What surprised Vizette was that Luna had basic knowledge of spells.

Both her accent and tone were very standard, and she even knew how to distinguish between voiced and unvoiced sounds.

Vizette couldn't help but sigh: "Have you studied these knowledge before? You are much smarter than me! When I first entered school, I studied for a long time to master these!"

"No!" Hearing his praise, Luna's eyebrows curved, "It's just that when my mother takes me with her, she will play games and guess riddles with me."

"So these are spell skills? She never told me these, even if I guessed and recited the riddles correctly, she would praise me for being smart."

Vizet nodded and said confidently: "In this way, I think maybe you should be able to master the levitation spell in just one afternoon!"

After confirming that Luna had no problem with her accent again, he focused on teaching how to change the mouth shape, as well as the rhythm and intensity of pronunciation.

In addition to studying ancient magic, brain occlusion and home life magic, Vizette reviewed the learning of the previous school year in order to fulfill his duties as a teacher.

In this way, he could be more detailed in explaining the Levitation Charm.

He also understood how difficult it was for Flitwick. Being able to handle the class with ease and answer all kinds of strange questions really required an incomparable understanding and familiarity with the Levitation Charm.

Being able to understand what you have learned is one thing, but telling it so that another person can fully understand it is another thing.

Fortunately, he and Luna are very familiar with each other, and the two quickly got into the state, and the questions and answers became smooth.

Thanks to the careful sorting out of the concept, spell-casting techniques and gestures of the Levitation Charm, Vizet fulfilled his promise and let Luna successfully master the Levitation Charm in just one afternoon.

Luna is very good at asking questions. Even if she has mastered the Levitation Charm, she still has many interesting questions.

Vizet is also happy to do this and answer these questions to the best of his ability.


Luna pointed at the spell and asked, "Teacher Vizet, why can't we read 'Leviosa' as 'Levioso'? Will something bad happen?"

Vizet explained, "Because 'Leviosa' expresses a soft and delicate rise, and if 'Levioso' is used, it will become more violent..."

"It may even damage the object of the spell... Just like this! Wingardium Levio soooo!" He picked up the wand and chanted the spell in the way Luna said.

The object used as the spell was one of the fallen leaves Luna collected from the garden.

The fallen leaf suddenly flew up and hit the ceiling directly, breaking into several pieces and falling down.


Luna thought, "Teacher Vizet, if I want the leaf to fly higher, is there any other way besides raising or lowering the wand?"

Amidst the repeated "Teacher", Vizet felt a little lost, and followed Luna's words and asked softly, "What do you think we should do?"

Luna held her chin with both hands, "Maybe... you can imagine that this leaf... encountered an updraft? Like someone blowing the leaf from below?"

"Not through gestures, but through imagination?" Vizet murmured, "This requires more concentration..."

"Only then can you build an airflow in your mind and let the leaf reach the height you want!" He picked up the wand and incorporated Luna's idea to cast the levitation spell.

In this way, the way the leaf rises has indeed changed. The original leaf was like being dragged by an invisible hand, but now it seems to be held up by an invisible hand.

Compared with the original wand-controlled levitation spell, the movement produced in this way is undoubtedly smaller and more elegant.

Luna smiled and said, "It feels like a butterfly, so interesting!"


"And here in front..." Luna pointed to the spell in front, "I suddenly thought, since 'Wing' means wings and flying..."

"When combined with 'ardium', it means flying high... Can we directly imagine that the fallen leaves have wings and then let it fly directly? Just like a real butterfly!"

"It seems feasible!" After thinking seriously, Vizette nodded in agreement.

"If you want to do this, you may need to let this consciousness penetrate deeply, and you may also need to have a deeper understanding of the behavior of 'flying'."

"Does it need to be so complicated?" Luna hummed a tune, and her eyes seemed to see different pictures.

"What if you let it grow wings directly? If this fallen leaf can also grow wings... That would be great!"

"Grow wings?" Luna's voice was like a key, enlightening Vizette's thinking and making him feel like a flash of inspiration.

Compared to black magic, he actually has a good talent in transformation magic.

"What if I use the technique of Transfiguration Magic to shape the Levitation Charm itself? Just like the Owl Ice Cream!"

"Just change the object of the Transfiguration Magic, from the Owl Ice Cream to the Levitation Charm itself..."

"Professor Flitwick's notes are flying!" He waved his wand quickly and summoned Flitwick's Christmas gift from the room.

