In addition, Weizet's knowledge of various herbal medicines was somewhat beyond Ollivander's expectations.

After finishing talking about the harvest, Weizet asked a question he had just thought of, "Mr. Ollivander, there is something I still don't understand about the last step."

"I just saw that after those magic potions entered the groove, countless magic circuits appeared, and these circuits were attached to the wand..."

"This situation is a bit familiar... Is this a ritual magic? Including your last tap on the table, is it also considered a part of the ritual magic?"

"Ritual magic?" Ollivander clenched the wand box in his hand, his pale silver eyes showing disbelief, "Have you done any research on this?"

"It can't be called research." Weizet shook his head. "I visited many murals in wizard ruins in Sweden, and I also read a lot of interpretations of the murals."

"After reading those interpretations, I got a lot of inspiration, and then used the materials around me to perform several ritual magics, and luckily succeeded in one or two magic spells."

"It's like the water-making spell. Based on the interpretation of those murals, I started to learn the ritual magic bit by bit, then simplified the ritual magic, and finally I was able to use the wand to cast this magic..."

Weizet was sorting out his thoughts as he spoke. He frowned unconsciously and began to think carefully.

"Although the interpretation of the mural focuses on the evolution of magic, after I saw you making the wand, I connected the two... I thought of a question..."

"Is the wand itself a ritual magic? Because I think adding up the steps of making a wand is actually equivalent to performing a ritual magic."

"But then, a new problem arises...Wizards can use their wands to perform all kinds of magic...How can we explain this?"

"Could it be a universal ritual magic? Just like a universal cracking spell...a basic ritual magic that encompasses all magic..."

Listening to Weizet's muttering analysis, Ollivander's heart was filled with turmoil.

He really didn't expect that just through the process of making half a wand, it could trigger so many thoughts in Weizet.

The most important thing is that these thinking directions are not wrong.

Wizette shook his head, looked at Ollivander and said, "Mr. Ollivander, I'm so sorry, sometimes I tend to be like this..."

"Actually, I learned ritual magic some time ago, so I subconsciously made the connection. It's just speculation without actual proof..."

"Ravenclaw! Praise Ravenclaw!" Ollivander waved his hand to show that he didn't mind, "The content you just analyzed is already very different."

"Based on your understanding just now, the entire process of magic production can be regarded as a ritual magic. And this ritual magic will directly give up the final result."

"Just give up the final result?" Weizet repeated this sentence, with deep doubts on his eyebrows.

Seeing Weizet's doubts, Ollivander was a little happy, which at least meant that he could continue to teach instead of having all the answers guessed by Weizet.

"Ritual magic has no results, which means it needs to continue forever..." He took out his wand and drew a circle pattern with sparks in the air.

"Continuously cycle, cycle, and cycle...the wizard can keep casting spells and casting spells again. So we attach great importance to wand materials."

"You need to choose the most suitable wand material so that it can become the 'medium' for ritual magic, a 'medium' that is enough to support the wizard's continuous casting of spells!"

"The wizard who was the first to design a wand was really amazing!" Weizet exclaimed. "He created a tool like the wand in an infinite loop."

"The emergence of the wand allows wizards to release their talents and perform magic without ritual magic. This idea is really...indescribably great!"

Chapter 53 Autobiography Signing Party

For Ollivander, it was a complete surprise that Wizette had taught himself ritual magic.

In this way, Ollivander could get straight to the point and impart theoretical knowledge about wandmaking.

He used ritual magic as an example to make it easier for Wizette to understand.

Wizette's performance also exceeded expectations and he was always able to draw inferences from one example to speed up his learning progress.

Through the form of questions and answers, it only took Vizette nearly a week and a half to complete the introduction to wand making.

Getting started is often the most difficult, and depending on the level of mastery, it also determines what level the wandmaker can reach in the future.

As for the craftsmanship of making wands, it is a process that takes many years. As you continue to accumulate experience and proficiency, you can reach a considerable height by making up for your deficiencies with diligence.

Seeing Weizet waving goodbye, Ollivander felt very emotional. How great it would be if he were a child of the Ollivander family with such an excellent learning ability!


After a week and a half of learning about wand making, Wizette actually still has a lot to learn.

The wand contains infinite loops of ritual magic. Just learning how the wand loops will benefit Wizette a lot.

As a wand maker, Ollivander not only needs to make wands, but also needs to personally select the magic wood and wand core.

This also means that he needs to travel across mountains and rivers, see all aspects of the magical world, and have extremely extraordinary experiences.

During the learning process, most of the various ideas that appeared in Weizet's mind could find answers from Ollivander.

