"I do have some power that I haven't used yet." Vizet nodded.

After this spell, he confirmed one thing: calling only the ancient magic power of the Obscurus core will not harm the wand.

This is good news.

Ollivander said: "Vizet, don't keep it, I want to experience the magic myself."

Vizet looked around and noticed the magic energy field that had just dissipated, "Mr. Ollivander, can we change places? I'm worried that the wand materials will be... affected."

"It's a thoughtful idea." Ollivander smiled with relief, "I remembered a place where few Muggles go, which is very suitable for experimenting with magic."


Under Ollivander's guidance, Vizet experienced another way of wizard travel - Apparition.

According to the normal process, it will take a long time to get in touch with Apparition.

So he performed "Apparition", firmly grasping the hand of the wizard who cast Apparition, and he will follow the wizard to the destination.

The experience of the follower's appearance was not very pleasant. Wezzet felt that his body was squeezed in all directions, and even felt that his body was squeezed into a ball.

They appeared in a forest, and they could see the backs of small animals running away in fear.

"There is a Muggle-repelling spell around, so no one will come here." Ollivander explained, "Wezzet, you can start."

Wezzet nodded and clenched the wand in his hand.

The blackthorn wand is indeed unique. It seems to know the fate it is about to face, and the wand body actually conveys a hint of excitement.

It is like a warrior who likes to challenge the limit. Even if it is about to be destroyed, it still moves forward bravely without retreating.

In response to the blackthorn wand, Wezzet took a deep breath and released two ancient magic powers at the same time.

"a" (ansuz)! "

The thick plasma white snake fell to the ground with a bang, and the whole forest seemed to tremble because of it.

Countless birds flew up in panic, and their panicked cries rose and fell, merging into a harsh and frenzied sound.

Just like the "Thunder" released yesterday, a hemispherical pit appeared in front of Vizette, and black smoke continued to flow out.

The blackthorn wood did not escape the fate of being damaged, and the unicorn tail hair as the core of the wand was completely turned into ashes.

Olivander stood on the edge of the pit, seeming to feel something.

"Incredible power..." He said slowly, "Vizette, you can replace the wand with a new one at any time, but this cannot solve the problem from the root."

"The solution to solve the problem from the root is also very simple. You have to find materials that can carry this power and make a unique wand."

Hearing Ollivander's words, Vizette immediately understood, "Then I will start learning to make a wand."

"Yes! What a pleasant surprise. "Olivander nodded, his eyebrows raised, his eyes flashing with joy, and a smile on his lips.

"You have the Magic Eye... This is an extremely obvious advantage. The problems encountered in making a wand can be avoided through the Magic Eye."

"In fact, I can still feel that your foundation is very solid. It shouldn't be difficult to get started with wand making. What do you think?"

Vizet calculated the time. There was still more than half a month before the start of school, so he had plenty of time.

He looked at Ollivander's expectant eyes and nodded in agreement: "Mr. Ollivander, when do we start?"

"Good boy!" Ollivander smiled happily, "As long as you are free, you can start at any time."

"Then I'll go back and tell Luna and the others, and then come to disturb you."

"How can I disturb you? You can treat it as your own home and come whenever you want! "

Chapter 50 Harry's Experience

The two returned to the workshop, and Vizet selected a brand new wand: oak, dragon heartstring, thirteen and three-quarters inches, and full of toughness.

This wand is very comfortable to hold, and the feel is similar to his original wand, but the size is slightly larger;

It looks like a three-edged bayonet, without too much carving and decoration, exuding a cold atmosphere.

In the afternoon, Vizet just took out a handful of Floo powder and was about to go to Diagon Alley when guests suddenly came to his house.

It was a middle-aged man and Harry Potter.

"Hi! Vizet!"

Harry was so excited that he could see that bright smile as soon as he opened the door, and he felt a bit "escaped from the sea of ​​suffering".

"Good afternoon, Harry! "Vizet nodded in response, looking at the middle-aged man beside him.

Strictly speaking, this was the first time Vizet had met Arthur Weasley.

Arthur Weasley was thin, wore a pair of glasses, and had red hair that was a little bald.

"Vizet Lovegood, nice to meet you!" He stretched out his hand and shook hands with Vizet, "Thank goodness for your reminder, I was able to know about this matter..."

