The train arrived at the station late at night.

Only the occasional street lamp provided illumination on the desolate road, which looked extremely gloomy.

Even worse than this was the weather.

The heavy rain rolled down from the sky, hitting the windows, and it was foggy and nothing could be seen.

The Hogwarts Express would not stop directly at Hogwarts, but at Hogsmeade, a village next to Hogwarts.

Hogsmeade is very well-known and is the only pure wizard village in the UK, very close to Hogwarts.

It is far away from Muggles, allowing every wizard to cast magic with confidence.

"We've arrived!"

As soon as the train stopped, Andy and Qiu Zhang, who had already changed into school robes, followed the crowd out.

When they stepped out of the train, the heavy rain mixed with the night sky gave everyone a startle.

The British were not used to carrying umbrellas, including wizards.

Many students rushed out in the rain.

Andy reached out his hand calmly, patted Qiu Zhang on the shoulder, and used the ability of the Aquarius.

The next moment, a thin layer of wind pressure rolled up and covered the surface of Andy and Qiu Zhang's bodies.

From the outside, there was no abnormality on the two people.

But the rain fell on the two people and was automatically bounced away by the breeze, leaving no trace on them at all.

The Eye of God represents its own element.

And the Aquarius is the Eye of God with wind attribute.

This is just a small application of the Aquarius.

Andy thought about it again, took out a thick licorice lollipop from his pocket, and turned it into a huge umbrella with a wand.

The rain didn't wet them, and if others saw them, they would be suspected. In order to hide from others, it would be better to hold an umbrella.

Among the students who were running wildly with their heads down to avoid the rain, the two were as conspicuous as fireflies in the dark.

Qiu Zhang looked up and said in surprise: "Thank you, Andy."

Andy was curious: "Aren't you surprised why I know this magic? You didn't teach me."

Qiu Zhang shook his hand and said indifferently: "I know you will secretly read my textbooks, it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't know this magic."

What's the matter with this feeling of letting things go?

According to convention, after getting off the bus, students have to walk a short distance and then take a carriage to Hogwarts.

Andy was about to follow Qiu Zhang, but he heard a loud voice in the crowd calling his name, and through the dripping rain, it still reached Andy's ears accurately.

"Hall! Andy Hall! Follow me!"

Andy looked up and found a tall figure holding an oil lamp, standing at the exit of the train platform, calling his name.

At the same time, people around him looked over.

The discussion poured into Andy's ears.

"Hall? Andy Hall? Is that the mysterious man in the Daily Prophet?"

"I heard that he defeated several dark wizards alone!"

"Please, there is not even a photo in the newspaper. It can be seen that those reporters are just listening to rumors. I don't believe it."

Andy asked Qiu Zhang, "Who is that?"

In the vast rain, he couldn't see the other person's face at all.

Qiu Zhang thought for a moment and said, "That's Hagrid, the professor of Care of Magical Creatures, but I didn't take his class before. He was also a gamekeeper."

"I almost forgot that you are a freshman, Andy, and you can't go with us. Then you go, I'll go find Marietta and the others."

"Okay, then we'll meet in the castle." Andy said goodbye to Qiu Zhang, handed her the umbrella, and waited for a long time before walking towards Hagrid.

The gossipers around saw that Andy had not appeared for a long time, and because of the heavy rain, they also lost interest in Andy's appearance and got on the carriage.

Andy calmly mixed in, walked through the crowd, and walked in front of Hagrid.

When he got in front of Hagrid, Andy found that Hagrid was too tall, a full three meters above. Andy's height was not short, but it could only barely reach the same height as his belt.

Hagrid is a half-blood giant.

It is impossible for ordinary humans to grow that tall.

Andy said, "Hello, Professor Hagrid, I am Andy Hall."

"Please don't call me professor, I'm still not used to this title, just call me Hagrid." Hagrid, who was soaked all over, was a little embarrassed and moved the oil lamp closer to Andy to see his face clearly, "I

Professor McGonagall is in charge of welcoming the new students. I asked me to take you with me. "

"After all, you know that your identity is a bit special, right? You will follow me later, okay?"

"You must first participate in the sorting before you can officially enter Hogwarts."

After that, Hagrid raised his head and shouted: "New students! First-year students! Come to me!"

In the noisy crowd, Hagrid's full-bodied voice scared the others, and Andy covered his ears as prepared.

It should be said that Hagrid is indeed very talented in taking care of children.

At least his voice is loud enough to penetrate the rain curtain, and his body is also very deterrent.

Except for Andy, every first-year student was stunned when he saw him, and then stood aside obediently.

No one dared to be naughty.

One after another, all the first-year students arrived.

Hagrid took them and Andy and walked on a A muddy path, heading towards Hogwarts.

No one was in the mood to chat, except Andy, everyone lowered their heads and walked quickly.

Andy and a large group of freshmen walked across a stone bridge, through the cold path, and finally came to a lake.

In this group of people, apart from the leader Hagrid, the most conspicuous one was Andy.

The other freshmen were all first-year students, and compared with Andy, they looked like children.

A thin boy came over curiously and looked at Andy: "Hello, are you also a freshman?"

Andy said with a straight face: "No, I'm not, I'm your teaching assistant."

"Oh~" The freshman who asked the question suddenly realized and ran back to the crowd.

Hagrid led everyone to stand by the lake, where a row of small boats were placed.

"Divide into groups, four people in one boat, get on the boat! "Hagrid shouted.

Hagrid was so big that he occupied a small boat by himself, holding an oil lamp and leading the way.

The other small boats could accommodate at least four people, with plenty of space.

Only Hagrid's boat seemed to have reached its limit and was about to sink.

Andy got on another boat with three other first-year students.

There were two girls and the boy who asked him questions just now.

After everyone got on the boat, without any power, the boats automatically sailed out of the shore under the effect of magic.

The freshmen sailed along the lake all the way to Hogwarts.

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