However, as admission notices are being issued one after another, Ollivander has to be busy selecting wands for the new students and cannot spare time to continue teaching them.

The garden at home has also undergone considerable changes. The magical plants around the wand pot have increased in growth momentum and are more vibrant than the surrounding magical plants.

Not only that, even the lawn that was blasted into a deep hole by "Thunder" has become lush and green.

When Luna was watering the potted plants, she introduced it like this, "Although it can no longer be a good helper for the wizard, it has become a good partner in the garden."

"All the flowers and plants here like it. You can see it looks like a crab claw. They dance with it every day. Frigga also likes it very much and often comes to see it."

Weizet nodded thoughtfully, "It used to be the helper of the wizard, but now it is independent and has become a painter of the garden. This can be considered growth, right?"

"It's time for us to set off." Xenophilius greeted, holding Luna's admission notice in his hand.

"Merlin's beard! There is something wrong with the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year. Why is there such a large list of books...all by Gilderoy Lockhart?"

"Isn't the new professor a book lover? That's too unreliable! No matter what, you should study the normal Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks, right?"

"Wait!" He suddenly frowned and his eyes were serious, as if he sensed something dangerous, "Something's wrong! Is that old gummy... going to attack Hogwarts?"

"Find a fan of Gilderoy Lockhart, induce the students to become fans, and then control Gilderoy Lockhart..."

"In this case, doesn't he control Hogwarts? It's really terrifying! I want to expose his affairs!"

In just a few words, Xenophilius had already decided on the topic for the next issue of the magazine.

He now has more readers from other countries, which also means that he can share his thoughts with more wizards.

On the way to Diagon Alley, Xenophilius was still thinking about the topic and adding more relevant evidence.

"One, two, three... seven books by Gilderoy Lockhart, each worth five galleons!"

"I really can't believe what terrible things will happen if all these galleons fall into that old gummy's pocket..."

"Old Gummy will definitely use this money to strengthen his control over Gringotts! Anyway, he has murdered many goblins. This is a sign that he wants Gringotts..."

Weizet discovered that there were a lot of people coming to Diagon Alley today, especially the number of middle-aged witches.

They all held books in their hands. These books had various names:

"Breaking with the Female Ghost"

"Walking with Ghouls"

"Traveling with a Vampire"

"Gilderoy Lockhart teaches you how to rid your home of pests"

They are all Gilderoy Lockhart books.

Wizette recalled that he had seen a banner hanging out in Diagon Alley before. Gilderoy Lockhart was going to hold a book signing for his autobiography. It seemed that today was the day.

Sure enough, when they passed by Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, they saw the clerks busy decorating the bookstore, hanging out ribbons and posters, all showing a portrait of a blond man with blue eyes.

"Mr. Bagshot, are you sure you are well prepared? Do you want me to bring some more? Look at the streets..." Gilderoy Lockhart waved his hand, "They are all fans of my books!"

After saying that, the blond man smiled slightly, revealing eight teeth, which were as white as salt grains.

Mr. Bagshot was also in the bookstore, "Of course we are fully prepared. Flourish and Blotts is the largest magic bookstore in England, so you can rest assured."

"Of course! I particularly like your cultural salon on the second floor!" Gilderoy Lockhart said enthusiastically, "How can so many wizards gather together!"

"Isn't using ghosts a bit... you know? Maybe finding some Veela would be a good choice! Think about it, let them receive the wizards under discussion, and then give them refreshments..."

" sounds like..." Bagshot groaned, without much of a smile on his face.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Vizette not far away and immediately reached out and waved.

Wizette and his group walked forward, nodded and said hello: "Good afternoon, Mr. Bagshot!"

Xenophilius stepped forward, shook hands with Bagshot and said, "Thank you very much for taking care of us!"

Gilderoy Lockhart rolled his eyes and did not dwell on the topic. "Mr. Bagshot, are these three your distinguished guests? Can I get to know them?"

Bagshot introduced: "The book you just asked about, "Dark Shadows in the Fortress! The Wizard's Last Dance!", was created by them."

"Oh, so you are the author?" Gilderoy Lockhart stretched out his hand to Xenophilius, "We should have many topics in common! I have read that book, and it is so well written!"

"Ah! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Gilderoy Lockhart! I came here today not only for a book signing, but also for something more important to announce! Can you guess it?"

"Oh...Hello, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart." Xenophilius nodded and said calmly, "I...can't guess."

Although the two shook hands, his eyes were full of vigilance...

Chapter 54 A Chance Encounter with Lucius Malfoy

The clerk came over, and Bagshot glanced at the time and reminded him: "Mr. Lockhart, your book signing should start."

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