The two of them walked slowly, and soon disappeared.


Harry called Ron, but Ron didn't even turn his head and kept walking.

Harry wanted to stop Ron, but was blocked by Hermione.

"I'll go and make sure he's okay. I have to go back to the castle."

Hermione walked slowly behind Ron. She didn't want to talk to Ron, so she kept a safe distance.

The two of them walked one after the other and soon disappeared.

"What happened to him?"

Harry complained.

Andy knew what happened to Ron, but he didn't say it.

The adolescent boy's mentality exploded.

First, Hermione refused to be Ron's dance partner, and then he ran into her with Andy in the garden, and Hermione was crying.

Now Harry came to Andy to help solve the secret of the golden egg.

His two best friends in the castle suddenly approached Andy.

This made Ron very unbalanced.

Before Harry became a warrior, Ron's negative emotions had erupted once.

It's not the lack of attention that is worrying, but the inequality. When your best friend receives more attention than you, and it has been like this, the pressure is very great.

He was jealous of Harry's ability to become a warrior, and later found out that Harry was almost killed by a dragon, and it was not as he thought that Harry deliberately signed up, so he untied his knot.

As a result, Ron's mentality exploded again.

Because he found that he could not compete with Andy, he instinctively chose to escape.

Hermione and Harry knew that they would meet Andy the next day to solve the problem of the golden egg, but only Ron didn't know.

Although this was not the fault of others, Ron chose to leave early.

But Ron was angry at the time and could not think so thoughtfully.

Of course there are people who can properly handle such emotions, and Ron is obviously not one of them.

He has always been a relatively neglected existence in the Weasley family, and relatively speaking, few people naturally care about his feelings.

Ron, who is open-minded, has grown up naturally. It is not easy for him to maintain friendship with Harry until now.

Once this unbalanced mentality reaches an extreme, people's emotions will be out of control and they will do some abnormal behaviors.

For example, just now, Ron actually said that cheating is wrong, which sounds not like Ron at all.

In the final analysis, he just wants to leave here as soon as possible, and the attitude he shows is actually aimed at Andy.

But Andy doesn't care.

He can understand Ron's mentality, but he doesn't want to sympathize with Ron at all.

He didn't come to Hogwarts to coax the children, and he didn't have much interaction with Ron.

So let Ron do whatever he wants.

Andy said, "Let's get started."

"Okay, I'll find him after I figure this out."

Harry put aside his chaotic thoughts, took his schoolbag, took out the golden egg from it, and said with a headache, "Do you have any suggestions, Andy, I don't know what to do with it."

"Fred and George opened this golden egg in the common room, and some shrill screams came from it."

"No one can hear what the voice said. Is there something wrong with our ears?"

Andy smiled and said, "Your ears are fine, you just chose the wrong environment."

"Just a question, did you bring a swimsuit?"

"No." Harry was stunned, "Why did you bring a swimsuit?"

Andy: "Oh, then you are not very lucky today, you have to get wet."

Andy took out his wand, pointed at the black lake next to him, chanted a spell, and pulled a large ball of water that could hold an adult directly to the shore.

Water Prison Spell, simple and easy to use.

Harry was startled and stepped back.

Andy tapped his wand and kneaded the water ball into a huge water ball floating in the air.

"Take off your clothes, take your golden egg, and get in."

"What?" Harry thought he had heard it wrong.

Andy nodded and repeated it again.

Harry looked around blankly. He vaguely remembered that he had played snowballs with the Weasley twins, Ron and Andy outside the castle a few days ago.

It didn't snow today, but it was still very cold.

It's December now.

"You heard it right." Andy added, "The language spoken in the golden egg is the language of mermaids. You can only hear what they are saying in the water."

"If you want to unlock the secret of the golden egg, just get in. By the way, can you swim?"

What else can I do if I can't?

Harry was crazy. Andy completely broke his last hope.

Will it be

We all have to go in.

Harry hesitated in place, and Andy persuaded him: "It's not as bad as you think. I saw Krum wearing only shorts and jumping into the Black Lake to swim the other day."

"You know that's Krum! Durmstrang is much colder than here." Harry wanted to cry, "I've never been in the water in such bad weather."

He looked at Andy and asked pitifully: "Can you cast two spells for me to warm my body? I know you have a way."

Andy smiled and said: "Yes, but you still have to rely on yourself when it comes to the official competition. Do you expect me to help you all the time?"

"We are opponents."

How do you think of me as an opponent?

Harry, Krum, and Fleur have lost all their delusions of playing house since they knew they were going to face the dragon, and they understood that the Triwizard Tournament is for real.

The mortality rate of this event is very high, and this is not a joke.

Only Andy was relaxed and happy from beginning to end, without any pressure at all.

He passed the test of the first project easily.

Now it seems that the second project will not be difficult for him.

However, Harry did not feel unbalanced.

Those who can beat the Hungarian Horntail do not need to regard Harry as a real opponent.

Even Harry himself felt that he could not pose any threat to Andy.

He had long given up the idea of ​​achieving results in the Triwizard Tournament. Now his primary goal is to survive.

If this is the case, it seems that it is not impossible to ask Andy for help?

Harry made up his mind and immediately began to take off his clothes. Soon he was naked and only wore a pair of shorts.

The winter breeze blew, making Harry shiver all over.

He picked up his golden egg, took a quick step, and rushed into the big water ball in the air.

With a splash, the big water ball surged a little and contained Harry's whole body.

As soon as he touched the water, Harry felt like falling into an ice cave. He only stayed in it for a few seconds, and he felt that his legs were almost numb from the cold.

"Harry! Open the golden egg..."

Andy's voice came faintly from outside, and it didn't sound very real.

Harry opened his eyes reluctantly, pressed the gap of the golden egg with his fingers, and suddenly opened the golden egg with force.

The next moment, a beautiful song reached his ears, exactly the same as the voice Andy heard.

Harry was stunned for a moment. He never thought that the hoarse scream would actually sound like this...

After a while, when Harry in the water looked at Andy again and gestured anxiously with his hands, Andy knew that he had heard the whole content of the song.

Andy then used his wand to lift the magic.

With a splash, the big water ball in the air suddenly exploded, carrying Harry to the ground.

Harry fell and shivered with cold, looking very embarrassed, but he said to Andy excitedly: "I heard it! I know what they want us to do!"


Andy took Harry's clothes and put them on him, and used magic to remove the water stains on Harry's body.

"Thank you, Andy!" Harry thanked sincerely.

Andy smiled and said: "You help me, and I help you, we are even."

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