The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

[Earth's Core·Rock Ridge]!

At the critical moment, Andy quickly recovered from the flowing water, regained his footing, and summoned a dark square rock ridge to block Voldemort's hand before the spell was cast.

The rock ridge suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light.

The golden light was as hot as the sun, and instantly hit Voldemort, completely blocking the route he was originally preparing to attack Harry.

At the same time, behind Voldemort, Dumbledore's spell also arrived.

Voldemort decisively withdrew his hand and turned around without hesitation.

He flashed and disappeared from the spot again, and Andy and Dumbledore's magic were all in vain.

Voldemort's figure quickly returned to the previous position. He pointed his wand at the air around them, and the wall of fire that was originally surging around them suddenly stopped flowing.

Under the guidance of the wand, the flame gradually became quiet, and the surface of the flame quickly covered with a layer of gray-brown skin, like solidified lava.


Voldemort roared, accompanied by a gust of wind from his hand.

This gust of wind was so powerful that it completely blew away the already declining flames and turned them into flying ashes.

The wall of fire disappeared, and the surrounding Death Eaters saw Voldemort appear in their sight again.

Except for the Death Eater who was killed by Voldemort at the beginning because of his escape, no one tried to leave again, including Lucius Malfoy in the distance.

Voldemort's deterrence was still strong.


The Death Eaters were driven far away by the previous wall of fire and scattered around the cemetery. When they saw Voldemort appear, they immediately gathered at his position.

"Andy, are you okay?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm fine, Fawkes..."

Dumbledore shook his head: "Don't worry, Fawkes is willing to do this for you."

I'm not worried about Fawkes, I'm worried about you.

Fawkes can resist fatal threats, which should have been Dumbledore's life-saving trump card.

As a result, Dumbledore now uses it on Andy.

Andy summoned a ball of water and splashed it on Harry's face to wake him up, and then used the Cutting Spell to cut the ropes on his body.

Harry's face was pale, and after waking up, he looked at the mess around him in a daze.

The intensity of the battle was extremely high, and Andy only had time to remove the restraints on Harry now.

The battle was so intense in a short period of time, and the intensity of the battle was full, and Voldemort gave a lot of pressure!

Andy was also surprised at Voldemort's speed. Could the Anti-Apparition Spell be removed so quickly?

In general, the difficulty of setting up the Anti-Apparition Spell is positively correlated with the range it covers.

For example, in Hogwarts, a large-scale anti-Apparition spell was cast, and Apparition was also prohibited.

Such a large-scale spell requires specific authority to be lifted, and only Dumbledore, as the headmaster, has this authority.

Even a small-scale counter-spell requires the cooperation of several wizards to complete, and there will be an uncontrollable duration.

And Voldemort's research on various magics has reached a superb level.

He can actually set up a spell to counter Apparition alone, and with the help of Dumbledore and Andy, he can still find time to lift the magic.

This requires huge magic power and a deep understanding of magic to do it.

But Voldemort also paid a price.

His left waist turned white, and blood was faintly seeping out of it.

This was the mark left by the last moment of being hit by the Frost Flower Arrow when the counter-spell was lifted just now.

The arrogant look on Voldemort's face disappeared at the beginning, replaced by a dead look, staring at Dumbledore.

"Kill them!"

Voldemort shouted coldly to the Death Eaters around him.

Nagini was the first to recover from the chaos.

It used the visual barrier created by the fire wall just now to change its position silently, and swam silently behind Andy and Harry.

After receiving the master's order, it gleamed fiercely, and its body slid on the ground quickly, with a speed that was astonishing.

It quickly crossed the distance between it and Harry, and its fangs flashed with deadly cold light, aiming at Harry's neck.


Andy didn't even look back, but just moved his fingers slightly.

Then, another square ridge suddenly rose on the ground, like a mountain that suddenly appeared.

The moment the ridge rose, a bright golden light also burst out.

Nagini's huge body was knocked to one side.

At this time, the Death Eaters shouted one after another, and rushed towards Andy and Dumbledore from all directions.

Voldemort's mouth curled up a cruel smile, and then he laughed sharply, revealing endless anger and madness in his laughter.

He swung the wand in his hand suddenly, and a black spell shot out like lightning, heading straight for Dumbledore.

Dumbledore waved his hand, and Voldemort's spell slowed down in the air and was released in advance, exploding a ball of rancid thick water, dripping on the ground, burning a big pit.

Dumbledore said: "Tom, you are still the same..."

"When will you realize that other people have their own thoughts and are not your servants."

Voldemort: "I don't need you to preach to me!"

"Death Eaters! Surround them! Kill the two little ones!"

Dumbledore: "You are angry, Tom. To this day, I still know your temper very well. You have been preparing for so long in secret, just to try to hide it from me and come back secretly."

"Unfortunately, I still came..."

In response to him, Voldemort's killing curse.

Dumbledore was well prepared and dodged the attack before the killing curse hit him, and appeared on the other side.

"Give up, Tom! You are lucky today, but you have no chance!"

"Ridiculous! With you!"

Dumbledore once again fought with Voldemort.

Without Andy's interference, Voldemort and Dumbledore were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

The rest of the Death Eaters followed suit and launched an attack. Their target was not Dumbledore, but Andy and Harry behind him.


The snake Nagini that Andy had just knocked away came back again, and this time, it attacked Andy.

Dumbledore was restrained by Voldemort and could not help.

Andy was alone, and had to deal with dozens of extremely vicious Death Eaters and the python Nagini at the same time.

"Repel them quickly!"

Andy shouted, and as he waved his wand, an invisible force burst out instantly.

Nagini tried to dodge sideways, but was hit by this force again.

Its body rolled in the air, emitting a shrill howl, and then fell heavily to the ground, rolling a long distance.

Obviously, this blow made it very painful.

Andy did not have time to breathe.

Then, several spells rained down on him.

[Earth Core·Jade Shield]

Continuous collisions sounded on the battlefield, and each spell carried a powerful impact, trying to break Andy's defense.

Although Andy was knocked back two steps by the impact, the golden shield still covered Andy firmly.

The weight of the rock is reassuring!

At the same time, a few spells were also cast at Harry.

Andy pointed his wand, and Harry, who was sitting on the ground, started to turn with the tombstone behind him.

The tombstone rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound, and the direction quickly turned.


Harry screamed in fear.

He felt that the tombstone behind him seemed to come alive suddenly, and a huge force threw him aside.

There was a loud bang, and the spell fired by the Death Eater hit the turned tombstone hard.

The tombstone instantly exploded into a ball of debris, but Harry was unharmed.

Andy was surprised: "This is the tombstone of the Dark Lord's father! Who used magic just now? If you destroy the tombstone, you will definitely not survive today!"

The Death Eaters were terrified by these words and immediately stopped.

Voldemort was furious and summoned a thick black mist to wrap Andy: "Kill him! I want him dead now!!"

He suddenly felt that Andy was more hated than Dumbledore.

Dumbledore turned his wand, and the black mist swirled and changed direction, entangled with Fawkes's thin figure with flames, and then used a spell to force Voldemort to retreat.

"Again, take care of yourself, Tom!"


Dumbledore shouted, and then Fawkes used all his strength to make a cry, and flashed to Voldemort's side with Dumbledore.

Voldemort looked at Dumbledore who suddenly approached him in shock. Before he could react, he and Dumbledore were enveloped by a flame that erupted with Fawkes as the center.

The next moment, the flame dissipated, and the place where the two had stood was empty.

Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Fawkes the Phoenix all disappeared on the spot.

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