The time to leave school soon arrived. Andy and Cho Chang had packed their luggage and gathered in the foyer, waiting for the carriage to take everyone to Hogsmeade Station.

As at the beginning of the semester, students had to take the Hogwarts Express to leave the castle.

"Andy! Cho!"

Fleur walked up the steps with her sister Gabrielle, with a bright smile on her face, and greeted Andy and Cho Chang. They were here to say goodbye.

The Beauxbatons carriage in the distance shone in the sun, like a golden palace. Hagrid was putting the rope on the giant horse pulling the carriage. The rest of the Beauxbatons students had already entered the carriage and were ready to set off.

Qiu Zhang squatted down, holding Gabrielle's hand, with a flicker of reluctance in his eyes: "You are going back, I really don't want to leave."

Gabrielle looked up, and the same emotion was revealed in her eyes.

In this year, they spent many unforgettable times in Hogwarts. Now that they are about to part, they can't help but feel a little sad.

Andy and Qiu Zhang are also the few friends the two sisters have made in Hogwarts.

Gabrielle said pitifully: "I really want to stay in Hogwarts, but I have to go back to school."

Andy smiled and said: "Transfer to Hogwarts, it's much more fun here than Beauxbatons, I'll take you to find the giant octopus under the Black Lake."

"Really?" Gabrielle's eyes lit up.

Furong quickly pulled Gabrielle back. If Andy said a few more words, Gabrielle would be abducted.

Andy: "What are your plans? You are about to graduate, right?"

Fleur said: "I plan to find a job here."

"Madame Maxime hinted to me that she and Dumbledore have reached some agreement and will not appear in Beauxbatons often next year."

"I believe you, Andy. The man you said you can't even name is back. I will make sure he is in trouble."

Qiu Zhang was curious: "The power of the mysterious man should never have spread to France? Why do you hate him so much?"

Fleur gritted her teeth: "Don't think I don't know that the person who attacked me in the maze is his subordinate."

Gabrielle waved her fist: "That's right! This revenge must be avenged!"

Andy sweated, a woman who holds grudges, fortunately he and Fleur are no longer a problem.

Andy thought for a while and said: "If you want to find a job, you can go to Gringotts. I remember they have a lot of vacancies."

Fleur nodded, indicating that she remembered it, and then moved, stepped forward and gave Andy and Qiu Zhang a big hug respectively.

"Take care of yourself."

The four looked at each other, their eyes were a little sad.

Fleur and Gabrielle waved: "If you have a chance, come to France to play with us."

Andy: "Yes, Voldemort breaks into Hogwarts, we will definitely be the first to run."

Qiu Zhang heard this and gave Andy an unpleasant look.

Fleur took Gabrielle and turned down the steps and got on the Beauxbatons carriage.

A low and resentful voice came from behind Andy and Qiu Zhang: "At least you still have Dumbledore. As the headmaster, he is many times stronger than Karkaroff..."

The two turned around and saw Krum, who also came to say goodbye.

His mental state seemed to be much better. He probably knew from others why Andy became so excited in the maze. There was no fear in his eyes when he looked at Andy.

Instead, there was a faint sadness...

Apart from his star halo, Krum is actually a pretty good guy.

Andy gets along well with him.

Qiu Zhang: "Still no news about Professor Karkaroff?"

Krum: "Yeah, but it's okay. Even if he's here, he won't do anything. Even without him, we can still drive the ship back."

Andy: "Without the headmaster, Durmstrang will inevitably fall into chaos."

"Maybe." Krum hesitated, "I forgot to ask you, when you Apparated away from the maze that day, did you really see that person?"

Andy nodded: "Voldemort is really back, and your headmaster ran away because of this."

"He probably won't show up again, you'd better be mentally prepared."

Krum's face was gloomy, as if he had given up on himself, he said: "What else can we do?"

Andy smiled: "Look at the bright side, it's not bad for Durmstrang to be able to take the opportunity to get rid of him."

Krum: "Well, I'm sorry about what happened that day. Now that I think about it, it was me

You overestimate your own abilities."

Andy waved his hand: "It's all in the past, I didn't take it seriously."

The main thing is that the ending is not bad, and those who died are all Death Eaters.

"By the way, this is for you." Krum handed Andy a beautifully decorated booklet.

Andy took it doubtfully, and Krum said: "When I was controlled by that man with the Imperius Curse, thanks to your presence, otherwise I would be in great danger. I have never thought of how to thank you, and finally decided to give you this."

"It records some of my excerpts of magic experience, all of which I saw in the library of Durmstrang."

"To be honest, I doubt whether these are useful to you. After all, you are so powerful, but you asked me many times, and I don't have anything else to show. I can't sign it for you, right? You are not a fan of Quidditch. "

Andy was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Krum had lost his memory. Otherwise, he would be furious if he knew that Andy had knocked him out when he was controlled by Barty.

Andy flipped open the booklet and saw a few big words on the first page: "Several ways to use the Cruciatus Curse to accurately find the enemy's weaknesses in battle"

Really digging deep into the heart and digging into the user's pain points.

Good guy, what exactly does Durmstrang teach?

It was a mistake. I should have gone to Durmstrang.

Andy quickly put the booklet away: "Thanks, I like it very much."

Krum nodded, shook hands with Andy, then turned around and looked around, as if looking for a figure.

Andy broke the fantasy: "Don't look, Hermione hasn't come down yet."

Krum sighed: "Okay, I will insist on writing to her."

Andy hit back: "Do you know her address? "

Krum froze, as if he had been injured internally. He did not answer the question and limped away.

Real injury is the most real injury in the world!

The carriages that picked up the students arrived at the castle gate one after another. In front of each carriage, there was a black Pegasus similar to a reptile, responsible for pulling the carriage and controlling the carriage's progress.

They were skinny, with black fur tightly attached to their skeletons. Every bone in their bodies was clearly visible. A pair of huge black wings grew out of the bulge between the shoulder bones, looking almost like a bat.

This is the Thestrals. Only those who have witnessed death can see their figures.

When Andy first entered Hogwarts, he did not take a carriage. He took a boat across the Black Lake with the first-year students to reach the castle.

Qiu Zhang could not see the Thestrals, and walked towards one of the carriages with Andy.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will have a peaceful holiday.

It is also the last one.

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