The next day, when Andy opened his eyes in Qiu Zhang's guest room, his reaction was slow for a while. He stared at the ceiling with his eyes open and did not move for a long time.

【You are not dreaming】

The voice of the system came.

"I didn't ask you."

Andy pulled his face and turned to get out of bed. At the right time, Qiu Zhang knocked on the door outside: "Get up! The sun is shining on your butt!"

"There is no sun in London." Andy opened the door and yawned, "Why so early?"

Qiu Zhang outside the door was wearing a set of pure white silk pajamas, with long black hair blocking her chest. She looked very well-behaved. It was completely impossible to tell that she had knocked down several people with a spell yesterday.

"Because we have a lot to do." Qiu Zhang handed Andy a piece of paper, "Here, this is your schedule."

"Schedule?" Andy took it, opened it, and read the contents carefully.

It said that they would go to Diagon Alley to purchase various magical items in the next two days, including various books for Andy to use for school, and take Andy to visit Diagon Alley.

The next week, Andy needed to learn various basic magic from Qiu Zhang.

Then there were other arrangements for the next week.

Andy glanced at the contents on the schedule and said, "I have no objection to these, but why does the schedule end on the 20th of next month? I remember that school will start in September?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot." Qiu Zhang snatched the schedule, then ran back to his room, ran out again after a while, and handed the schedule to Andy again, "This is right."

On the last column of the schedule, a new line of words was written: August 22, Quidditch World Cup Final!

Andy wondered: "Quidditch World Cup?"

Andy remembered that in the original Harry Potter book, this year is the World Cup year. At the same time, Hogwarts will also hold an event that has not been held for hundreds of years, the Triwizard Tournament.

At the same time, it will bring about a series of chain reactions.

Qiu Zhang said excitedly: "Yes! This year is the World Cup year! We will all go to the game together. Mom has given me tickets for two people."

"Two people? Where are uncle and aunt?"

Qiu Zhang said: "Dad doesn't like Quidditch very much. Mom works in the Ministry of Magic and will not be able to get away at that time, so it should be just the two of us going."

"I will teach you how to play Quidditch at school. If we play at home, people around us will think we are crazy."

Andy said: "I thought we were going to ride brooms to Diagon Alley."

Qiu Zhang said: "Riding brooms in London in broad daylight, do you think there are too many empty cells in Azkaban?"

"Then how are we going?"


"Okay, that makes sense."


After breakfast, Andy and Qiu Zhang went out and took the bus. After arriving at the station, they walked a short distance and came to a bookstore on Charing Cross Road. Next to the bookstore was a larger record store.

Qiu Zhang asked, "Have you been here before?"

"I pass by here occasionally." Andy said, "Sometimes when I'm not in a good mood, I'll go into that record store for a while, but I don't have much pocket money, so I can't afford to buy the records inside, so I can only look at them."

"Look there." Qiu Zhang pointed between the bookstore and the record store and said, "Do you notice any difference?"

Andy was about to say that there was nothing different, but his eyes swept across the two stores.

The next moment, two stores that were close to each other suddenly jumped out, then separated in an instant and moved to the side. A bar with a dim surface and ancient decorations occupied the original position.

The bar looked inconspicuous, and the sign at the door was tattered, with the name of the bar written on it: Leaky Cauldron.

Andy looked at the pedestrians passing by. They were still doing their own things, just like the people in the two stores. No one noticed that the location of the store had changed just now.

Qiu Zhang turned around and grinned at Andy: "Magic - hey, let's go."

Andy followed Qiu Zhang into the Leaky Cauldron.

The decoration here is not stylish at all. The whole place is wrapped in dim tones. The bar looks very simple. There is a bar counter and a few tables in the corner. Apart from that, there is nothing else worth noting.

Qiu Zhang took Andy directly through the lobby of the Leaky Cauldron, walked out of the back door, and came to a room surrounded by walls and a

In front of the small patio of the trash can.

Qiu Zhang took out his wand and knocked on the wall opposite. The wall began to move and turned into a wide archway.

Behind the archway was a bustling alley that seemed to have no end.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Qiu Zhang said, and walked forward with Andy.

There were countless shops on both sides of Diagon Alley, selling everything.

Cauldrons, pets, flying brooms, wands, and various magic props, all items from the magical world, were placed in the shop windows to show passers-by.

Every shop was filled with goods. Some people privately expanded the space of the shop and placed the goods in front of the shop, occupying the road for business.

However, this phenomenon is very common in Diagon Alley.

In addition to the shops, there are all kinds of small stalls all over the alley.

The stall owners sat on the ground with a carpet in front of them, on which they put the things they wanted to sell, and the stall owners also shouted everywhere.

"Treasure Appraisal by Treasure Friends will keep you away from the troubles of dark magic items."

"McQuay's Grocery Store - just take a look, it's free anyway."

"Second-hand books, second-hand books! There is also a new Muggle novel "The Story of 3 Women and 105 Men", come and have a look!"

"The Story of 3 Women and 105 Men"

"High-quality crucible! One pot for two purposes! With a non-stick coating! In addition to boiling medicine, it can also boil soup!"

"For sale is the magic wand that is always successful in duels, and there has never been any return record!"

Qiu Zhang bumped his shoulder from behind and said again: "Welcome to Diagon Alley."

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