After Andy finished his exams, he returned to the auditorium and caught up with the leaving party. The leaving party was scheduled for the night before the official holiday. As soon as Andy, who had not been seen for two days, showed up, a huge cheer broke out in the auditorium. The students of Ravenclaw stood up and made all kinds of noises crazily. Students from other colleges, including those from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, also applauded. Whether they like Andy or not, no one will deny Andy's strength. They shouted Andy's name, and all their eyes were focused on Andy. This is the gold content of the Hogwarts Warrior! The audience sitting in the stands could not see the game scene clearly. Fortunately, Andy still had Rita Skeeter to be his mouthpiece.

Rita Skeeter's article praised Andy as a genius, and further turned almost all the students in Hogwarts into his fans.

Andy walked along the aisle, constantly high-fiving people on both sides, and it took a long time before he sat next to Qiu Zhang.

Marietta took a notebook and handed it to Andy: "Andy! Sign a few for me! I have many friends who want your autograph!"

Andy laughed and picked up a pen to sign one: "Only one, if you sell more than two Sickles, I want a share."

Marietta took the notebook back with a wry smile.

Qiu Zhang turned around and looked at Andy with a smile in his eyes, which made Andy feel a little scared: "What's wrong?"

Qiu Zhang sighed: "I just didn't expect that the person I met on the street a year ago would become the champion of the Triwizard Tournament now."

Andy's heartbeat accelerated, and he couldn't look at each other anymore, it was a bit unbearable.

Sincerity is the ultimate move!

Andy turned to look at the professors' seats. Snape and Professor McGonagall had returned, and Moody was sitting next to them.

Moody was still dressed the same way, and the missing part of his magic eye was covered with a black eye patch.

Moody seemed a little nervous now, and anyone talking to him was a little uncomfortable.

After all, he had been locked in the box for so long.

Madam Maxime was discussing in a low voice with Hagrid, and Karkaroff's seat was empty.

He had betrayed too many Death Eaters, and it was impossible for him to still have a fluke.

The moment he sensed the summons of the Dark Mark, Karkaroff had decided to run away.

Fudge and Ludo Bagman were not here, and neither was the Goblet of Fire.

Fudge left the castle after coming out of the headmaster's office.

Dumbledore stood up in the professors' seats, and the noisy auditorium suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at Dumbledore, and his expression looked very serious.

"Another year has ended." Dumbledore said, "Tonight, I have a lot to say to all of you."

"First of all, the Triwizard Tournament just ended. As we all know, the warrior from Hogwarts, Andy Hall, finally won the Goblet of Fire and won the championship."

The cheers were about to ring out in the hall, but Dumbledore suppressed them with a timely gesture.

The students looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what this meant.

Seeing that the professors in the professors' seats still had serious expressions, many people gradually realized that something was wrong.

Dumbledore continued, "But you don't understand how difficult this process is. Please pay attention to what I am going to say next. This is by no means alarmist."

"Andy took the Goblet of Fire back from Voldemort!"

As soon as Voldemort's name appeared, the other voices in the hall disappeared at once, and then there were pieces of nervous whispers, and frightened voices came one after another.

Everyone stared at Dumbledore in horror and disbelief.

"This is a conspiracy against Harry. Voldemort wants to return. He tried to kill Harry to prove his pathetic power." Dumbledore said, "I saw all this with my own eyes. I swear on my honor, friends, Voldemort is back!"

"You have all seen the Daily Prophet in the past two days. This is the root cause of the fights and deaths among dark wizards."

Every face in the hall turned to Dumbledore, with shock and fear on their faces, and they couldn't believe what they heard.

Half a minute ago, they were still celebrating Andy's championship and the arrival of the holiday.

In the blink of an eye, they were told that the most terrifying person was back.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the hall, and many people's eyes flowed between Andy and Harry, and then they quickly turned back and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore said loudly: "Andy Hall was the first to arrive at the scene. He was the first to stand up against Voldemort with fearless courage, and successfully killed many Death Eaters, bought the most important time, and saved Harry's life." "Harry Potter also showed a strong will in the process. He never surrendered to Voldemort and his Death Eaters from beginning to end." "I want to pay tribute to both of them. Few wizards can show such a fearless spirit when facing Voldemort." Dumbledore picked up his goblet with his right hand and raised it high to Andy and Harry. Following his action, the professors in the professor's chair also raised their glasses to salute the two. Although the students sitting in the hall were a little confused, they followed suit. Some people still sat there without moving, mainly students from Slytherin College. Draco Malfoy and Crabbe and Goyle beside him were whispering. Malfoy seemed to be fine, and a large group of students around them remained silent.

Dumbledore continued: "The Ministry of Magic doesn't want me to tell you these things. They are worried that it will cause panic again."

"But I believe that telling the truth is always better than lying. Everyone has the right to know where the biggest threat comes from and be prepared."

"Everyone sitting in this hall now will be welcomed back at any time. In this difficult time, we need to unite more."

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