The notes contain many concepts about wandless casting and how to practice silent casting.

Refer to Flitwick's notes, combine home life magic, and integrate the flash of inspiration just now...

Vizet put down the wand in his hand, looked at the fallen leaves on the table with concentration, and then snapped his fingers.


The sound of snapping fingers fell, and the fallen leaves flew up.

Combined with the "upward airflow" mentioned by Luna just now, it even extends to "left and right airflow" and "downward airflow".

The fallen leaves floated up and down with the "airflow", seemingly aimlessly, but in fact, the direction of the fallen leaves was always pointed out by Vizette.

"Luna! Look!" Vizette was a little excited and held one of Luna's hands...

Chapter 14 Preparation before departure

Vizette changed his hand and snapped his fingers, letting another fallen leaf float up again.

The two fallen leaves were parallel to each other and flew up and down together according to Vizette's command.

"I didn't chant! This is not only silent casting! It's also wandless casting! Look! My two hands! One is snapping fingers, and the other is..."

He suddenly realized that he was holding Luna's hand...

The warmth of the palm, the slight coolness of the fingertips, soft and delicate, like mutton-fat jade...

Not only that, Vizette could also smell the familiar smell of grass and trees;

Elegant, fresh, with a bit of elusive mystery.

The two leaves floating in the air seemed to lose their sense of proportion, sometimes rushing high to the ceiling, and sometimes swooping down and passing close to the floor, highlighting a thrilling scene.

"Silent casting, wandless casting?" Luna's tone seemed to have not changed, still so light and so soft.

There was still a beautiful cherry blossom pink on her cheeks, "It sounds... it should be a very remarkable casting technique, right?"

Vizet felt his face getting hot, and explained with some stammering: "It's not bad... Although it can only be used in the floating spell... This magic is very elementary, but it is also a big improvement."

He took a deep breath, let go of his hand, picked up the wand and chanted, "Falling leaves!"

"I also feel that I have improved." Luna smiled, also picked up the wand, and chanted the spell in the most formal way, "Yuga... Dimlevi... O... Sa!"

As she waved and shook the wand, Vizet felt the two leaves in his hand being pulled and slowly floating into the air.

Just like what Vizette had done before, the leaves were lifted and lowered not by the wand, but by "airflow".

Luna put down her wand, stood up and stretched out her hand, and two leaves fell into her palm, "How is it, Teacher Vizette?"

"It took me a long time to master the levitation spell." Vizette smiled slightly, "And I got your inspiration, Teacher Luna!"

"Well... In the future, we will make progress together, Teacher Vizette!" Luna hummed softly, with a satisfied smile between her eyebrows.

"Yuga... Dimlevi... O... Sa!" She cast the levitation spell again, and the leaves turned over and over like happy butterflies...


The next morning, Vizette gently hooked her fingers and walked out of the room with the suitcase floating off the ground.

While Luna and Xenophilius were still asleep, Vizette took out his wand and directed the kitchen utensils to prepare breakfast.

Not long after, Luna, holding a wand in her hand, also cast a levitation spell, allowing the suitcase to "walk" down the stairs little by little.

Seeing the interested expression on Luna's face, Vizet also smiled, but did not wave to help.

This was Luna enjoying the magic process, and he certainly would not disturb such an interesting moment.

Summer days always get bright early, and there is no cloud in the blue sky. It is a sunny day.

Just as Vizet finished three fried eggs and was about to wake up Xenophilius, Thor and Diana outside made a "cooing" sound.

Then, the door knocker was knocked, and the voices of the Weasley twins came from the garden.

"So those seeds will look like this when they grow up! I've never seen flowers of this color."

"I haven't seen it either, it's amazing... It's this color now, and it seems that it will change color in different seasons..."

Molly Weasley's voice sounded, saying loudly: "George! Be quiet! If you want to play, play with those Christmas cacti in the game!"

"But mom... I'm Fred!"

"Yes! I'm George... Oh! Mom! I'm so sad! You can't tell us apart!"

"Yes! Mom! We've been together for fourteen years, but we still can't tell them apart! Sad! So sad!"

The Weasley twins said, their tone full of frustration.

Molly's tone softened a little: "Okay! George, Fred, mom made a mistake, sorry..."

"Hey! Actually, I'm George, mom, you guessed it right!"

"Hahahaha! But mom, we still accept your apology!"

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