The two of them were separated by a huge hole.

Unexpectedly, relying on Fawkes's ability, Dumbledore seized the opportunity and disappeared with Voldemort in front of everyone.



The sudden change surprised everyone, and the Death Eaters and Harry shouted at the same time.

Dumbledore and Voldemort are the backbone of both sides. Now that the two of them are leaving together, what should they do?

Moreover, Voldemort did not leave any explanation.

Everyone knows that Voldemort came for Harry Potter, and he wants to kill Harry with his own hands. Just based on this point, the Death Eaters dare not touch Harry at all.

Harry was also confused.

Dumbledore came, gave him hope, and then left. Hope disappeared, leaving only him and Andy.

And the Death Eaters who were their opponents numbered in the double digits.

It was a dead end no matter how you looked at it.

Harry clenched his fists and took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner tension.

He summoned up his courage and shouted to Andy's back: "Give me a wand! I can fight too!"

However, his body was not as strong as his voice.

Half of his body was stained red with his own blood, as if it had been burned by a raging fire, and he was in pain and trembling violently.

Harry did not suffer any serious injuries, but Lucius Malfoy's previous cut of blood was very severe, and Harry's wound had not been treated in time, and there were already some signs of excessive blood loss.

Andy threw a small bag to Harry without looking back.

Harry took it in a hurry and found that it was filled with potion bottles of various colors.

"It's time to test your level of potions class, Harry. Identify which of them are for treatment. If you use them incorrectly, you will bear the consequences. "

"Stay quiet, you can't help now. "

Harry's face turned pale. Andy's words reminded him of Snape. He didn't expect that what Snape said in class would come true one day.

If you don't learn potions well, you might really kill yourself!

Unlike the Death Eaters, Andy was relieved to see Dumbledore and Voldemort leave.

Although Dumbledore didn't say it clearly, his meaning was obvious.

He handed Harry to Andy, and then chose to take Voldemort away, giving Andy enough space.

This also means...

No one restrained Andy anymore, he could let go completely.

Thinking of this, Andy no longer hesitated, and decisively raised his hand with his palm facing up.

"Fall like glass, the epitome of wind and snow. "

Andy said softly.

[Descending Heavenly Hua]

A crystal clear ice spirit bead emerged from his hand, emitting white and emerald blue light.

Andy raised his palm lightly, and the ice spirit bead rose rapidly and circulated in the air.

The frost and snow in the atmosphere were constantly attracted and condensed by this force.

Soon, the whole sky became gray, and the air was filled with a cold and murderous atmosphere.

Countless ice spikes condensed in the air in an instant, crystal clear, emitting a biting cold.

The surrounding Death Eaters just woke up from their dreams and raised their wands again towards Andy in the cemetery.

Their current choice is very simple, that is, to surround and kill Andy and Harry with all their strength.

The duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore is no longer something they can intervene in.

But they must at least ensure that Andy and Harry stay here.


"Soul out of the body! ”

“Avada Kedavra…”

Several spells passed through the half-destroyed cemetery and hit Andy.

The most powerful one came from Lucius Malfoy.

He didn’t know when he had joined the battle and took the lead in attacking Andy.

The numerous attacks of the Death Eaters forced Andy to passively defend.

Behind him was Harry, who had no way to get out of his current position and could only take this wave of attacks.

“Armor to protect yourself! "

Andy used the Shield Charm to block the spell coming from Lucius Malfoy's direction, and then dodged another Death Curse that was not very accurate.

After seeing Voldemort's Death Curse, the spells of ordinary Death Eaters seemed to be in slow motion to Andy.

Andy pointed his finger, and the original ridge disappeared. Two ridges rose again, standing in front and behind Harry.

[Earth Core·Jade Shield]!

Harry felt a golden light enveloping him, warm and exactly the same as Andy's.

While refreshing Andy's shield, the ridge also completely blocked Harry inside, making him

Create two shelters.

"Be careful! Harry!"

The next moment, Andy turned into a torrent, dodged the rest of the spells, rushed out of the encirclement, and unexpectedly reappeared in front of a Death Eater.

"Petrify all!"

The Death Eater didn't expect Andy to dare to take the initiative to attack, and hurriedly retreated. Just as he wanted to distance himself, he was hit by Andy's spell.

The Death Eater's body stiffened, his skin was covered with a layer of gray-white skin, and he fell backwards stiffly.

"Smash to pieces!"

Andy kept moving and cast another crushing spell.

With a bang, Andy's spell directly blew the petrified Death Eater into gray-white fragments.

The best defense is offense!

Andy attacked brazenly and killed one person instantly without mercy!

The Death Eaters who didn't expect Andy to dare to take the initiative to counterattack were all shocked when they saw this scene, and hurriedly surrounded Andy.

As a result, Andy's movements were faster than theirs. He turned into a torrent again, floated back to the original position, and fought fiercely with another Death Eater who tried to take the opportunity to attack and knock Harry unconscious, and forced him back.

At this time, ice spikes fell mercilessly!


A desperate scream came, and a Death Eater closest to Andy shouted in extreme despair.

The ice spikes came like lightning, directly piercing his body and nailing him to the ground.

After being hit by an ice spike, several subsequent ice spikes fell one after another, directly piercing him into a hedgehog.

The screams stopped abruptly, and the bright red blood flowed down the ice spikes, emitting a fishy smell.

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