After Andy heated the crucible to the ideal temperature, he quickly added the narcissus root powder soaked in wormwood extract. The potion in his crucible became visibly visibly viscous, and a lot of light blue steam came out. Then, after Andy slightly increased the firepower, his potion turned into a tea-brown liquid with a faint purple glow. "Andy, come on." Qiu Zhang bit her lip and stood behind Andy. She didn't dare to disturb Andy and could only speak softly. Everyone in the classroom watched Andy's actions, trying to find his mistakes and add points for their own colleges, especially the Hufflepuff students. But they soon found out to their disappointment that they couldn't do it. First, they had no idea how to make this potion, and Andy looked confident, and didn't seem to have made any mistakes.

Secondly, some people were paying attention to Andy and the formula written by Snape on the blackboard at the same time.

Then they were surprised to find that Andy had not even looked at the blackboard at all!

And his potion was already emitting a drowsy smell, which was the main feature of the living hell potion!

This meant that Andy could complete the configuration of the potion independently by himself, without the standard process provided by Snape.

Snape, who was standing aside, of course, also discovered this.

Andy's performance has been perfect so far.

Even Snape couldn't find any faults.

Seeing Andy's progress getting smoother and smoother, Snape's face became more and more ugly.

"Next, use a silver dagger to cut the sleepy beans to extract the juice, and pour it into the crucible. The potion should change from dark purple to light snow blue..." A Ravenclaw student read while looking at the blackboard.

This is exactly what Andy is going to do next.

Snape sneered, "Come on, Mr. Hall, show us your ultimate silver dagger skills."

"Oh no..." Some people in the crowd who supported Andy had already started to hold their heads.

The size of the sleepy bean is very small and very smooth.

Only experienced wizards can use the silver dagger to smoothly cut the sleepy bean.

Even many seventh-year students at Hogwarts cannot master this skill.

Andy picked up the sleepy bean, and just when everyone was waiting for him to make a mistake, they saw Andy turn the silver dagger sideways, not to cut the sleepy bean, but to press the side on the sleepy bean and squeeze it hard.

The juice of the sleepy bean burst out instantly, and then Andy quickly collected it and added it to the potion.

"What is he doing?"

"Huh? Can it be like this?"

The students around looked at Andy's operation in surprise.

On the other side, Snape's pupils widened in surprise.

"This is..."

Snape pushed aside several students who were blocking his way and walked to the opposite side of Andy. He looked at Andy's hands moving non-stop, squeezing out the juice from the beans one by one, and said coldly: "What are you doing?"

Andy replied without raising his head: "Processing the beans."

"Why don't you make it according to the method in the textbook?"

Andy's hands finally stopped briefly.

He looked up at Snape's expressionless face and said, "Because squeezing with the side of a dagger makes it easier to release juice than slicing."

"I'm still wondering why no one has ever discovered this technique and updated the content of the textbook."

Snape said, "Who do you think you are? Are you qualified to question the potion master who wrote the textbook?"

Andy said, "I didn't question anyone. This has nothing to do with the author's qualifications. I just chose a more efficient way."

Snape wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Qiu Zhang on the side: "Professor, do you want to use language to interfere with Andy and make him fail?"

"Is this method a bit too despicable?"

Snape glared at Qiu Zhang fiercely, and then finally stopped and walked aside angrily.

He didn't want to give Qiu Zhang and Andy an excuse.

Although Snape shut up, his heart was not as calm as he seemed.

Because Andy's method of squeezing the beans with a silver dagger to make the juice come out was a processing technique first discovered and improved by Snape!

In fact, although Snape is a bad person, he is an absolute master in making potions.

He has his own understanding of many potions, such as

For example, for the Living Hell Potion, Snape found that squeezing the sleepy beans would be better.

This was his discovery when he was in Hogwarts. Snape was undoubtedly a genius in making potions.

This was the real trap left by Snape.

He himself discovered and improved a better production method, but he only gave Andy the standard production process in the textbook.

Even if Andy made a good Living Hell Potion according to the plan in the textbook, Snape could easily make a better potion than Andy with his own processing skills to prove that Andy did not meet his requirements.

After that, Andy let him do whatever he wanted.

But unexpectedly, Andy actually cracked Snape's design himself.

Snape looked at Andy, who was moving non-stop, with a sullen face, and Andy was unmoved.

This was the confidence that the Eye of God brought him, allowing him to face Snape's provocation head-on.

Snape was a potion master, but Sugar, as an alchemist, was equally good!

Here, Andy has already added all the juice of the sleepy beans into the crucible, and then he will start stirring.

At this time, the other students no longer care about the tension between Snape and Andy, and began to concentrate on the effect of Andy's potion.

Andy actually had the courage to change the formula privately, which was something they could not imagine.

What's more amazing is that Snape did not object to him doing this, nor did he sneer at him.

This made others feel that Andy seemed to be doing something very new.

"Next, you must stir the potion counterclockwise until the potion becomes as clear as water." A student next to him looked at the blackboard and read unconsciously.

Andy picked up the long-handled spoon, reached into the crucible, and began to stir counterclockwise.

However, after stirring seven times in a row, he suddenly changed direction and stirred clockwise.

Everyone looked at this scene in surprise. Is this another processing technique outside the textbook? !

"This is impossible..." Snape was even more surprised.

This was also one of the techniques he had researched to make the process of making the Living Hell Potion smoother.

Unexpectedly, Andy used all of them.

Andy maintained this rhythm, stirring in reverse seven and forward one.

The potion in his hand quickly became as clear as water.

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