After Krum, it was Fleur who also took out her wand and pointed it at her head.

A big bubble suddenly appeared on her head, covering her entire head, like a funhouse mirror, stretching her facial features and making her look funny.

Fleur shuddered and entered the lake.

The applause from the audience became even louder.

It was February, but the weather was still cold.

It took courage to dive into the lake at this temperature.

Harry was surprised and said, "That's the Bubble Head Charm! I saw Cedric use it. Okay, I'll do it too."

He took off his shoes and socks, walked into the water, and imitated Fleur, pointing his wand at his head and chanting the spell.

A cloudy ball grew on his head, covering only the upper half of his face.

Harry shook his head, and the ball burst directly.

Harry: "..."

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of laughter from the stands.

"Hahahaha! Look at Delacour, and then look at his silly look!"

Malfoy stood up in the Slytherin stand, pointed at Harry and laughed loudly.

However, the people around him only looked at him with pity.

Malfoy was furious and shouted to the people around him: "I say it again! I like women!"

He still had the Potter Stinky Shit badge on his chest, but now he was the only one wearing it.

Since knowing that this badge was Malfoy's actual action to express his love to Harry, no one except himself was willing to wear this thing, including Crabbe and Goyle.

It was really a basic love.

"Okay, okay, got it, Draco, sit down."

Crabbe and Goyle pushed the furious Malfoy back to his seat.

On the field, Harry's face was red.

He continued to point his wand at his head and chanted the Bubblehead Charm over and over again.

Puff puff puff puff, the bubbles on his head kept growing and bursting.

The audience in the stands laughed even louder.

Andy couldn't stand it anymore: "Well, you shouldn't point your wand at your temple, you should point it at your chin or the top of your head, so that the bubbles can cover your entire head."

"You should chant the spell slowly to give the bubbles time to grow. Moving too fast will cause the bubbles to burst."

Why did Andy know so much? Because he asked Moody about this spell.

Opportunities are only for those who are prepared.

Andy can choose not to use it, but he must know it.

The unprepared Harry is worthy of being a real Gryffindor, his face is as warm as his college.

He gave up the Bubblehead Charm directly, took out a handful of slippery green plants like seaweed from his pocket, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, he stood there quietly, blushing and waiting, his whole body frozen in place.

The cold lake water still couldn't melt his fiery heart.

Andy asked in confusion: "Why don't you go in?"

Harry was embarrassed: "... The chin grass hasn't taken effect yet."

With a gulp, he chewed for a long time and now swallowed the chin grass hard.

"Okay, then I'll go first, you keep going."

After Andy finished speaking, suddenly, without any warning, his body suddenly turned into a pool of clear water and disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, the clear water slid quickly on the ground and directly merged into the black lake.

Yingtian Seat, [Virtual Flow]

Yingtian Seat is the God's Eye of Water Attribute, and does not have much direct attack ability.

However, Yingtian Seat's skills are used to assist itself, which can be called a magical skill.

[Virtual Flow] is one of them.

This ability allows Andy to directly element his whole body, turning it into a torrent and moving at high speed on the water surface.

Of course, it can also work on land, but it's just not as fast as on water.

Andy's move made everyone unable to react.

Harry was the closest, and he looked at the place where Andy had stood in shock.

There was nothing there, only a few water stains on the ground.

A moment later, a deafening cry came from the audience.

Ludo Bagman shouted in the commentary booth: "He's gone! A living person actually disappeared right under our noses!"

"Hogwarts does not allow Apparition, and I don't know how he made himself disappear. This is amazing!"

"Oh my God, I'm so looking forward to his performance! God knows what magic he hasn't shown yet!"

Harry was stunned, and he couldn't see Andy in his sight.

He took a breath, but his throat hurt like

It was like it was burning.

Harry hurriedly touched the sides of his ears and felt two long cracks, which were his gills.

He didn't care about anything else and quickly dived into the water.

"The four warriors have entered the Black Lake! One hour limit! If they can't bring back their lost treasures, they will lose them forever!"

Andy had already dived deep into the lake at this time and couldn't hear what Ludo Bagman was saying at all.

He was very fast, driving the Reflection Seat with all his strength, controlling the surrounding water flow, wrapping him, and pushing him deeper.

It only took a few seconds for him to see Krum and Fleur setting off in front.

Krum's swimming ability was much better than Fleur. They set off almost at the same time, but at this time Krum had already pulled Fleur a long distance away.

With a whoosh, Andy passed them directly, and the surging water waves pushed Fleur and Krum somersaults in the water.

The two of them were startled, and Krum's shark face was full of confusion.

What passed by so fast? Someone was riding a broomstick?

No, how could there be a broomstick in the water?

Krum shook his head, it must be his illusion, and continued to dive.

Andy listened carefully to the mermaid singing in the water, which seemed to come from a distance.

He turned effortlessly in the water and swam in the direction of the singing.

Soon, Andy came to the bottom of the lake and moved quickly along the bottom of the lake.

When passing a big rock, a group of grindylows suddenly appeared and attacked Andy.

They had horns on their heads, revealing long black nails, and grabbed Andy.

Andy stretched out his hand, with the wand in his hand, and used the extraction spell, a spell specifically used to expel grindylows.

"The force is loose and the strength is drained."

A thick and unusually strong column of boiling water hit several Grindylo at once. They screamed miserably and their skin turned red. They immediately realized that Andy was not easy to mess with and retreated.

The attack of Grindylo did not hinder Andy at all.

A few minutes after the departure, he saw many low stone houses suddenly appearing at the bottom of the lake in front of him.

These stone houses were obviously the residences of mermaids, gathered in the shape of a village.

A Grindylo was tied in front of many houses.

Under the water, they were the pets of mermaids.

At the same time, the singing of mermaids was getting closer and closer.

Andy passed several stacked stone houses and swam to a large square.

A large group of mermaids were gathered in the square, singing in unison.

There was also a huge stone mermaid statue in the middle of the square.

The mermaid statue looked unflattering, holding a spear in its hand, and four people were tied to its tail, namely Qiu Zhang, Ron, and Fleur's sister Gabrielle.

There was also a girl wearing a Beauxbatons robe, who was the one Andy had seen at the Christmas ball, following Krum.

The four of them were tied tightly to the tail of the mermaid statue and were unconscious.

They were the babies that the warriors needed to save.

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