For ancient wizards, meticulous execution of steps was extremely important to ensure the success of ritual magic.

However, unlike the ancient wizards, Vizette possesses magical eyes.

He was inspired by the way Luna arranged ritual magic and observed it through his magical eyes.

Based on this, correct and change the ritual magic so that the ritual magic can run smoothly.

This is a tricky process that is unique to him, but it works.

Through the magic eye, the entire ritual magic consists of several incomplete and complex magic circuits.

These incomplete magic circuits are caused by factors such as venue and weather.

Wizette waved his magic wand and tried to complete it. Whenever he completed a small part of it, he would pick up his notebook and record the corresponding content in it for subsequent research.

As this complex magic circuit becomes more and more complete, the surrounding weather is also changing;

The surrounding clouds seemed to be pulled by invisible hands, floating above the ritual magic, gathering together, becoming increasingly gloomy.

A smile appeared on the corner of Vizette's mouth. He felt that this ritual magic was more interesting than imagined.

There is a mutual influence between ritual magic and magical effects.

By completing the ritual magic, the surrounding weather changes accordingly, as if the ritual magic attracts the surrounding clouds, and the clouds naturally transform into dark clouds.

Wizette's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that this "attraction" could be applied to the magic of the summoning spell.

Magics are all connected. He has done deep research on transformation magic, so the first thing that comes to his mind is transformation magic.

If he uses transformation magic to turn himself into a magic circuit and then attracts the items he wants, what will be the effect?

When the idea finally matured, Weizet quickly wrote it down, planning to study it later.


Just as Weizet wrote the last line, there was a dull thunder in the dark clouds.

He quickly raised his head and observed the ritual magic through his magic eyes.

The surroundings became much more depressing. Only the space between the ritual magic and the dark clouds became extremely bright, and thunder and lightning could be vaguely seen rolling in the dark clouds.

The dark clouds became darker, like a thick mass of ink that could not be dissolved.

After that muffled thunder, the dark clouds became extremely quiet, as if they were building up their final strength.

This is the ritual magic led by Wizette. He did not wait for the thunder and lightning to fall on its own, but used the "Thunder" spell to intervene when the thunder and lightning should fall.

He held the wand in his hand and whispered the spell, "a" (ansuz)! "

In an instant, the light suddenly shone, cutting through the dark clouds like ink, and fell to the ground with a bang, followed by a violent "crack" sound...

Even though the light was so dazzling, Weizet did not stop observing. He captured a fleeting magic circuit.

Compared with the magic circuit of ritual magic, this magic circuit is much simpler, as if it brings together all the subtleties of ritual magic.

Wizette's mind was racing. He thought of something. He quickly flipped through his notebook and found a magic circuit he had written down before.

It was the magic circuit that Luna and he completed together. He drew the magic circuit of the Ball Escape Bird and the Golden Snitch, and Luna connected the two magic circuits together.

Weizet took a deep breath and picked up his pen to draw another magic circuit - the magic circuit he had just observed.

Since then, this complex magic circuit has reached its optimal state in his opinion.

He raised his wand, pointed it at his chest, and whispered: "a" (ansuz)! "

Chapter 47 "Ancient Magic: Swift Thunder"

With the help of transformation magic, the magic circuit was instantly formed and wrapped around Vizette.

There was a rapid and crisp thunder in his ears, and suddenly there was light in front of his eyes. The scenery in the distance became blurred, and everything around him seemed like colorful graffiti.

This was a wonderful feeling. Although he heard thunder, it felt like he was in water. His body was extremely light, as if he was being pushed by an ocean current.

When the light in front of him disappeared, he appeared about five meters in front of the ritual magic.

He had just moved a short distance under the influence of "Thunder".

When such an unexpected thing happened, Wizette immediately thought of the "Wizard's Practical Guide".

He took a deep breath to sink into his mind, and noticed that the "Wizard's Practical Guide" had been opened, and sure enough, new content appeared at the bottom of the page where "Thunder" belonged.

"Ancient Magic: Swift Thunder": Guide the power of ancient the magical properties related to "Thunder"...quickly flash to a nearby location...

Weizet captures two important points: this is the magical quality of "Thunder" about speed, and this ancient magic can move quickly.

In order to verify his idea and determine how to release this magic, he held the wand and cast the spell on himself, "a" (ansuz)! "

The magic circuit appeared, the familiar pushing feeling disappeared in an instant, and he returned to his original position.

Wizette groaned, "If it must be used like this, it would be too cumbersome."

He grasped the wand again, instead of pointing it at himself, he adjusted the direction and said the spell: "a" (ansuz)! "

The magic circuit and the pushing feeling appeared again, and he moved a little distance towards home.

