Such prank props for regular sale need to be inspected by the Ministry of Magic, so the content of jinxes contained in them is very low, and they mainly focus on entertainment and fun.

Fred and George immediately fell in love with these prank props.

"The nose-biting wine glass... is so transparent! It's worth studying! For example, those nose-biting tea cups hide curses in the patterns. How did this glass wine glass do it?"

"Oh! This candy box is so fierce, and it has fangs on it... It looks like dog teeth, and you will drool when you bite it! It's disgusting, but I like it!"

"The ink disappears and appears sometimes? How do you use it... It works! The words written on exhalation and inhalation respectively must also be seen with exhalation and inhalation. They cannot appear at the same time. That's great!"

Wizards are very talented when it comes to prank props. Being able to do all this may be due to the "wizards' happy crimes".

Among the souvenirs brought over by Wizette, there are also two magic cookbooks with Swedish characteristics, as well as Smoland's unique magic crystal glass.

These crystal glass products have the magic of keeping food fresh, which is very practical.

In addition, there are local Swedish candies and snacks.

The Weasley twins wanted to hide the prank props, and Wizette and Luna, led by Ron, walked into the Burrow and said hello to Molly.

After some pleasantries, Vizette and Luna returned home to pack their luggage.

When the two looked at their calendars, they realized August was creeping up on them.

Xenophilius started to be busy again. This trip to Sweden allowed him to accumulate a lot of material and even gained a large number of readers, which was an unexpected surprise.

This group of readers came from the small island of Midgard, as well as their relatives and friends. The original purpose of buying "The Quibbler" was to express their gratitude.

Regardless, he was happy.

Being able to sell "The Quibbler" to Sweden gives the magazine a reason to have an extra name - the magazine is sold overseas.

The eight-legged horse uses its own special magic to hide among various flowers, plants and trees, and follows Luna to England.

During this period, he also boarded the Vasa. As a result, he was dizzy in the cabin for several days due to seasickness.

Its eating habits are very similar to that of a phoenix. Luna fed it a variety of berries along the way to keep it from feeling too uncomfortable.

After arriving in England, perhaps because there was a garden at home, it lived happily without going through any adaptation period.

The eight-legged horse likes to hide among flowers, plants and trees, and will appear when Luna and Vizette appear, watching with wide eyes as the two work together to water and fertilize.

It would also play on its own in the garden, sneaking up behind Diana and Thor, snorting violently, watching the two owls whine in the air, shaking its head and shaking its body.

It also likes to tease the goblins. When the goblins are carrying the berries back to the cave, they will suddenly show up and take away the berries. After the goblins realize that something is wrong, they will spin around in circles and then put the berries next to the entrance of the cave.

The goblins seemed to have trouble turning their heads. After two or three days, they actually gathered at the entrances of the caves, hoping that berries would suddenly pop up at the entrances.

This behavior did not last long. After a day and a night passed, they were so hungry that they had no choice but to start looking for berries by themselves. As a result, the eight-legged horse came to play tricks on them again.

Ever since, a new round of waiting and starvation for the goblins began again...


At the end of his trip to Sweden, Wizette also gained a lot.

Sweden has many wizarding ruins. Although they are far less ancient than the Odin ruins, they can also provide a lot of ancient magical power.

There are also various murals left in the wizard ruins, and books interpreting the murals are also sold nearby.

The skill of the wizards who interpret the murals varies, and this variation in skill is reflected in the prices.

Interpretations of murals by powerful wizards often cost as much as fifty to two hundred galleons a book;

As for the most basic mural interpretation, the price of a book is generally one or two galleons.

Thanks to his own uniqueness, Weizet would buy the cheapest interpretation and read all the other interpretations at the stall.

It can be said that the biggest gain from his trip was the various interpretation books floating in his mind.

Connecting interpretations of the same wizard's relics often turns into a history of exploration of a certain magic.

The wizard gets inspiration from some natural phenomenon and begins to try to research and create some kind of magic;

After studying the prototype of this magic, we continued to improve it based on the murals and the wizard's own knowledge, making this magic easier to operate.

For ancient wizards, they had not invented the wand as a tool, and the form of casting spells was often very cumbersome, so the so-called "ritual magic" was extended.

When ancient wizards wanted to cast spells, they often needed to prepare in advance, quiet their thoughts, and concentrate all their energy;

Then, through a certain "medium" containing magical qualities, the media is placed in place according to a certain arrangement and combination;

After that, there is the tedious process of reciting the incantation. In ancient times, incantations were often relatively long, and it was also necessary to pay attention to the rhythm and rhythm of reciting the incantation.

