The two of them were very busy.

Andy and Qiu Zhang boarded the Hogwarts Express and randomly found a compartment.

As soon as they opened the door of the compartment, they found that there were already people inside.



Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting inside, and they had obviously just settled down not long ago.

"Are there any seats left?"

Andy asked.

Harry and the others quickly vacated a seat on one side and let the two sit in.

Harry was still a little uncomfortable seeing Qiu Zhang now, but it was much better than before.

It should be said that since he realized the huge gap in strength between himself and Andy, his performance has become much more normal.

On the contrary, Hermione became a little shy after seeing Andy.

She was holding a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hand. After Andy came in, she simply greeted him and kept looking out the window, not daring to look Andy in the eye.

Andy was sharp and noticed something unusual. Hermione couldn't resist and surrendered: "Andy, I'm sorry, I told them about that."

"?" Andy was puzzled.

Harry: "Rita Skeeter! You didn't even tell us that she was also an illegal Animagus!"

Ron: "Yes! You and Hermione were doing that kind of thing in the garden on the day of the Christmas party!"


Qiu Zhang turned his head to look at Andy. What kind of thing?

Andy felt Qiu Zhang's hand on his waist, and cold sweat came down: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't tell you because you can't keep a secret."

Ron complained: "There is no such thing, I am good at keeping secrets."

He felt that he had missed 100 million, and Andy and Hermione actually made such a shocking melon quietly.

Harry was surprised: "So Rita Skeeter is really under your control now? She needs your approval for anything she wants to write?"

"No wonder she found out about Peter some time ago and spoke for Sirius, that's it!"

"I said she couldn't be so kind and suddenly stop attacking Hermione."

Andy: "I guess so. I asked her to write about Peter's affairs. She and I are in a cooperative relationship now."

Harry sighed: "Why do I feel that there are Animagus everywhere now, even Rita Skeeter."

Andy smiled, opened the dark magic booklet Krum sent and flipped through it, and said casually: "Learning Animagus is very painful. You can't talk and eat normally for at least a month. In addition to enduring these, you also need to have a good understanding of potions."

Harry thought about it and shook his head in frustration: "Forget it, I don't think I can stick to it."

They didn't talk for a few words, and with a snap, the door of the room opened, and Draco Malfoy appeared at the door with Crabbe and Goyle.

He spotted Harry at first sight, with a sneer on his face, staring at Harry and saying, "You were talking about Rita Skeeter? Is she one of yours?"

"What a pity, she's going to be in trouble soon."

Harry: "What do you mean?"

Ron immediately shouted, "Get out! Malfoy!"

Malfoy covered his nose and looked at Ron with a disgusted expression: "Don't talk to me, Weasley, haven't you seen your father with stinky eggs hanging all over his body? No matter how stinky the stinky eggs are, they can't cover up the poor smell of your family."

Ron jumped up in anger and rushed towards Malfoy, but was stopped by Crabbe.

Malfoy looked at Harry and sneered: "I told you to choose your friends carefully."

"But it's too late now, Potter! Because the Dark Lord is back! The first to go is the brazen Rita Skeeter, and then the Weasleys and Mudbloods who like Muggles."

"Mudbloods will always be Mudbloods. Once they are stained with the smell of Muggles, they can never get rid of it, even if they learn magic..."

Dada, Andy, who had been silent all this time, knocked on the edge of the box door with his hand.

Malfoy suddenly stopped talking, his face stiffened and he turned his head. He saw that Andy and Qiu Zhang were also in this box.

Andy sat by the door, sitting with Qiu Zhang, and the row of seats opposite was Harry and his group.

Malfoy opened the door and fired directly at Harry. The box door just blocked Andy, so that he didn't see Andy and Qiu Zhang at all.

Andy was helpless. Whenever he wanted to be alone, Malfoy would always come to disturb him.

Beat up a dragon, the Overlord of the Black Lake, the champion of the Triwizard Tournament, and was suspected of killing several people by himself.

The mysterious and powerful Death Eater...

Andy now has countless halos, and he is no longer the same as before.

This time it was Malfoy's turn to sweat.

Everyone knew that Andy and Qiu Zhang always stayed together. Just now, he seemed to have said the word "mudblood" in front of these two people...

Malfoy wanted to retreat with Crabbe and Goyle, but felt a wand against his back.

Fred and George stood behind them at some point. The twins obviously heard Malfoy's insult to Mr. Weasley just now. They stared at the three of them with unfriendly faces and pushed them into the box.

The box suddenly became crowded, and the twins could only stand at the door.

George still had the mind to joke. He laughed coldly and looked at Andy and asked, "Which arm should be removed? Boss?"

Fred: "I think it's better to sink it into the Black Lake."

"No hurry." Andy sat in his seat, looked at Malfoy and smiled, "I want to ask you a question."


Malfoy's face turned pale.

Andy whispered, "How dare you say the word Mudblood in front of me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Andy waved his wand lightly, and a faint breath shot out, like an invisible chain, tightly wrapped around Malfoy.

Malfoy's neck suddenly tightened, and was tightly strangled by a powerful force. He was suddenly pulled up from the ground, his feet off the ground, and was fiercely dragged into the air.

Malfoy's face instantly lost its color, his eyes were wide open, and his hands tightly covered his neck, trying to stop the force from tightening further.

However, it was useless. His feet kicked helplessly in the air, and a faint roar came out of his throat, which was full of fear and despair.

He felt that he was about to suffocate.

Neck-breaking curse, a small magic that Andy had just seen in the booklet sent by Krum.

As the name suggests, the effect of this spell can be seen from the name of this spell.

In history, a headmaster of Durmstrang used this spell to break the necks of several students at once. Since then, this magic has been listed as a more dangerous spell.

Malfoy was suddenly attacked, and Crabbe and Goyle beside him were horrified. They almost instinctively rushed towards Andy.

Andy ignored their actions. He didn't even look at them, but just waved his wand lightly.

There was a loud bang, and the whole box was shaken.

Crabbe and Goyle's bodies were pulled by an invisible force, flying out uncontrollably, and hit the wall next to the window heavily.

They groaned in pain, then lost consciousness and fell to the ground unconscious.

Fred couldn't help but whistled and praised: "Cool!"

Ron and Harry watched all this with their mouths wide open.

They had a lot of grievances with Crabbe and Goyle, and they could be regarded as old rivals.

However, they never thought that one day they would see these two people being dealt with so easily by Andy.

"Ahem... woooo... help... help..."

Malfoy's face turned from red to purple, tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes uncontrollably, and he begged for mercy with difficulty.

Qiu Zhang squeezed Andy's hand and shook his head slightly.

Andy then lifted the magic.

Malfoy instantly lost his balance, fell from mid-air, fell to the ground, covered his neck, and breathed in fresh air.

He couldn't stop shaking all over, and for the first time he felt so close to death.

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