Vizette realized that the accumulation process of "Thunder" was complete and could be released.

The moment he waved his magic wand, the sky suddenly dimmed.

Amidst a burst of crackling sounds, a white plasma snake fell from the sky and slammed into the ground, stirring up a blazing white. The flying lightning was like a golden snake dancing wildly...

Chapter 48 The damaged wand

There was a vibration under Vizette's feet. Even if he closed his eyes, he could still feel the whiteness through his eyelids.

He didn't open his eyes until the shock disappeared.

A hemispherical pit of about twenty meters appeared in front of him. The pit had become a piece of scorched earth, and black smoke was constantly rising out.

He looked at the pit thoughtfully, "Is this the "Thunder" that consumes two ancient magical powers?"

Consuming a small amount of the second ancient magical power can bring about such an effect. What effect will it produce if all the stored ancient magical power is invested?

At this moment, a burning heat spread along the end of the wand to his fingertips...

He raised his hand and saw that cracks appeared from the tip of the wand down, and the cracks curled outward like petals.

Obvious scorch marks can be seen in the curled position, and wisps of black smoke are faintly emitted, exuding a unique smell of burnt wood, which is not unpleasant to say the least.

The core of the wand contained in it is like a flower stamen, and one end of the fire dragon's heartstring is split into several petals, which are burnt black. The red light throughout the body has dimmed, like a candle, and seems to be extinguished at any time.

Vizette observed with his magic eyes and found that all the magic circuits on it were broken, especially at the tip of the wand, where no trace of the magic circuit could be seen.

Ollivander's notes describe many situations in which wands may be broken.

The wand in his hand was irreparably damaged and could only be replaced with a new wand.

Although it is not difficult for him to replace the wand, this wand has been with him for a year, and he still feels a little disappointed.

Luna came to her side and said softly: "Shall we put it in the garden? Let it return to the place where it first appeared."

After using Luna's wand to repair and treat the pit, the two returned to the garden.

Weizet moved a flower pot, and Luna picked up a small shovel and filled it with soil bit by bit, leaving only a small round pit.

"Thank you!" Weizet rubbed the wand in his hand and said his final farewell.

Luna found several magical plants and planned to arrange them into a potted landscape around the wand.

The two of them worked from the afternoon until sunset before the potted plants began to take shape.

The potted plants are placed in a corner of the garden, receiving the gentle caress of the sunset;

Several sap-weed plants swayed their leaves gently in the evening breeze, and the magic juice contained in the leaves made ripples;

The moss on the flower pot is orange-red, like a whole fruit cake, dotted with dark pebbles like chocolate balls.

Luna also put a small crab claw plant into the potted plant. The crab claw plant seemed to like the magic wand in the middle, and would always dance its vines around the wand.

The eight-legged horse appeared next to the potted plant. He kept sniffing the cracked wand and seemed to like it very much.

It raised its head and let out a low thundering sound.

Luna explained with a smile: "Frigga said this smell is very familiar, and she misses this smell very much."


The next day, Luna stayed at home and drew illustrations of the top of the World Tree for The Quibbler.

This is also the characteristic of "The Quibbler". The illustrations in the entire magazine are all hand-drawn, and there is no magic photo.

Vizette came to Diagon Alley via the Floo Network and went straight to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

The pleasant welcome bell rang, and Ollivander's eyes showed a bit of surprise when he saw Vizette appearing in front of him.

Wizette greeted: "Good morning, Mr. Ollivander!"

Ollivander smiled slightly, "Vizet, good morning..."

"Something bad seems to have happened..." He seemed to notice something and looked up and down at Wizette, "Your wand seems to have... passed away?"

As the best wand maker in England, Ollivander has a unique sense of wands.

He glanced towards the entrance of the store and waved his wand gently at the door.

"Yes... I finished testing a magic yesterday, and it suddenly cracked, just like this..." Weizet took out the painting that Luna drew yesterday, which was a potted plant with a magic wand.

"A very good idea, I think it will rest in peace." Ollivander praised the potted plant painting.

"It looks like a flower... This is very rare. What did you see through your magic eyes?"

Weizet described: "All the magic circuits on the body of the staff were broken, and the magic circuit on the top disappeared."

Ollivander blinked, his silver eyes filled with thoughts, "It seems that magic is extremely powerful...and extremely mysterious."

"I want to see the power of that magic with my own eyes... Wizette, come in with me!" He groaned and led Wizette out of the store and deeper into the store.

