The two girls were very excited.

"Hello, my name is Dennis Cleves, my brother is also studying at Hogwarts, he is in Gryffindor, which house do you want to enter the most?"

Ignoring the rain, the boy who asked Andy the question first spoke.

The other two girls immediately excitedly said their intended houses, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor respectively.

Dennis looked at Andy with a little restraint: "What about you? I just heard Hagrid call you Andy, do you think I can enter Gryffindor?"

Andy said: "I don't know, it depends on what kind of monster you can defeat, a troll or a werewolf."

"What do you mean?"

Andy sneered: "You heard it right, if you want to enter the corresponding college, you have to fight those strange monsters."

This is also a common joke played by someone who knows the inside story on freshmen.

Of course, the Hogwarts branch cannot let students fight monsters.

But Andy can always keep them in such a shocked state of mind until they arrive at the castle. In such a gloomy and rainy night, it is very suitable for telling horror stories.

Andy wanted to play a prank and wanted to see how the three children would react.

As a result, he found that the three of them looked at him strangely.

Dennis said, "Well... you don't know that we will use the Sorting Hat to sort the houses, right?"


Dennis spread his hands: "Now that information is so advanced, Colin has told me that there is nothing to be afraid of in the Sorting."

The other two girls also nodded in agreement.


The system's laughter came at the right time.

Andy was crazy: "Why are you so curious? How do you know everything?"

At this time, the fleet passed a low cliff and turned a corner.

A huge castle complex came into view.

Even through the rain, it is still difficult to ignore its existence.

That is Hogwarts Castle.

Under the vast night sky, Hogwarts looks even more magnificent.

Hogwarts has never been a single tower and a single square building.

Instead, it is a complex of buildings consisting of more than a dozen towers of different sizes and various spaces, including a large area of ​​woods and gardens.


After seeing Hogwarts Castle with their own eyes, everyone exclaimed. Most people also saw Hogwarts for the first time.

Dennis even stood up from the boat excitedly, wanting to see it more clearly.

As a result, he lost his balance due to the slippery weather and screamed as he flipped out of the boat.

"Be careful!"


With a splash, the splash raised by Dennis woke everyone up.

Hagrid stopped his boat nervously and turned back to shout, "What's wrong?"

He then found Dennis struggling in the water.

Just as Hagrid was about to jump into the water, he saw Andy quickly stand up, take out his wand, point at Dennis in the water, and say, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Dennis' body just fell into the water, turned around and floated up instantly.

He was only in the water for a short while before he was rescued by Andy's levitation spell and put back on the boat.

"Wow! It's magic!"

"You're amazing!"

The other two girls on the boat looked at Andy in admiration.

The freshmen on the boats around were the same.

Before going to school, there were only a few people who could use magic skillfully, let alone as skilled as Andy.

Many people looked at Andy with different eyes in an instant.

Dennis sat on the boat, grabbing his body in shock, and then felt a piercing chill and sneezed violently.

Hagrid rowed his boat over and covered Dennis with his fur coat.

Andy also used a few spells to remove water stains to help Dennis warm his body.

"Ah Qiu! Thank you... Ah Qiu! Thank you, Andy, Hagrid..." Dennis said tremblingly.

Hagrid patted Dennis on the shoulder with his big hand across the boat: "Welcome to Hogwarts, kid!"

The lake water next to him surged frequently, and a huge octopus tentacle rose from the water, waving in front of everyone for a few times, and then dived into the water, causing another round of exclamations.

Hagrid was not surprised by this, and even greeted the big octopus in the water skillfully, and then shouted: "Okay! Let's go!"

Hagrid patted the boat under him and

Under his leadership, the fleet began to move forward again.

The boat was moving neither slowly nor slowly, and after a while, it finally arrived at the Hogwarts boathouse.

At this time, everyone was cold and tired, only Dennis was getting more and more excited along the way, Hagrid's coat was still on his head, making him look very thin.

He seemed to be extremely proud of the fact that he fell into the water and was rescued, and he told everyone he met.

Led by Hagrid, Andy and the others got off the boat here, walked along the tunnel and long stone steps to the entrance hall.

Professor McGonagall had been waiting here early.

Hagrid stepped forward and said a few words to Professor McGonagall, and pointed at Dennis.

"I dare say you will be sorted into Gryffindor College, just like your brother, Mr. Creevey."

"Thank you, Hagrid, leave them to me." Professor McGonagall said, "We'll see you at the dinner later."

Hagrid nodded, took his oil lamp and left again.

Then Professor McGonagall glanced at the crowd and easily found Andy, saying, "Nice to see you again, Mr. Hall."

"Hagrid told me that you just showed a very perfect spellcasting skill. Well done. It's a pity that you haven't been sorted yet, otherwise I would definitely add a few points to your college."

Before Andy could speak, the freshmen around him exclaimed again, looking at Andy with unbelievable eyes.


"Is he Andy Hall?"

"No, isn't he our assistant?"

"Stupid, there are no assistants in Hogwarts."

"I think it makes sense. He can defeat the dark wizard and just saved the drowning man. He is naturally qualified to be our assistant..."

Professor McGonagall stopped them loudly: "Quiet!"

"I believe you already know that before entering the castle, you all need to participate in the sorting ceremony."

"This will determine which of the four colleges you will enter, but no matter whether you are sorted into Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, you are all part of Hogwarts."

"Okay, now line up in two rows and follow me. Mr. Hall, you are the first one."

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