The sound of the roar was so loud that it made people scream.


Everyone in the stands covered their ears tightly.

Cedric swore that this was the most terrifying cry he had ever heard.

The sound made by the Hungarian Horntail was extremely sharp, as if it had magic power, which could penetrate any medium and reach the depths of the audience's soul.

This sound was like the unconscious scream of an animal that had been greatly hurt, and the combination of the collapse and crying of a human baby. Just listening to it was extremely uncomfortable.

The Hungarian Horntail had turned into a huge fireball at this time!

Its shadow could be seen in the firelight, with its head raised to the sky, howling in pain.

Fire dragons can spit flames, but that doesn't mean they are immune to such attacks.

No matter how thick the skin is, it will still hurt if it is burned by fire.

Fire dragons usually fight with each other. If there is no external interference, one of them will often die.

They rely on two weapons, one is the body, and the other is the fire from the mouth.

The flame that the Hungarian Horntail originally shot at Andy was of extremely high purity.

The hot red covered the Hungarian Horntail, burning its scales all over its body with crackling sounds.

The wind increased the fire, and the Hungarian Horntail, which was more than ten meters long, turned into a huge red lantern, emitting vast heat energy to the entire venue.

The students who were closer to the stands looked at this scene at a loss.

They felt that the flames were getting closer and closer to them, and they wanted to escape uncontrollably.

Many people were already sweating, but they didn't want to miss the next scene.

The pain completely drove the Hungarian Horntail crazy.

It spread its wings, and the next moment, it actually used brute force to temporarily break free from the restrictions of the wind spirit, and rolled over to try to pounce on Andy.

[Lightning of Rose]

A dark lamp appeared above Andy's head, and purple lightning kept condensing in it.

Andy waved his magic wand, and several thick lightning bolts shot out instantly, each of which was as thick as an ordinary person's waist.


The continuous lightning bolts hit the Hungarian Horntail, and each one pierced the skin of the fire dragon, breaking its skin and flesh.

The violent thunder met the fierce fire, and a group of sparks exploded on the Hungarian Horntail.

Bang! Snap! Every explosion was accompanied by a sharp and piercing explosion.

The Hungarian Horntail roared unwillingly.

It wanted to get closer to Andy, but was beaten back by the explosion caused by the lightning and fire.

The wind spirit also continued to pull its body, pulling it in the opposite direction of Andy, preventing it from moving forward.

Ludo Bagman's voice was a little hoarse: "This is amazing! He used magic that I have never seen before, and he was able to continuously cause damage to the fire dragon!"

"I have never seen such a scene! An underage warrior! Can completely suppress a fire dragon!"

Andy walked forward slowly and tapped the wand in his hand.

Following his rhythm, the lightning above his head kept shooting out in a tight rhythm, continuously causing damage to the Hungarian Horntail.

The Hungarian Horntail dyed with flames has turned into a striking huge firework in the blink of an eye.

If you ignore the heart-wrenching roar in it, the visual effect is very beautiful.

The students of Ravenclaw were the first to wake up.

It seems that Andy is going to win.

Can it really happen that a single person defeats a fire dragon head-on?

Compared with the size of the fire dragon, Andy is really inconspicuous.

But now as Andy advances, the Hungarian Horntail can only retreat gradually, and pain and fear are the best catalysts.

Cedric stared at the scene in astonishment, muttering to himself: "This is impossible..."

However, the reality is that the Hungarian Horntail is almost unable to hold on.

Under the continuous traction of the wind spirit, it is difficult for it to move, and the raging fire has been burning its skin for a long time.

Lightning has been hitting it, blasting out blood marks one after another.

The Hungarian Horntail has become extremely miserable now.

The scales on some parts of its body have been burned through, revealing the flesh and blood inside.

Under the cover of the flames, any wound will be burned immediately, and then scab, and then keep tearing, making the pain even more severe.

The Hungarian Horntail keeps retreating under the pressure of lightning, and can only roar continuously, but has no ability to fight back.

If the situation continues to develop like this, Andy will definitely defeat the Hungarian Horntail completely.

He took the shortest time, has the strongest strength, and has not been affected by any

What damage.

As for the golden egg? It's intact.

But no one cares about the golden egg now.

The Hungarian Horntail has been beaten like this, it's only a matter of time before Andy gets the golden egg.

Just when everyone thought the game would end like this.

The situation on the field suddenly changed.

With a whoosh, the fiery red wind spirit flapped its wings and disappeared on the spot.

The flames and dust in the sky stopped surging, and the pressure on the Hungarian Horntail was immediately relieved, and it regained its freedom of movement.

The duration of the wind spirit is over.


The Hungarian Horntail seized the last opportunity, shook its head on the spot, and rushed towards Andy with flames all over its body.

Since the flames have no effect on Andy, it will bite.

Its consciousness has been blurred, and now it is acting completely on instinct.

"Ah! Get out of the way!"

Many people in the stands couldn't help but exclaimed.

Andy stood there without moving, just slightly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"The sky moves everything."


As Andy spoke, the sky changed and dark clouds covered the sky.

I saw a tiny black dot penetrate the clouds, gradually spreading, and getting bigger as the distance got closer, and finally revealing its original appearance.

It was a huge meteorite, roaring down from the sky!

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