The second attempt confirmed two things for him: the moving distance of this ancient magic is five meters, and the direction can be adjusted according to will.

When he lowered his head to write the summary into his notebook, a pair of familiar Mary shoes appeared in front of him.

In Luna's hand was a cup with a star pattern, "Dad heard thunder just now, so he asked me to come over and see. I know you are experimenting with magic."

"Thank you!" Vizette took a sip from the cup with a star pattern. The water in it had a faint smell of airship plum and a bit of sweet and sour taste.

He looked at the cup and said with emotion: "Ritual magic is really interesting. I just observed a ritual magic and felt the unique attraction from it."

"The magic that appeared at the beginning must be very happy..." Luna whispered in her unique tone, "Maybe it was singing, the wizard exerted his talent and cast magic..."

Vizet picked up the wand, coordinated with the gesture, and waved it twice in a very professional manner, "So, waving the wand to cast a spell... is like a conductor conducting an orchestra!"

Luna laughed like a wind chime, "There is music everywhere, like the sound of wind, laughter, breathing, heartbeat... They are all unique magic rhythms, quietly guiding us."

"I just harvested a magic rhythm that we created together before. Do you want to see it?" Vizet asked.

"Of course!" Luna nodded, took the cup with star pattern and held it in her hand, "I can't wait!"

"a" (ansuz)! "Vizet used his wand to determine the direction, and the familiar magic circuit and pushing feeling appeared.

Everything returned to normal, and he stood on the grass five meters away from Luna.

From Luna's perspective, she saw Vizet suddenly turned into a ball of white light, and appeared in the distance in an instant, leaving a beautiful arc in the air.

Luna looked at Vizet walking towards her and asked, "Can I draw what I just saw?"

"Of course! The picture book and the brush are flying!" Vizet chanted the spell, raised his arm and pulled gently, "How long did it take me to get there?"

"About a moment? The time of a blink of an eye? Very fast!" Luna raised her hand and caught the flying picture book and brush.

When she wanted to paint, Vizet would cast a summoning spell to help her summon the tools.

Over time, her movements of catching the picture book and brush have become more and more skilled.

"Look! It's like real lightning! It passed by in a whoosh! It's just a fat lightning! "She held up the album and showed the scene she had just seen to Vizette.

When Vizette heard Luna's description, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Fortunately, the chubby lightning is still lightning, and the speed is still very fast."

Through the third attempt, he found that this ancient magic is quite free. Not only can he choose the position through consciousness, but he can also use the magic wand to determine the landing point.

It is an unexpected surprise in the process of studying "Thunder".

He did not forget his original purpose. Through the ritual magic just now, he had some understanding of "Thunder" and could try to release this magic directly.

Before releasing "Thunder", he said to Luna: "Luna, stand behind me, stay away from me. "

Luna nodded, took the picture book and the brush, and stood far behind Vizette.

It had been a while since the ritual magic just now, and the dark clouds in the sky were constantly dissipating.

Vizet did not hesitate, and the simple magic circuit emerged in his mind.

He clenched the wand and waved it gently, while chanting the spell: "a" (ansuz)!"

The wand seemed to tremble slightly, and the dark clouds made a faint and dense crackling sound, and then lazily squeezed out a few rays of lightning and blasted them towards the oak branches stuck on the ground.

"The effect is so different?" Looking at the oak branches with a few wisps of black smoke, Vizette fell into thinking.

"Thunder" can appear in the "Wizard Practical Guide", and it should be possible to enhance the power of this magic through the power of ancient magic.

However, unlike other ancient magic, he needs to take the initiative to guide the ancient magic power to enhance the power of "Thunder".

Thinking of this, he cast the "Guardian Meditation Method" and then used "Ancient Magic: Throwing Mastery" to accumulate ancient magic power in his hands.

Not only that, he also made an additional discovery - if he wanted to continue to enhance the power of "Thunder", he could also add the ancient magic power to open the pages.

He had two kinds of ancient magic power in his body. The first kind came from the Obscurus Core, which could be used directly to release various ancient magics.

The second kind came from various magic buildings. This kind of ancient magic power had been baptized by the years and was obviously more rare.

In order to show "Thunder" as much as possible, Vizette thought about it and invested a small amount of the second ancient magic power.

"a" (ansuz)!"

Chanting the spell, "Thunder" drove the two ancient magic powers and continued to accumulate in the wand.

He could clearly feel the wand getting warm. Observing the wand through the magic eye, the wand was surrounded by white light like electric current.

When the white light gathered at the tip of the wand, the wand trembled slightly.

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