The old man was so angry that he almost went crazy.

Malfoy in the hall was almost going crazy.

He finally experienced the treatment that Harry had encountered during the period after he became a warrior.

Everyone was looking at him, and everyone was wondering if he really fell in love with Harry Potter.

"I didn't!"

Malfoy yelled at a Gryffindor girl passing by.

The girl was startled and took a few steps back, but she became more excited and shouted at him: "Come on! True love is invincible!"

Malfoy left the hall with Crabbe and Goyle in grief and anger.

Andy and Qiu Zhang, who witnessed all this from beginning to end, laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

After this article, Malfoy should not dare to provoke or contact Harry casually recently.

At the same time, Hermione's story was also glossed over.

An apology letter from Rita Skeeter was also published at the back of the article, but not many people cared.

Although I don't know why, the fact that Malfoy fell in love with Harry received much more attention than Hermione.

In order to attract Harry's attention, Malfoy hid behind him and guarded him silently, pursuing him for four years. Who can bear this?

But Andy really doubted whether Malfoy really had this tendency.

Otherwise, it would be hard to explain why he kept pestering Harry.

After all, this is in the UK.

This kind of thing is normal here!

This is the tip that Andy provided to Rita Skeeter last night.

Originally, Andy thought that this tip was of no value.

After all, not many people know the name Draco Malfoy.

But I didn't expect Rita Skeeter to be so excited about it.

"You don't understand. This is the kind of story my readers want to read!" Rita Skeeter said, "Who cares about the Triwizard Tournament? What everyone cares about is Harry Potter and the people around him."

"Now everyone cares about you, but you don't allow me to write a lot of things..."

Andy said, "The standard is very simple. You can mention Harry or other friends of mine in your manuscript, but you can't fabricate facts and slander them."

"Malfoy falling in love with Harry is fine, but Harry falling in love with Malfoy is not okay!"

After Rita Skeeter left last night, Andy returned to the ball without wasting much time.

During the time he was away, Qiu Zhang had rejected eight invitations in a row.

Fortunately, Andy returned to Qiu Zhang in time, and these people never dared to harass Qiu Zhang again.

During the rest of the ball, he and Qiu Zhang had a lot of fun.

The two ate and drank, and when they encountered a song they liked, they went to the dance floor under Qiu Zhang's leadership, completely ignoring the eyes of others.

The dance lasted until twelve o'clock. Finally, the weird sisters played a metal pop song with a lively rhythm and left the stage with warm applause from everyone.

Andy and Qiu Zhang then slowly walked back to the common room and rested separately.

Overall, this was the happiest Christmas Andy had ever spent.

After watching Malfoy's fun, Andy walked out of the hall alone and walked towards the Black Lake.

Qiu Zhang went to find Marietta.

Malfoy's news spread throughout the castle, and Marietta and the others were also crazy.

Andy slowly walked to the Black Lake where he dived last time.

As expected, he saw Harry and his three companions there.

After Ron and Hermione had a quarrel, they were still the same as always, not talking unless necessary.

Harry was caught in the middle and was forced to act as a messenger for the two most of the time.

But Harry was now startled by Malfoy's enthusiasm, and his expression was uncertain, which looked quite awkward.

Hermione patted Harry's shoulder and comforted him: "No one wants this kind of thing, but if you look at it from another angle, it's not a bad thing for someone to like you..."

Ron said: "Not a bad thing? That's Malfoy! He called you a mudblood!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and didn't want to pay any attention to Ron.

She was comforting Harry, but Ron was making things worse. It was unknown whether he really wanted Harry to get better.

Harry didn't want to talk. He sat on the shore, looking at the Black Lake, and his heart was greatly shocked.

Andy's arrival broke the awkward atmosphere in time.

Seeing Andy approaching, Hermione shouted in surprise: "Andy!"


Harry greeted Andy with a pale face, while Ron was still in a bad mood, just nodded slightly, and didn't even look at Andy.

Andy: "Did you bring the golden egg?"

Ron turned around

He turned his head, showed a curious expression, and asked: "What golden egg? Did you make an appointment?"

Harry groaned and said: "I, I want to ask Andy some questions about the golden egg."

Ron was stunned and shouted subconsciously: "What? You can't do this, it's cheating!"

As soon as these words came out, the other three looked at Ron in shock.

Andy asked Hermione, "Who are you now? Why did your soul go to Ron?"

"Go!" Hermione gave Andy a slap and whispered, "I don't know what's wrong with him these days. He has been acting weird."

Harry explained, "I just want to ask Andy for some experience on unlocking the secret of the golden egg."

"I told Andy about the dragon before, and now he got the clue about the golden egg first, so he wants to tell me."

Ron said, "Warriors can't cheat. This is the basic principle of the Triwizard Tournament."

Harry's face turned red. He spread his hands and asked, "What's wrong with you? Ron? I know it's against the rules to communicate with other warriors, but everyone is cheating, no exceptions."

"Krum has Karkaroff, Fleur has Madame Maxime, and only Andy and I have never received help from the professor, right? This is not fair at all."

He didn't know about Professor Moody and Andy.

"I thought you would support me." Harry said at last.

Ron glanced at Harry, said nothing, shook his head, and turned away.

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