Inside is Ollivander's workshop, and the air is filled with the smell of various woods, mixed with the smell of magical plants.

Ollivander explained: "If there is no magic eye, then you need to feel the wand with your heart and make the wand with your heart...Light is not that important."

He waved his magic wand, and the surroundings finally became brighter, showing what a workroom should look like.

The layout of the studio is similar to that of the shop. It is also a long and narrow room, but it is deeper.

Every tool and material here is placed in an orderly manner.

There are neat cabinets hanging on the walls, filled with small square drawers, all made of pure gold and looking golden.

Vizette learned from Ollivander's notes that although various magical materials have different properties, they can all be preserved with pure gold.

Because pure gold is an extremely pure and stable substance, it can tolerate these magical materials very well without destroying the characteristics contained in it.

Looking further into the studio, there are rows of pure gold shelves with bundles of wood placed on them, which is also the source of the wood smell in the air.

The Ollivander family has a long history. In their view, in order to ensure the quality of the wand, it is necessary to replace the shelves and cabinets where the wand materials are stored with pure gold.

In the center of the room is a huge workbench. The surface of the workbench is engraved with complex graphic symbols. Just by looking at it, you feel your mind is soothed.

The tools on the workbench are well organized, including soft dragon skin for smoothing and polishing the wand, several rolled dragon skins, a pure gold cauldron, and so on.

"Vizet, let's try the power of magic first!" Ollivander stretched out his hand and pointed to a small circular platform not far away.

He found a dusty wand box from the corner of the studio and handed it into Weizet's hands.

"There are always some particularly picky wands that never find the right wizard. But I think... they won't reject you."

Inside the box was a black wand with pimples scattered around it. Weizet cast the "Guardian Meditation" and weighed the wand in his hand...

Chapter 49 You need a unique wand

Weizet said in a positive tone: "Blackthorn wood wand, ten inches, the core should be unicorn tail hair."

It is not that simple to tame a blackthorn wand. Wizards holding such wands often need to go through dangers or difficulties before they can truly gain recognition for blackthorn wands.

Because of this, it is difficult to find a suitable wizard for such a wand.

"Very accurate." Ollivander seemed very happy. "I can feel it. You studied the notes carefully and were able to deduce the core of this wand based only on its weight."

He walked to the workbench and picked up one of the rolls of dragon skin. Inside was a fire dragon heartstring.

"Speaking of which...this is the fire dragon heartstring you gave me. The quality is very good. Was it selected with the magic eye?"

Wizer nodded, "Yes, it feels similar to the quality described in the notes, so I brought it back."

Ollivander said with a smile: "Sweden is rich in Brachysaurus, and their heartstrings are used to make wands, which can cast powerful fire magic..."

"I almost forgot about business!" He slapped his forehead, "Come on! Stand in this position, aim at that platform and cast a spell. You can attack it, but this platform is still very strong."

Weizet added uneasily, "Mr. Ollivander, please close your eyes when I recite the's very dazzling."

"Okay." Ollivander nodded, "You can start now, don't worry and attack, it'll be fine!"

Vizette followed what he did last time and smoothed out the magic circuit in the blackthorn wand. After there was no barrier between him and the wand, he chanted the spell.

"a"(ansuz)! "

Using the hemispherical pit as a warning, Vizette only mobilized the core of the Obscurus and let it pump out the ancient magical power.

After accumulating strength, the studio suddenly cast a shadow, and even the golden shelves and cabinets seemed to have lost their luster.

Dazzling lightning appeared out of thin air, and fell suddenly in an instant. Dazzling ball lightning bloomed on the small circular platform, and the entire workroom was shrouded in white light.

Perhaps sensing the powerful magic power, the outsides of the pure gold shelves and cabinets were covered with a silver-white magic energy field to protect the wand materials stored inside.

Even though Ollivander had closed his eyes, he could still feel the power of this magic through his eyelids.

When the white light dissipated, he quickly opened his eyes and looked at the small circular platform.

The small round platform became extremely red, like a soldering iron that had just been taken out of the furnace.

It's just that such power was actually within his expectation, and it shouldn't damage the wand.

Considering Wizette's current age, it is extremely rare to be able to release such magic.

In Ollivander's impression, there seems to be no wizard who can release magic at this age to alert the shelves and release a magical energy field for protection.

Even if the age is relaxed and those wizards who are about to graduate are included, perhaps only Dumbledore and a few others can do similar things.

He noticed that the wand in Weizet's hand was still intact, "Weizet, do you have any reservations?"

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