Luna held an umbrella and a net bag in one hand and a small bucket in the other.

The clear water in the bucket rippled and wet her trouser legs.

The midday sun shone on her back, casting a golden halo on her, especially her small and delicate ears, which were somewhat transparent under the sun, like the wings of an elf.

"Next time you want to fish, you can call me to join you." Vizet quickly took the bucket and waved his magic wand at the same time, "All the dust and dirt will go away!"

The water stains and dust gathered into a ball and were thrown into the garden by Vizet to irrigate the vegetation.

The Christmas cactus in the garden was moistened, and the vines were shaking happily, and the flowers were also trembling.

Luna's eyes were bright, and she tilted her head slightly and said, "I want to eat fish. Can you make something... different?"

"Ballfish..." Vizette glanced at the bucket and nodded with a smile, "If you don't want to eat stew, I'll make fried fish! I just learned it today."

"Get up! Smash!" Vizette waved his wand, and the ballfish flew out of the water, struggling and falling into the sink.

Luna hummed a tune and took the bucket up the stairs...

Chapter 12 A magical lunch

"Cut it! Peel it!" Vizette continued to perform household magic.

Although Xenophilius usually only makes stews, he has prepared a full range of kitchen knives.

Not only are there chef knives, bread knives, and paring knives, but there are also special meat knives, slicer knives, and fish knives.

As Vizette performed household magic, the fish knife on the side flew up, accurately pierced into the fish's belly to squeeze out the internal organs, and then cut off the head, tail, fins, and skin.

This is the best he can do at the moment. If he wants to remove the scales and bones more finely, he needs more practice. Practice makes perfect.

"Pickling!" Vizet knocked on the salt shaker, and the salt and fish pieces were mixed together and rolled back and forth in the bowl.

The rest was the time to prepare the side dishes. After chopping the auxiliary ingredients with home life magic, he walked to the side and lit the stove, "The flames are blazing!"

The hot pan and cold oil kept the flame in the state of flames. The pickled fish pieces made crackling sounds, and gray smoke rose up.

"Disperse!" Vizet hummed and flicked his wand forward.

The smoke was pushed by an invisible force and all ran out of the window.

Luna came to Vizet and clapped her hands, "Great... Dad would break fish when he fried it, so he likes to stew it."

Vizet explained: "Fry slowly in a hot pan with cold oil. Even without magic, it is not easy to break the fish."

"Can I learn this first?"

"If you have some understanding of the levitation spell, it will be easier to get started with household magic... Why don't we start with the levitation spell this afternoon?"

"Okay, Teacher Vizet!"

If you can use magic proficiently, cooking is just a brain-consuming thing. Whether it is scrubbing grease or washing dishes, it can be done with magic, which is very convenient.

Vizet also cooked a pot of noodles with tomato scrambled eggs as a topping, which is considered to be today's lunch.

"All dust and dirt are gone!" He waved his wand, cleaned up the kitchen, and brought the dishes to the table with Luna.

The two looked at each other and waited quietly at the table.

Not long after, green flames came out of the fireplace.

Xenophilius came out and sniffed, "Hiss... Vizette, did you make this?"

"I'm still learning, so I can only cook simple dishes." Vizette nodded.

Looking at the golden and fragrant fried fish fillet and three steaming tomato and egg noodles on the table, Xenophilius couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Although it's simple, this kid... only learned for three days!

Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that Snape is willing to give private lessons.

He sighed deeply and suddenly missed Pandora again. She was also very good at learning.


After lunch, there was only a little soup left on the plate on the table.

Xenophilius yawned a long time, like a quilt drying on the bushes, and sat casually on the chair.

His eyes were half open and half closed, and he looked leisurely, "Vizet, cook less for me next time... burp! I'm a little full... burp!"

"Okay!" Vizette nodded.

He cooked a pot of noodles, scooped some for himself, Luna also scooped some, and the remaining noodles all went into Xenophilius's stomach.

Despite the large amount, Xenophilius still ate all the noodles, which shows that the tomato and egg noodles and fried fish this time were relatively successful.

"Burp!" Xenophilius stood up slowly, found a piece of parchment and put it on the table, "The destination of the trip has been determined!"

He picked up a pen and drew a rough sketch. It was easy to see that this was a map including England and Sweden.

