The fire dragon was seen by Hagrid, and he just told Andy about it.

To be honest, he really thought about giving up and letting Andy prepare for the game by himself.

But it was a fire dragon, and it might really kill people.

Andy's attitude towards him was not bad, so Harry shared the news with Andy.

Now the two Hogwarts warriors have formed an alliance.

The gap between Andy and Harry is too big, and their points are just at the end, so there is no possibility of competition between them.

Harry wrapped in his robe asked: "The song says we are looking for a treasure. It sounds like one person. Who will be our treasure?"

Harry had some fantasy that it was the one from Ravenclaw, but he didn't dare to say it.

Andy saw through everything: "Choose Ron."

Harry was stunned: "Why?"

Andy: "If you choose Ron, Ron will understand what you mean and will not quarrel with you anymore. If you choose someone else, he will feel even more uncomfortable."

Harry thought about it: "It makes sense."

"Besides," Andy said, "You can't choose Malfoy."

Harry was angry: "Go to Malfoy! He actually has that idea about me!"

Andy smiled, waved and turned around: "That's it, I'll leave first, you study slowly."

"I personally suggest that you master more skills in water."

Someone will help him, Cedric is eyeing him.

Even if Cedric can't do it, isn't there Professor Moody?

Andy walked back to the castle, and on the way, the voice of the system came again after a long absence.

[Ding, long time no see, the second of the series of tasks is released. Participate in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament and get the highest score]

[Task reward: Eye of God - Cerinus, and any magic taught in Hogwarts course of your choice]

Andy didn't have time to complain about the setting of this system and the random appearance time, his attention was attracted by the task reward.

Choose a magic of your choice? Interesting.


Two months passed quickly, and it was already February.

The second project of the Triwizard Tournament arrived on time.

The venue of the first project was completely dismantled, and the stands above had all been moved to the edge of the Black Lake.

In the past two months, the discussion about the Triwizard Tournament has been getting hotter and hotter.

The content of the second project has been spoiled for a long time.

The professors and the staff of the Ministry of Magic gathered by the Black Lake all day, but they couldn't hide it from others.

Early that morning, Andy walked down the common room and sat on the sofa as usual, waiting for Qiu Zhang to appear, and then went to the auditorium to eat together.

Marietta came down and said, "Qiu told me to tell you that you don't have to wait for her today. She was called by Professor Flitwick."

Andy thought for a moment, thanked Marietta, and set off alone.

When he slowly finished his breakfast and arrived at the scene, almost everyone had already arrived.

A new person was replaced on the judges' bench. Ron's brother Percy appeared and took his place in his place instead of his boss Barty Crouch.

He looked proud and proud.

On the shore of the Black Lake, the other three warriors were already in place.

Krum was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks, and his face was as gloomy as always.

Seeing Andy appear, Fleur took the initiative to greet him with a complicated look.

She was still wearing Beauxbatons' silk robe, but it was a style suitable for winter.

Since the Christmas ball, Andy and her have only occasionally met once or twice in the corridor of the castle. It is said that Fleur rarely leaves Beauxbatons' carriage except for classes.

Only Harry still had the expression of being so nervous that he almost cried out.

"Andy, are you ready?"

"I'm not prepared, are you?" Andy laughed.

Harry took it seriously and was shocked: "Neither am I... I mean, Cedric taught me a spell called the Bubblehead Curse or something, but I can't use it well."

"Dobby also gave me some cheek grass, I hope they are useful... Oh, you haven't met Dobby yet, he is a house elf with a very unique personality..."

To relieve the tension, Harry kept talking.

Andy: "Okay, okay, you should take a break."

For this game, Andy certainly prepared for it. He specially prepared a lot of potions during this time.

He put them in a small bag on the long

In the inner pocket of the robe.

There are vitality tonic potions, strengthening potions, ordinary healing potions prepared with white fresh water, and other more common healing potions.

Of course, there is also the living hell decoction that Andy prepared last time.

Andy doesn't know when he will use them, but it's better to be prepared.

With the blessing of the Aquarius, these potions are not difficult for Andy.

This is one of Andy's current shortcomings.

There is no special healing in his God's Eye. If he or the people around him are injured, he can only deal with it in the way of ordinary wizards.

Ludo Bagman came over and said to them: "Okay, I believe you all understand what we are going to do today?"

"Everyone has an hour to take back what was taken away from you."

He pointed his wand at his throat, "Loud voice."

Ludo Bagman's voice resounded throughout the venue, and he said the same thing to the audience around him.

The audience burst into warm cheers.

"The game begins!"

Krum took the lead, he took out his wand and pointed it at his head, muttering something, and walked towards the lake.

When the lake water spread to his knees, his head had already changed into the shape of a shark, and then stopped changing.

He jumped into the black lake, swimming quickly in the water with a human body and a shark head.

Krum's Transfiguration was still so simple.

But it was enough, Krum kicked his legs and swam quickly into the water!

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