After the attack, the Hungarian Horntail fell back to the ground, spewing thick white smoke from its nostrils, looking at the flames in front of it with disdain.

Whether Andy was scared or trusted himself too much, it had killed too many wizards like him.

"Oh my God..."

Cedric looked at this scene with a pale face, and the reactions of others were similar to his, all of which were unbelievable.

Absolutely no human can block such an attack with his flesh.

It feels terrible to see someone die in front of you.

Even for Cedric.

The stands fell into silence instantly, especially the Ravenclaw stands, and the singing above Luna's head also stopped abruptly.

Ludo Bagman opened his mouth wide, sweat pouring down his face.

He and Barty Crouch represented the Ministry of Magic.

The Ministry of Magic had already announced that there would be no safety incidents in this competition.

Unexpectedly, Andy became like this as soon as he came on the court.

Karkaroff sneered: "It seems that being too confident is not a good thing, right?"

Barty Crouch's face was livid, and he sat in the chair without saying a word.

No one answered him, only Madame Maxime looked at Dumbledore next to him.

Dumbledore's expression was still calm, as if it was not his students who were attacked by the flames.

"Don't worry, I believe Andy will survive." Dumbledore said.

"Just survive?"

Dumbledore smiled and stopped talking.

His eyes were firmly locked in the fireball through the half-moon glasses.

In the stands, Cedric turned to Qiu Zhang and comforted him: "Qiu... don't be too sad... it happened suddenly, no one expected this to happen."

Then Qiu Zhang just looked at the fire still burning in the venue with some doubts: "No, it's not like that... it can't be that simple..."

"What?" Cedric was stunned.

Qiu Zhang ignored him, but stood up and looked at the place where Andy originally stood. At this time, it had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The next moment, a crackling sound suddenly sounded from the center of the venue. If you don't listen carefully, you won't notice it at all.

But Qiu Zhang and Cedric both heard the sound, and Cedric trembled all over his body like a conditioned reflex.

Qiu Zhang certainly noticed it too.

She laughed in a trance, because she had seen some purple electric light shining from the fire.

"I knew it..."


[Wind Spirit Creation·6308]

The sudden appearance of a strong wind from the bottom up dispersed all the flames in an instant, and Andy's figure reappeared in everyone's sight.

"Hiss, it's so hot."

Andy checked his shield and sighed, the fire dragon is indeed the top of the food chain in nature.

Just now, Andy stood still and was sprayed by the Hungarian Horntail for a long time, and the shield capacity dropped by nearly half.

In terms of the power of the Eye of God, the attack power of the fire dragon is already terrifying.

Of course, this is the result of Andy deliberately standing still to test.

If it was just lightly touched like Harry, there might be no problem at all.

But without the Jade Shield, Andy would have been dead.

Ludo Bagman shouted in joy: "Oh my God! He's fine! He's still alive!"

"Someone can actually resist the fire of a dragon head-on!? Am I dreaming?"

Dumbledore then smiled at Madame Maxime and said: "See, I was right, wasn't I?"

Madam Maxime looked at Andy in horror: "Who the hell is he?"

The loudest cheers of the day broke out in the Ravenclaw stands behind the judges' seats.

"Andy~ Andy~"

The eagle head on Luna's head laughed loudly and sang again.

Pavard's face flushed with excitement. He jumped directly onto the railing, grabbed a flag supporting Andy with his hands, and waved it vigorously.

The Ravenclaw students behind him cheered to his rhythm.

Seeing Andy reappear, the Hungarian Horntail was stunned, and then became extremely angry.

It had never felt so despised.

In the past, wizards would tremble in fear when facing it. No one was like Andy, who didn't take it seriously at all.

Its claws on its hind legs hooked on the ground, ready to pounce again.

Andy said first: "You have been so powerful for so long, it's my turn now."

[Cang Lei]

In order to conceal his presence, Andy still held the magic wand in his hand.

He pointed forward with his right hand, and two huge lightning balls quickly formed, one in front and one behind, and hit the Hungarian Horntail.

A tooth-grinding sound rang out, and the lightning ball quickly hit the fire dragon's face, and before it could react, the scales on its face suddenly cracked!

Blood spurted out from the wound, instantly dyeing the lower half of the Hungarian Horntail's face red, making it even more terrifying.


The injured Hungarian Horntail completely lost its mind, kicked its hind legs, and roared towards Andy.

Andy pointed his magic wand, and the ability of the Aquarius seat was activated again, rolling up a rotating and rising wind wall under the feet of the Hungarian Horntail.

One of the hind legs of the Hungarian Horntail was suddenly lifted up, and its body tilted, lost balance, fell to the side, and fell heavily to the ground.

The ground was shaking violently with the rolling of the fire dragon.

Even if you were sitting in the stands, you could clearly feel the vibration.

"Andy's magic actually overturned the Hungarian Horntail! I swear this is the most bizarre scene I've ever seen! It's unimaginable!"

"A ferocious fire dragon was actually played with by a fifth-grade student!"

The Hungarian Horntail was swept to the ground by the strong wind, but it recovered quickly.

It fell to the ground, and did not rush to stand up. Instead, it tilted its body, opened its mouth, and released the long-accumulated flames at Andy again.

The blazing flames were parallel to the ground and swept past. Just looking at it, you can feel the amazing heat.

This move of the Hungarian Horntail was unexpected.

Unexpectedly, it could spray flames in this posture.

However, Andy just raised his hands and used the magic he used to help Qiu Zhang out when he was in solitary confinement.

This time, he used all his strength.

[Forbidden·Wind Spirit Creation·Seven-Five Isomorphic Type II]

The large wind spirit instantly descended in the center of the venue, gently waving its wings.


The amazing wind group descended without warning, with the wind spirit as the center, sweeping up all the surrounding objects and covering the entire competition venue.

Including the gravel on the ground and the flames ejected by the Hungarian Horntail.

Only Andy himself and the place where the golden egg was located were immune.

The fireball, which originally showed a straight ray and rushed towards Andy, suddenly changed direction and drew a precise trajectory in the air like a model.

Just like a planet being captured by a larger celestial body, the flame was directly captured, attracted, and then merged by the wind spirit.

As soon as the wind spirit touched the flame, it changed from the original translucent light blue to a striking fiery red.

The storm summoned by it also became fiercer and hotter.

The flames in the sky began to spread out recklessly as the storm spread, and rushed around the venue without any scruples!

From the moment Andy raised his hand, the Hungarian Horntail had realized that something was wrong and wanted to stand up and spread its wings to fly.

But it was too late.

A huge suction force nailed it firmly to the ground. The wind spirit was like a black hole, gathering everything around it.

The Hungarian Horntail had to hold the ground tightly with its claws to prevent being affected by the wind spirit.

But at the same time, the fire was already in front of it.

This was the flame it had just spewed out. After being swept by the storm, it made a big circle, kept moving in the air, dispersed, and then regrouped and returned to its side again.

For the first time, the golden vertical pupils of the Hungarian Horntail showed an emotion called fear, watching the fireball getting closer and closer to its head.

Facing Andy's magic, it was actually powerless.

The next moment, there was only a dull bang, like a huge ship smashing into the water from the sky, and the Hungarian Horntail was completely covered by the sea of ​​fire!

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