Luna has an excellent talent for painting, probably from her father.

Xenophilius wrote down a few place names, coughed lightly and said, "Ahem... I originally wanted to go to Sweden via a portkey, but the prices offered by those hotels are too expensive!"

"With Old Fudge around, the wizarding world is getting more and more corrupt! The hotel actually said that it is only for one person, and it costs 60 Galleons per person, even though it is a portkey for multiple people. Why doesn't it rob Gringotts?"

Among the various ways wizards travel, the advantage of a portkey is that it can not only quickly reach another location, but also does not require special training, and is suitable for almost all wizards.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these topics that ruin the atmosphere." Xenophilius picked up the pen and added a locomotive and a ship, "Now there are two routes to choose from."

He picked up a pen and circled the locomotive and said: "Go to King's Cross Station, then enter Platform 7 and 1/2, and take the train all the way to Stockholm, Sweden."

"The other one..." He picked up the pen and circled the picture of the ship, "We can take a magic ship and dive into the water to go to Stockholm, Sweden."

"What do you mean by the two routes..." Xenophilius scratched his head, "The time is about the same, and the prices of the bus and boat tickets are also about the same. You choose!"

Vizette and Luna reached out at the same time and pointed at the same place: the magic ship.

"What did you guys agree on?" Xenophilius raised his eyebrows, "Why did you choose the magic ship?"

Luna smiled and said, "I think it's more interesting to take a boat ride. You can see the underwater world."

"When school starts, Luna is going to ride the Hogwarts Express," Wizette said.

Xenophilius scratched his head again, "Wait a minute... I didn't hear you clearly, why did you start talking together and end it together! Come on, baby! You talk first!"

He finally heard it clearly, "In the afternoon, I will go to the 'Viking House', sign the contract with them, and then we can officially set off!"

"Weizet, bring all the clothes you need to bring. It might be cold at night in Sweden, so I shouldn't need to help you get these, right?"

"I will take care of it myself, don't worry... Mr. Lovegood, what about the garden? Do you plan on hiring someone to take care of it?"

"I troubled a friend, don't worry!"


After taking a nap during lunch, Weizet rubbed his eyes, brought two notebooks and the hand-drawn textbook before, and walked slowly to the living room.

Fortunately, he was gentle and Luna fell asleep on the table in the living room on the first floor.

She curled up like a squatting kitten, her body pressed against the back of the chair, half of her cheek pressed against her knees, and her long eyelashes trembled gently with her breathing.

Her fluffy pale blond hair was scattered around her body, as if she wanted to hide the album in her arms.

In the morning, I went to the stream to fish for fun, and at noon, I painted in the living room. I think I was very tired, so it is normal for me to fall asleep now.

Vizette smiled and shook his head, planning to leave the living room more quietly and let Luna sleep well for a while.

But before he could turn around, Luna purred like a cat, rubbed her eyes and straightened up.

Then, the album fell to the ground.

In the white album, there is a straight figure, whose side face can be vaguely seen, waving his wand calmly and driving various knives to float into the air.

If you look at the picture alone to imagine the meaning, the details presented in this painting should be a scene where a wizard performs magic and uses a knife to prepare to defend against enemies.

Wizette was touched by this painting and couldn't help but widen his eyes...

Chapter 13 Silent Casting and Wandless Casting of Levitation Spell

The painting was not finished yet, but Weizet could tell that the wizard in the picture was him.

Although there is only a background, the clothes of the straight figure are exactly what he is wearing;

The same is true for the wand, a wand that is straight, sharp, and as cold as a military thorn...

To be honest, this was the first time he saw someone draw himself on paper, and he was moved beyond words.

Luna took out the rubber band from her pocket, tied her long fluffy hair into a ponytail, and said gracefully: "I haven't finished painting yet. There are still flames and colorful ball fish to draw. I will show them to you when the time comes."

Wizette felt that his throat was a little dry, and after a thousand words, only one word came out, "Yeah."

Luna quickly packed up her painting supplies and albums, stood up like a butterfly, and said with a soft smile: "Mr. Wizette, we can start!"

Vizette took a deep breath, used Occlumency techniques to calm down his emotions, and pulled up a chair to sit down.

He opened the notes and hand-drawn textbooks and found the pages where the floating spell was.

The two sat side by side, with two notebooks between them.

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