The two of them were very happy.

After hearing Professor Flitwick's words, Qiu Zhang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Andy and mouthed: What do you want to do?

Andy said, "I'll explain it to you later. Dinner is coming soon. Go to the auditorium and wait for me."

Andy did take all the courses that could be taken, just as Professor Flitwick said.

When he went out this morning, he met the prefect Pavard in the common room, so he handed him the timetable he had filled out last night.

Qiu Zhang wanted to say more, but she heard Professor Flitwick turned to her and said, "By the way, Qiu, Professor Snape asked me to tell you that your detention has been changed to tonight."

"He asked you to go to the Quidditch field to find Mr. Filch before the sun sets."

"I tried to discuss with him whether this detention is really necessary, but I heard that you seriously contradicted him in class today. According to the rules, as a professor, he can indeed teach you a small lesson."

Andy and Qiu Zhang were surprised at the same time: "What?"

"I still have to be detained?"

Professor Flitwick glanced at the two of them: "Once a professor at Hogwarts decides to put a student in detention, it cannot be cancelled unless he withdraws the decision himself."

"I already know what happened this morning. Andy, the agreement between you and Professor Snape does not seem to include canceling Qiu's detention, right?"

Andy thought about it, and it was true.

At that time, he just asked Snape to apologize to Qiu Zhang, and he really forgot to ask Snape to cancel Qiu Zhang's detention.

Andy said speechlessly: "He is really stingy."

Professor Flitwick was very short, only reaching Andy and Qiu Zhang's waist.

He looked up at Andy and teased: "Be careful, I think Severus would not like to hear you say that about him."

"Although based on the description, I also think it is a pretty perfect potion of living hell."

Qiu Zhang's face suddenly turned pale: "Oh no! What time is it now?"

Andy and Professor Flitwick looked out the window of the classroom at the same time, only to see that the sun had already set and would soon be completely gone.

The Charms class was their last class this afternoon, and Andy and Qiu Zhang had no classes in the evening.

"I have to leave now!" Qiu Zhang didn't care about anything else, simply packed his schoolbag, grabbed his things and ran out of the classroom, "See you later!"

Qiu Zhang's skirt flew up, passed the others, ran out of the corridor, and soon disappeared.

Think about it, if I'm late for this detention, the stingy Snape will definitely take advantage of it.

By then, it won't be that simple.

After Qiu Zhang left, Professor Flitwick took out the schedule that Andy had given to Pavard in the morning and said, "This is your schedule. To be honest, I was really shocked when Pavard gave it to me."

Andy asked, "Any questions, professor?"

Professor Flitwick said with a headache, "Should I say there's nothing wrong?"

"Look at the courses you've chosen. We only have five elective courses in total, namely Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, Divination, and Arithmetic Divination."

"And you're actually planning to take all of them?"

Andy nodded, not understanding what Flitwick meant, "Yes, I do plan to do that."

Professor Flitwick said, "You may be new to the magic world and don't know much about Hogwarts. Generally speaking, we don't recommend students to take so many courses."

" Because you have to take seven main courses at the same time, they will take up almost all of your time. "

Andy smiled and said, "I believe I can handle it. Professor, you don't have to worry about my health. I have been eating everything since I was a child."

Seeing Andy pretending to be stupid, Professor Flitwick was furious: "Okay, let's be frank, you can't take all the courses."

Andy was shocked: "Why? Because I'm not a friend of Harry Potter?"

Professor Flitwick asked curiously: "What does this have to do with Potter?"

Andy said: "Nothing, I just heard that Hermione Granger from Gryffindor had taken all the elective courses in the third year, and Percy Weasley, who has graduated, did the same. "

Others don't know, but these two are students who Andy clearly knows have taken all the courses.

They have also obtained the consent of the Ministry of Magic.

According to common sense, it is definitely impossible for a person to take all the courses.

The class time of some of the courses is completely overlapping.

But the Ministry of Magic does have a way to make

Students can take several courses at the same time.

Professor McGonagall once applied for a time-turner for Hermione, which could go back to a limited number of hours in the past to achieve this operation.

This is Andy's purpose.

He wants to get a time-turner in this way.

According to legend, the time-turner is a very exquisite alchemical tool, which also contains the magic of time that ordinary people cannot understand.

It is necessary to take so many courses at the same time. After Andy obtained the Aquarius Seat, the alchemical knowledge in it has not been used, which is a pity.

Being able to get a time-turner of his own as he wished, Andy believes that it will bring him great progress.

Especially in the field of alchemy.

Unexpectedly, Professor Flitwick said, "Well... the situation this year is different from the past, Andy."

"According to the process of previous years, you can indeed apply to take all the courses."

"But the situation at Hogwarts this year is special. You know, we will hold the Triwizard Tournament. For safety reasons, the Ministry of Magic has banned this option. They are worried about uncontrollable accidents."

"I'm sorry, Andy, but you have to re-select your courses."

Professor Flitwick tapped Andy's course selection list with his wand, erased the traces on it, and handed it back to Andy.

Andy could only helplessly randomly check two courses, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures.

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