The potion was made in a hurry.

"Professor, I'm done."

Andy said, presenting the potion in his hand to Snape.

The students around gathered around, wanting to see if Andy's potion was successful.

But Snape's livid face could actually tell.

This potion of potion was as plain as water, exuding a faint fragrance of herbs and plants, and a slightly uncomfortable touch.

There is no doubt that this is a perfect potion of potion.

Andy's time card was also quite perfect.

Snape gave him a class, but at this time, the class time was just halfway through, and Andy had already finished it.

Whether judging from efficiency or operation, Andy was impeccable.

In the expectant eyes, Snape lowered his eyes and looked at the potion in front of him for a long time without saying anything.

Andy said: "Don't you want to try the effect of the potion, Professor?"

"...No need." Snape squeezed out a few words from the corner of his mouth, without even looking at Andy.

After that, he walked past the others and walked out of the classroom regardless of anything.

"Professor!" When Snape was about to walk out of the underground classroom, Andy stopped him, "Have you forgotten what you promised me?"

Andy pointed at Qiu Zhang, who became a little nervous and waved his hand quickly, signaling Andy to stop talking.

Andy continued: "I did what you asked me to do, now it's your turn."

"According to our agreement, you have to apologize to Qiu Zhang."

Snape turned around, looked at Andy expressionlessly, and walked back a few steps again.

Everyone could see that he was extremely angry and was trying to suppress his anger.

He walked so slowly that the students who had just surrounded Andy hurriedly backed away, as if Snape was a man-eating monster.

Snape in this form was really scary in the eyes of ordinary students.

Only Andy held Qiu Zhang and stood there without moving, looking directly into Snape's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Miss Zhang." After a stalemate, Snape finally said slowly, his tone seemed to be describing a dead person, without any emotion.

He said Qiu Zhang's name, but his eyes were firmly fixed on Andy.

Hearing Snape say sorry, Andy smiled again.

"We'll see, Hall." Snape approached Andy and whispered in a voice that only Andy could hear.

After that, he raised his head and said, "get out of class is over."

Snape walked out of the classroom first.

As soon as he left, the Ravenclaw students in the classroom excitedly surrounded Andy again and burst into a small cheer.

Andy reminded in time: "He hasn't gone far yet."

The cheers stopped abruptly, and everyone hurriedly dispersed, pretending to be calm and packing up their belongings.

Many people patted Andy's shoulders before leaving, unable to suppress the excitement on their faces.

In the direct confrontation between students and Snape, students rarely get the upper hand, and Andy is the first person who can make Snape apologize.

Although he will definitely be strongly targeted by Snape later, at least today, they are happy to see it.

They didn't learn anything in this potion class today.

But there is no doubt that this is the most exciting potion class they have ever experienced.

Qiu Zhang worriedly said: "Andy, you shouldn't be like this. Snape is not a generous person. He won't let you go."

Andy said: "It's better to let him target me than to target you."

Qiu Zhang looked at Andy helplessly. It was only the first day of school, and he provoked Snape. Who knows what Andy can do later.

Andy smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can fight him back. It all comes down to your guidance."

Qiu Zhang couldn't help but laugh and said, "Don't be silly, I can't even make the Hell Potion myself."

"When did you learn to make this potion?"

Andy smiled and said, "I only saw it once in a book."

Even though he knew it was true, Qiu Zhang couldn't help but look surprised.

He only looked at the formula once, and he was able to copy it exactly, and even make more efficient innovations.

Andy's talent in potions seems to be more terrifying than his spells.

Andy didn't lie, he did read it from a book.

It's just that he didn't read Qiu Zhang's or his own book, but Qiu Zhang's.

Zhang's mother's potion book.

When Andy was at Qiu Zhang's house, he read almost all the books he could read.

With a strong memory, it was not difficult to remember some of the more well-known recipes.

More importantly than reading books, Andy had made many basic potions at home.

Without previous experience, even if Andy knew the formula, he could not make the Living Hell Potion.

As for the processing techniques such as squeezing the sleepy beans with a silver dagger and reversing seven and forward one, Andy did not remember whether there was such a technique in the original book. This was the ability directly given to him by the Aquarius constellation.

He just chose to believe in himself and use it naturally.

Facts have proved that the ideas of geniuses are roughly the same, and the same processing method is not only discovered by Snape.

After a simple cleanup, Andy and Qiu Zhang also left the classroom.

Andy did not forget to put the Living Hell Potion he made in a glass container.

Although the materials were provided by Snape, since Snape had left, he accepted it.

After the potions class, the next course was similar to what Andy had imagined.

The fifth-year course was very heavy and compact.

In the afternoon Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall asked them to turn a vase into a lively cat, and also asked them to understand the definition of the Vanishing Spell.

According to common sense, it is impossible for Andy, a fifth-year student, to keep up with the course progress.

So Professor McGonagall kept staring at Andy. If Andy had any doubts, she was ready to call Andy out of the class at any time and arrange a tutoring course for Andy alone.

But that was just common sense...

Among all the students, only Andy turned a huge vase into a short-haired cat in his first attempt, jumping around lively and circling around Andy.

Other students, including Qiu Zhang, could not completely remove the original material of the vase.

The cat they turned into still looked like a porcelain.

This made Professor McGonagall decisively add five points to Ravenclaw.

Transfiguration is the subject that Andy practices the least.

With the blessing of the two God's Eyes, the Hourglass and the Flask, Andy can complete Professor McGonagall's requirements even if he does nothing.

The same is true for Professor Flitwick's Charms class.

Professor Flitwick taught them to use the Spell.

After Professor Flitwick demonstrated, Andy was the first to try it, and grabbed Qiu Zhang's book from a distance of about ten meters without any pressure.

"Great! Five points for Ravenclaw!" Professor Flitwick said with a smile, "You have some excellent talents. It doesn't look like you are new to this spell, Mr. Hall."

Andy said politely: "Thank you, professor, just call me Andy."

The Hufflepuff students who took classes with Ravenclaw College all looked at Andy with envy.

In just one day, Andy added more than ten points to Ravenclaw.

If he performs so well in every class, this year's College Cup will definitely go to Ravenclaw.

When the Charms class was over, Professor Flitwick stopped Andy and said, "Please wait a moment, Andy. I have something to discuss with you about course selection."

"I heard that you applied for all courses?"

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