After Professor McGonagall left, Andy sat alone in the yard for a while until he smelled the aroma of food coming from the kitchen and heard the rumbling sound from his stomach, and then he woke up. He walked through the back door, passed the utility room and the kitchen. The food was ready, and Qiu Zhang and her parents were sitting at the dining table, waiting for Andy. "Andy? After Professor McGonagall left, I saw you sitting there alone, so I didn't disturb you." Qiu Zhang stood up and said, "How is it? Have you finally decided to go to Hogwarts?" Andy said, "Of course." "Great!" Qiu Zhang couldn't help but cheer a little, and Mrs. Zhang also looked at Andy with relief. Mr. Zhang clapped his hands and said, "Then it's time for us to eat. Today's meal is very rich. It is to celebrate Andy's admission to Hogwarts and Qiu's escape from danger. Thank you, Andy, you saved Qiu. No matter how much I thank you, it's not too much."

"You're welcome."

Andy took a seat and began to enjoy his lunch.

The food in Qiu Zhang's house is indeed different, at least much better than what Andy remembered eating in the orphanage.

Fish-flavored pork shreds, steamed spare ribs, braised pork, and fragrant rice...

Qiu Zhang is of Chinese descent, and so are her parents. Compared with the usual fish and chips and various potato sausages, this meal tastes more in line with Andy's appetite.

Andy, who has consumed a lot of physical energy, almost finished his lunch in a whirlwind.

After finishing the meal, Andy stood up: "Thank you for the treat, it's so delicious, but I think it's time for me to leave."

"What? Leave?" The other three looked at Andy in surprise, and then Qiu Zhang asked, "Where are you going, Andy? It's too early."

Andy smiled bitterly: "I was kicked out of the orphanage, and I don't have any money. If I can't find a place to live before dark, I will sleep on the street today."

Mr. Zhang and his wife next to him looked at each other, then smiled and said: "Actually, we were just planning to tell you about this, Andy."

"While you were talking to Professor McGonagall, the three of us just discussed it. In order to repay your help to Qiu, we decided to sponsor all your expenses for going to Hogwarts, and during this period I will prepare a room for you at home."

"You can stay here as long as you are still studying at Hogwarts."

After Mr. Zhang finished speaking, Mrs. Zhang also said: "Yes, this is a joint decision of our family, I hope you can accept it."

"Qiu told us that when she was surrounded by the gangsters, you had already run away, but you still turned back to save her. If it was another stranger, it would be impossible to do so."

"Although she is a wizard, she can't use her wand in such an emergency."

"A meal alone is not enough to repay your character."

"So we are willing to subsidize all your tuition and miscellaneous expenses, which is what we should do."

This really caught Andy off guard.

He refused: "No, this is too... I can't accept it. In fact, I can fully support myself, you don't need to worry about this."

What Andy said is true. Although he has no money now, he has the Eye of God in his hand, so he doesn't have to worry about finding a suitable lifestyle.

If it really doesn't work, he can go to a relief center or go back to his old job, anyway, he won't starve to death.

Mr. Zhang said: "I am a second-generation immigrant, but in the country where my father was born, there is a saying that a drop of water should be repaid with a spring of water. You should understand the meaning of this saying."

"Now is the time when you need help. We can't just sit back and watch."

"Besides, you really have nowhere to go, right? Do you think we will let Qiu's friends sleep on the street?"

Andy said: "...all tuition and miscellaneous fees are very expensive."

"You start from the fifth grade and graduate in the seventh grade, which is at most three years." Mr. Zhang said, "Although our family is not particularly wealthy, it is more than enough to support two children in school."

"Then, the house..."

Mr. Zhang waved his hand: "There are many empty rooms upstairs. It's a waste if you don't live in them."

Andy was speechless.

Qiu Zhang said, "Before Professor McGonagall left, she gave me a task, asking me to familiarize you with the previous courses and practice magic appropriately. Now that you're gone, where should I find you?"

Andy said, "It seems that I have no choice but to accept it."

"That's right!" Mr. Zhang patted Andy's shoulder excitedly, "From now on, this is your home."

"I can accept living here, but I can't accept you reducing all my expenses." Andy shook his head and said, "At least, the rent and tuition fees are my loans. I don't have money now, but I will pay you back in the future."

Seeing Andy's firm attitude, the Zhang couple looked at each other and finally said, "Okay, let's do it."

Andy said, "Then I have to agree. Thank you so much."

Mrs. Zhang walked around the dining table and gave Andy a big hug.

Qiu Zhang said suddenly, "It's too strange to be so polite. I'm not used to hearing you say that Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang. Why don't you call them uncle and aunt? Anyway, we will see each other every day in the future."

Andy was a little surprised: "Is it really okay? Uncle, aunt?"

Andy said the last two words in Chinese with a clear pronunciation.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang looked at Andy in surprise, and then said happily: "Of course! How can you speak Chinese? Although you have an Asian face, we always thought you grew up in the local circle in London."

Andy said: "I learned a sentence or two in the Chinese course in the orphanage before."

He didn't dare to say that he actually had no problem communicating in Chinese. This was too inconsistent with the original Andy's personality and would be suspected.

The Zhang couple are second-generation immigrants, and Qiu Zhang is the third generation. In terms of cultural inclination, Qiu Zhang is actually more inclined to the West. Usually, he is more accustomed to being called Qiu Zhang instead of Zhang Qiu. Andy is not good at showing too much in front of Qiu Zhang.

There are many kinds of Asian circles. Qiu Zhang is a typical immigrant family, while the original Andy in the orphanage is purely an Asian face and has nothing to do with Asian culture.

Qiu Zhang was puzzled: "Is there a special Chinese course in the orphanage?"

Andy: "I don't know what's going on."


After discussing the accommodation issue, Andy was not in a hurry to leave. After making an appointment with Qiu Zhang to go to Diagon Alley to buy everything he needed the next day, Andy, the Zhang couple, and Qiu Zhang chatted for a long time before going upstairs to rest.

Both the Zhang couple's surname is Zhang. Mr. Zhang is Zhang Pei, and Mrs. Zhang has a very interesting name, Zhang Shishi. They met after coming to the UK, got married and had children.

Mrs. Zhang's identity as a wizard was not revealed until after marriage.

According to British customs, it is a bit impolite to call them by their names directly, and the names of Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang are indeed a bit too formal for Andy and his friends.

So in the end, Andy chose to compromise and call them uncle and aunt.

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