The first time, the second time.

Andy is a champion of the Triwizard Tournament. Originally, all champions could be exempted from the final exam.

But he is in the fifth grade this year, which is the year of the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination. The final exam can be exempted, but this exam is inevitable.

The Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination is the lowest diploma that can be obtained in the magic world. It is divided into six levels, three good and three bad, O is the best, and T is the worst.

Students who take the exam and get a passing grade or above will be awarded the corresponding certificate.

At Hogwarts, only those who get the corresponding certificates of each subject are eligible to take the advanced course in the next academic year.

The certificate level required for each course varies according to the requirements of the professor.

For example, Snape's Potions class requires students to obtain the highest grade O (Outstanding), which means excellent, in order to continue to take his Potions class in the sixth grade. This condition is very demanding.

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class requires students to obtain E (Exceeds Expectations), which is one level lower than O, to apply for it. This is also the standard for general professors.

The lowest grade that can be qualified for a certificate is A (Acceptable).

Generally speaking, if you want to further your studies, O.W.L.s exams are very important, because there is a seventh-grade Ultimate Wizard Level Exam, referred to as N.E.W.T.s.

If you don't get a good O.W.L.s certificate, you can't apply for the advanced class of the corresponding subject, and naturally you can't get a further N.E.W.T.s certificate.

Some positions in the magic world are very demanding for diplomas.

For example, Aurors are required to have at least five N.E.W.T.s certificates with excellent or good grades.

In response to Andy's situation, the Ministry of Magic sent two wizards working in the Wizard Examination Authority to be responsible for invigilating Andy's exams.

They are Griselda Marchbank, the director of the Wizard Examination Authority, and Professor Tofty.

Marchbank is a witch who looks very old. She looked at Andy and smiled: "Haha, it's really the world of young people now. When I was invigilating Albus's N.E.W.T.s exam, he was as young and vigorous as you."

Andy was shocked: "How old are you this year?"

Marchbank thought for a while and said: "I forgot, what does it matter? Age is just a number."

It is known that Dumbledore was born in the 1980s, and this person was actually the examiner when Dumbledore took the exam.

She is much older than Dumbledore.

Andy's exam room was arranged in a small classroom. After all, he was the only one taking the exam, so he didn't need a large venue.

It was just that this scene was a little embarrassing.

There were more examiners than examinees.

"Let's take it one by one, Mr. Hall. First, all the written tests." Tofty said, taking out a parchment test paper and handing it to Andy, "I believe you know the rules. You can't use cheating quills or take any potions."

The first written test was Charms.

Andy was Professor Flitwick's favorite student, and he studied Charms very seriously.

I don't know if it was because Andy was a champion of the Triwizard Tournament, the test questions were difficult, at least not the same as Andy's understanding of the fifth-year course.

The Charms test required him to write the principles of the Howling Curse and the Confusion Curse, and to demonstrate how to combine these two spells together without conflict.

Andy thought about it for a while, and then began to write his answers on the test paper.

It took him less than twenty minutes to complete all the questions without a pause.

"Professor, I can hand in the paper."

Andy stood up and said with a smile.

"So fast?!" The two wizards sent by the Ministry of Magic to supervise the exam were shocked. "Uh, Mr. Hall, you can think about it again. The exam lasts for two hours."

Andy: "No, I believe I have answered all the questions."

Tofty stepped forward and collected Andy's test paper: "Okay, then all the procedures in the morning are over, and we will have a practical exam in the afternoon."

Andy said shockingly: "If the two professors don't mind, we can start the practical exam now."

"What?" Tofty opened his mouth and looked at Andy in disbelief, "You don't even need to prepare?"


Di: "I've been ready for a long time, Professor."

"This..." Tofty turned to look at his supervisor.

Marchbank smiled and said: "The original examination process will take two weeks, you have plenty of time to prepare."

Andy thought about it and said: "I can't wait for two weeks."

Tofty: "Professor Marchbank, this, I'm afraid..."

Marchbank pondered for a moment and said: "The warriors of the Triwizard Tournament are always different from ordinary people."


Tofty had no way to refute, and turned to get the test papers of other subjects.

For the whole day that followed, Tofty and Marchbank were almost dumbfounded.

Andy's speed was completely beyond their imagination. They had never seen such a fast candidate.

The written tests of all subjects basically did not last more than 20 minutes in Andy's hands.

What bothered Andy was not the difficulty of the test paper, but his writing speed.

It took Andy a whole morning to complete the written examinations of Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and then take the practical examinations in the afternoon.

The practical examinations were no difficulty for Andy.

The examination of Charms required Andy to demonstrate the Growth Charm and the Happy Charm, and to make a silver goblet do a series of anthropomorphic movements.

Andy made it do a tap dance and passed all the examinations smoothly.

In the examination of Transfiguration, the question required Andy to use the Vanishing Charm, which was the most difficult magic that had appeared in the O.W.L.s examination.

But Andy made the object disappear with a touch of his wand, and got full marks without any obstacles.

The day passed smoothly, and the next day, Andy completed the examinations of Potions, History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures and Divination.

Like yesterday, there was a written examination in the morning and a practical examination in the afternoon. There was no practical examination in History of Magic, which saved Andy time.

The practical operation of astronomy was arranged in the evening.

Andy's speed did not slow down at all, but became faster.

Tofty and Marchbank were amazed at Andy's operation.

He was too strong, and he completely crushed them.

Andy was like a bulldozer. As soon as the test questions they took out appeared, Andy ran over them directly. There was no difficulty at all.

All the test contents that were originally expected to be completed in two weeks were completed by Andy in two days.

After the last subject exam, Marchbank shook hands with Andy and praised him: "I am looking forward to seeing you in the N.E.W.T.s exam two years later. I hope I can live to see you."

Andy said: "You will. Thank you very much for these two days, professor."

Tofty was amazed: "I have seen many geniuses, whether they are geniuses who are good at taking exams or geniuses who are better at casting spells. They are far inferior to you, Mr. Hall."

Andy thanked the two of them. He felt very sorry because he had troubled them to work overtime because of him.

Damn Fudge, couldn't they just hand over all the certificates to him?

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