In addition, some ritual magic also requires attention to time and where the ritual magic is performed...

By reading these mural interpretations, Weizet was able to understand many magical principles.

Weizet focused on the study of the water-making spell.

Starting from the ancient ritual magic, he followed the interpretation to simplify the operation bit by bit, and finally evolved into modern magic. He learned the water-making spell in a way of tracing back to the source.

If he followed the normal teaching process of Hogwarts, he would have to wait until he got the O.W.L. certificate and entered the sixth grade before he could be exposed to the spell class.

The reason why Weizet chose this magic is that the water-making spell is very practical.

The most intuitive function is the literal "water-making". As long as you can master this magic, there will be no risk of water shortage.

Water is the source of life. It is equally important for both Muggles and wizards, and it is widely used.

For example, the water used in potion making often uses dew or pure water.

Dew can only be obtained by collecting because it contains magical properties.

The focus of pure water is "purity", which requires that the water does not contain impurities.

The easiest way to accomplish this is to buy it directly;

or boil the water and use the corresponding equipment to collect the water vapor;

and the seemingly simple but difficult to implement method - directly separate the impurities in the water through magic.

After in-depth research on the interpretation of the murals, Vizette mastered this method.

It can precisely adjust the water-making spell and directly "make" pure water.

As the saying goes, after mastering the delicate operation of "making" pure water, Vizette's control over the silent and wandless floating spell has also improved...

Chapter 46 Attracting Thunderclouds

After mastering the water-making spell, Vizette shared the magic with Luna as soon as possible.

Luna has not yet officially enrolled in school, and it will take some time for her to use a magic wand to cast the water-making spell.

But this did not dispel her interest. She likes the ritual magic related to the water-making spell.

After many experiments, Vizette found that the ritual magic of the water-making spell was very safe, so he was relieved and helped Luna draw a sketch.

As for the media needed for ritual magic, Luna did not use common media such as crystals and magical animal feathers, but chose various common magical plants at home.

During the whole ritual magic, the water-making spell she cast always contained a special taste, either sour or sweet, which was very interesting.

This kind of water would also attract the curiosity of the eight-legged divine horse, who would come over to lick a few mouthfuls of sweet water and stamp his hooves.

With the eight-legged divine horse watching, Vizette was relieved and continued to sort out the gains from the trip to Sweden.

The evil curse of Momo Ran was purified, and he now cast the "Ancient Magic: Instant Shield" at a significantly faster speed. He could continue to summon a magic barrier with just a hand-raising motion.

In this way, all the hidden dangers that existed before were solved.

Vizette turned his attention to "Thunder", a very special ancient magic.

"Thunder" only gave the name of the magic, without presenting the specific content, which was somewhat similar to the situation of "Ancient Magic: Purification Soul Spell".

When he improved the Purification Soul Spell, he gave the specific content, and he needed to name it.

According to this idea, he needed to study "Thunder" in depth so that the book page could record the specific content.

The Odin ruins are located in Sweden, and the wizards of that country have naturally conducted a lot of research on lightning magic.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is, of course, the various murals in the wizard ruins and the corresponding mural interpretations.

Whether it is the murals in the wizard ruins or the various myths and legends in the Muggle world, the descriptions of lightning often include this content: lightning represents power and authority.

Just as he saw in that colorful world, all kinds of magic released by the skeleton figure will be dispelled by the plain lightning.

After using "Ancient Magic: Shield in a Flash" as a means of protection, choosing "Thunder" as a means of attack is undoubtedly a very good choice.

With the experience of learning the water-making spell, Vizette also used the interpretation of murals to explore the ancient magic of "Thunder".

There are several sets of mural interpretations about lightning. Vizette chose one of them and started with ritual magic.

The ritual magic of summoning lightning is much more complicated. It is best to find a weather with a storm approaching. Gloomy weather with no sun is a secondary choice.

There are also requirements for the location. It is best to go to the top of the mountain or a high place with enough open space. Pure water is also needed to clean the surroundings.

Compared with the harsh conditions of location and weather, the arrangement and combination of media is much simpler. You only need to use enough oak branches and stand them all up...

Vizet did not go too far from home and performed ritual magic in an open space not far away.

He mainly experienced the process of ancient wizards summoning thunder and lightning by constructing ritual magic.

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