win, the only question was when.

Little Batty's crazy tactics could not last long, because the price he paid was too high.

Andy saw not only the effects of the Edrus potion on him, but also the enhancement potion, the focus potion, and the effects of seven or eight other potions.

After taking these potions, Little Batty's casting process became unprecedentedly fast, and the power of magic increased greatly.

He even took the blood-replenishing potion in advance.

Little Batty relied on these potion combinations to withstand Andy's fierce attack.

He became like a turtle shell, completely giving up attacking and concentrating on defense.

Andy couldn't help but laugh at him, "You're really lucky. You can move freely after taking so many potions."

Barty endured the pain and gave his answer himself: "I feel great now! Hahahaha!"

"I've never felt so good since I met you in this school!"

"I won't die! Don't think of stopping me here!"

"Come on! Keep going! Don't run away!"

Andy felt something was wrong. Why was Barty so upset?

He didn't have so many words before.

Barty looked very crazy at this time. The corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, and he was dancing with joy. Even if he was in a comprehensive disadvantage, he kept talking nonsense.

Andy suddenly had a sense of sight of a German boy shouting "I feel great" in his ear.

Brother, I didn't run away. It was you who was being beaten passively.

This feeling...

Is it the Felixir? !

Andy was a little stunned. He didn't believe his judgment at first. Was it really the Lucky Spirit Potion?

But thinking about it carefully, this is the only possible answer.

Andy couldn't help twitching his mouth. Little Barty really spent a lot of money.

No wonder Little Barty could take so many potions to strengthen himself, and there was no side effect for the time being.

He actually used the Lucky Spirit Potion.

Lucky Spirit Potion, as the name suggests, can enhance the user's "luck" for a certain period of time, allowing him to succeed in all aspects.

In simple terms, even a non-African can become a European emperor.

A person can only take Lucky Spirit Potion a limited number of times in his life.

If this limit is exceeded, Lucky Spirit Potion will backfire, making the user extremely unlucky, and even drinking cold water will get stuck in his teeth.

Lucky Spirit Potion is a very metaphysical potion. No one can tell where it works and why.

This can be seen from the brewing time of Lucky Spirit Potion.

It takes at least half a year to prepare a dose of Lucky Spirit Potion.

Even if you configure it perfectly according to the steps, it may fail inexplicably in the process, and you can't find out where the problem is.

This is a potion that requires a lot of luck. If it fails, it can only be explained as bad luck.

People with bad luck will never be able to make the Felixir.

And Barty Jr.'s luck is obviously good.

Without the help of the Felixir, he would not have been able to hold on until now.

Barty Jr. suffered a loss and couldn't control his chattering: "Andy Hall, you are always so annoying, ruining my plans everywhere!"

"I originally wanted to help Potter become the champion of the Triwizard Tournament, but you suddenly intervened!"

"Later, at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, I was supposed to

Crouch should have been killed, but you showed up again to stop me! In the end, I had to use the Imperius Curse to control the Bulgarian before I found a chance to kill that idiot Pettigrew!"

"For you, I changed my plan several times, but you were still a step slower. I have already done what I had to do!"

Andy: "You are such a filial son. Do you really want to kill your father?"

Little Barty roared: "I don't have a father! He is not my father!"

"The Dark Lord treats me as his own son. I will serve the Dark Lord wholeheartedly! Instead of that cold-blooded old man!"

At the end, his mental state was obviously not stable, and he couldn't help laughing wildly: "The Dark Lord admires you very much, and you are indifferent to it!"

"You don't know what this means at all! Damn it! "

Battie's pupils became redder and redder.

He was about to give up, and faced with Andy's continuous spells, he tried his best to block it, and actually blocked Andy's spell.

Bang! The confrontation between the two directly blew down a hedge wall.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Battie seized the opportunity and roared at the top of his lungs. His wand burst into a thick green light and flew towards Andy at a very fast speed.

Andy did not dare to neglect it. The power of this death curse was too strong.

He stepped back and blocked the attack with ice lotus.

Just when Andy turned around and tried to fight back, he suddenly saw a hidden spell coming from the side and heading straight for Barty Crouch.

Battie did not notice this scene. He was still excited about forcing Andy back.

He tried to seize this last chance and rushed towards the Goblet of Fire with all his strength, unaware of the attack behind him.

Who is it?

Andy looked in the direction of the spell in surprise.

While he was concentrating on fighting with Little Barty, someone had already touched their side without knowing when.

Viktor Krum held the hedge wall with his hand, pointed his wand forward, and limped behind Little Barty.

His face was pale, but he still trembled and cursed: "So it was you who used the Imperius Curse on me! Try this!"

"I fucking hate dark wizards the most!"


Andy was shocked and stretched out his hand to stop it.

The next moment, the spell hit Little Barty's back heavily, making a muffled sound.

"Ah!!!! "

Little Barty's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but let out a shrill scream. A bloody abscess like a hill rose on his back, and then exploded.

Damn, it hurts Andy just looking at it.

Krum's attainment in black magic is not low.

Under the force of the spell, Little Barty's whole body was blown up, rushed forward quickly, and fell heavily to the ground.

He rolled on the ground for several rounds, and finally his head hit the Goblet of Fire with a thud, and the whole person was knocked unconscious.

Damn it again, Andy went crazy, and at the same time prayed frantically in his heart, don't do it, this can't be considered as triggering the door key.

However, I don't know whether it was the last bit of the effect of the Felicity Potion, or Little Barty's luck was really that good. Little Barty's body turned leisurely when he touched the Goblet of Fire, and with a whoosh, he squeezed into a small dot with the Goblet of Fire, and finally disappeared on the spot.

Only Andy was left dumbfounded, and Krum was full of doubts.

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