The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

Qiu Zhang worriedly tugged at Andy's clothes from behind.

Malfoy was a classmate at Hogwarts after all, so he couldn't go too far.

In the past, his conflicts with Harry were just minor fights between students.

Andy's first move was a killing move, which was a bit scary.

Andy shook his head slightly, indicating that it was okay.

" can't do this." Malfoy fell to the ground, holding his already purple neck, and trembling, he said, "This is...murder! It's illegal! can't use this spell on me!"

"I...I want..."

"Yeah." Andy admitted straightforwardly, "But what can you do? Go home and tell your father?"

Andy's words made Malfoy feel like a basin of cold water was poured over his head, and he woke up instantly.

He looked up, and the atmosphere in the box seemed to solidify. Including Hermione and Qiu Zhang, everyone was looking at him with disgust.

There was no sympathy in those eyes, only contempt for his behavior.

Malfoy's popularity was first-class.

Qiu Zhang's stop to Andy just now was not out of pity for him, but for Andy's consideration, not wanting Andy to get into trouble.

Malfoy realized the seriousness of the problem and felt a spontaneous fear.

He had never felt so real and from the bottom of his heart that it was a mistake to come to Harry Potter today.

Before he could figure out how to get out, Andy had already walked in front of him, squatted down, gently grabbed his golden hair, and slowly lifted his head.

Malfoy felt a sharp pain and instinctively wanted to struggle, but when he met Andy's eyes, all his movements froze.

There was no fluctuation in Andy's eyes, as if Malfoy was just a speck of dust in his eyes, or a worthless piece of garbage.

Malfoy remembered what he had read in the newspaper.

The owner of these eyes had killed people and would never take his life to heart.

The fear in Malfoy's heart surged like a tide, he felt his bones were weak, and the whole person seemed to be drained of strength, and collapsed to the ground.

He tried to speak to defend himself, but felt that his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't say a word.

"I have two things to tell you." Andy's voice was not loud, but it sounded like a thunderclap in Malfoy's ears. "First, I don't want to hear the word mudblood come out of your mouth again."

"Second, you should learn from your father. The next time you see me, it's best to stay as far away as possible."

Malfoy was puzzled. He understood the first sentence, but he couldn't understand the second half of Andy's sentence at all.

Andy: "Your father has escaped from me twice like a mouse. I'm surprised that Lucius Malfoy didn't tell you about this. It seems that he doesn't want to destroy his great image in your mind."

"If you saw how your father fled from me, you would find that he was no different from other Death Eaters who died in my hands."

"Lucius Malfoy is still alive not because he is very capable, but because he is lucky. There were people who were stupider than him standing in front of me at that time."

Malfoy subconsciously retorted: "No... Impossible."

However, Andy did not give him the opportunity to continue speaking. He shook his robe lightly, and an exquisite wand with light gold decoration appeared in his hand.

Malfoy's pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant. He recognized this wand. This was his father's wand!

Fear was like a cold snake wrapped around Malfoy's heart. He wanted to scream in fear, but Andy pulled his head violently and the whole person was dragged into the air.

Andy's voice came slowly: "Go back and tell your father that I will settle accounts with him sooner or later, and tell him to wait at home obediently."

"Don't run away~."

After Andy finished speaking, he threw Malfoy out of the box.

Fred and George, who were standing at the door, quickly moved away, and Malfoy fell to the ground without any hindrance, trying to stand up in a daze.

Andy pointed his wand, and Crabbe and Goyle flew out, hitting Malfoy who had just climbed up.

"Get out of my sight."

Crabbe and Goyle, who were thrown around, opened their eyes and got up from the ground neatly. No matter how stupid they were, they understood what had just happened.


Andy was definitely not someone they could afford to offend.

The two of them each held one of Malfoy's arms, lifted Malfoy up, and followed him away.

"Get lost!"

"You're right, just like your father!"

Fred and George shouted excitedly at the backs of the three of them.

In the box, Ron and Harry were also a little scared.

Andy was smiling the whole time when he threatened Malfoy, which made him look even more creepy.

Just now, Andy admitted that he was the person mentioned in the newspaper, right?

So those dead Death Eaters were killed by Andy?

Ron shuddered, quietly moved his butt, and sat farther away from Andy.

Harry was also at the scene at the time. Following Andy's words, he recalled the scene of corpses everywhere at that time, and his face turned green.

Hermione asked worriedly, "That spell just now... Will Malfoy be okay?"

Qiu Zhang snorted and said first, "So what? Does he dare to go back and tell his father?"

Andy agreed with Qiu Zhang's statement, "This is called solving the problem once and for all. He shouldn't dare to mention the word mudblood again."

"More than that." Fred said happily, "I guess he won't dare to hang around you anymore."

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