Arthur actually knew some related things about Harry.

A few days ago, Harry violated the rules and released magic in front of Muggles.

Since it was only Harry's first mistake, the Ministry of Magic only sent owls to send warning letters and did not take any further measures.

Combined with what Ron mentioned, Arthur considered that Harry might be in trouble, so he hurriedly took advantage of his vacation to go to Little Whinging District and learned about the matter from Harry's Uncle Vernon.

On the night when Harry cast a spell in violation of the rules, Vernon was negotiating a big deal, but the sudden appearance of an owl ruined the deal, and he also learned that Harry could not cast spells outside the school.

Vernon was furious and locked Harry in the bedroom, threatening to keep him locked up;

Because Vernon learned from the letter that if Harry cast a spell again, he would be expelled from Hogwarts.

On the way to Harry's bedroom, Vernon kept asking Arthur whether this was true.

As a punishment, Vernon not only locked Harry up, but also restricted the food supply, only sending a little food every day.

"The situation at that time... was really dangerous!" Arthur sighed, "They locked Harry up for almost five days."

"When I took out my Ministry of Magic ID and finally saw Harry, I was still scared. His face was like a piece of ginger cake, and there was not much blood."

Harry nodded repeatedly, looking frightened.

As the director of the Office of Prohibition of Abuse of Muggle Items, Arthur actually dealt with many Muggles.

Although he still didn't quite understand the living habits of Muggles, he understood what Muggles like Vernon would be afraid of or dread.

Arthur continued to recall: "I actually wanted to be nicer to them... but seeing Harry so hungry... I couldn't control my tone..."

"Mr. Dursley really shouldn't... punish Harry in this way. Both sides should calm down... Anyway, I brought Harry here."

"Now that I think about it, maybe I should have talked to them more? Instead of taking Harry away from there... It was really a bit too hasty..."

"They are actually very happy that they can't see me for more than half a month in advance." Harry said indifferently, "and the person who cast the spell was not me, I was wronged."

"Yes, I have to go to Amos later." Arthur nodded and showed the basket in his hand.

"Vizet, this is the Yorkshire pudding made by Molly. She is very grateful that you can dissuade Ron and others."


When he came to Diagon Alley, Vizet saw the clerk waving his wand and hanging a huge banner when he passed by Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

The banner reads: Gilderoy Lockhart, the author of "The Magical Me", will be visiting Flourish and Blotts for an autobiography signing event. Stay tuned!

Gilderoy Lockhart is a Hogwarts alumnus from Ravenclaw College.

In the last school year, Vizet occasionally heard about this wizard from Penelope and Qiu Zhang.

Although Gilderoy Lockhart is young, he has many honorary titles. Coupled with his outstanding appearance of blond hair and blue eyes, he is deeply loved by witches, especially middle-aged witches.

He has published many books, most of which are novels related to black magic.

In Flourish and Blotts, Vizet pays more attention to academic books and has not read Gilderoy Lockhart's works.

In the secondary creation videos he watched in his previous life, there is not much content related to Gilderoy Lockhart.

He can only vaguely remember the relevant clip: Gilderoy Lockhart, who is covered in dust, holds a wand and casts a forgetfulness spell.

However, the Oblivion Charm went wrong, and the wand backfired. Gilderoy Lockhart was hurt by the Oblivion Charm and was blown to the ceiling.


Entering the hall of Ollivander's Wand Shop, Ollivander had obviously been waiting for a long time.

When he came to the workshop, he asked first: "Vizet, have you ever thought about how to make a wand?"

Vizet thought for a moment and replied: "If it is just based on the contents of the notes, it is probably a different combination of wand materials."

"Cut the magic wood, fill the wand core and seal the magic wood... It's probably such a process."

"But I saw the crucible here this morning. So I think potions are needed in it."

"Because I didn't see any seams on the wand. So I think potions can play a bonding role in wand making."

Olivander applauded: "Very good! That's right, potions are an important part of the wand making process."

He stood at the workbench and prepared to move out the crystal cup containing liquid.

In one of the long cups, two pieces of magic wood were soaked.

Ollivander continued, "This is the half-made wand I'm going to finish. You can watch me do it now."

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