Gilderoy Lockhart slapped his forehead exaggeratedly, "Look at my memory! After all, my head contains too many experiences of fighting dark magic, so I will always overlook something!"

He used the wand as a curling iron and curled a bunch of hair on his forehead, "It's like time... I do lack the concept of time. What do you think of me now?"

The clerk applauded and praised: "Mr. Lockhart! You are in great shape!"

"Then let's set off!" Gilderoy Lockhart was very satisfied, showing his eight shining teeth again.

He does look good. He is wearing a sky-blue robe and a pointed hat. It is worn diagonally on his wavy blond hair, like a walking forget-me-not flower.

When he appeared in front of everyone, the self-portrait on the poster seemed to be instructed to smile brightly with him.

"He... looks a little strange?" Luna stood next to Weizet, her voice was very soft, "Like a bulging chocolate ball package?"

"Isn't there any real chocolate?" Weizet looked up and looked at Gilderoy Lockhart not far away.

Gilderoy Lockhart kept changing his appearance, making newspaper reporters jump back and forth, looking for the right angle to take pictures, and the magic camera puffed out bursts of purple smoke.

"Mr. Bagshot, long time no see." A lazy voice sounded.

A middle-aged man with long pale blond hair shawl appeared. He was thin and carrying a walking stick with a silver carved snake head.

His gray eyes first glanced at Bagshot, then casually glanced at Xenophilius, "Mr. Bagshot, are these three... your friends?"

"Mr. Malfoy, these are all my good friends!" Bagshot smiled slightly and reached out to pat Vizette on the shoulder. "Let me introduce to you. This is Vizette Lovegood."


Hearing this familiar last name, Weizet raised his head slightly and looked at the long-haired man curiously.

"Oh? Good friends?" The long-haired man noticed Bagshot's movements and happened to look at Wizette.

The long-haired man bared his teeth, groaned in pain, and looked away in panic.

His right hand, regardless of the crutch, was suddenly placed on his left arm, as if a wound on his arm was burning, causing him great pain.

Wizette frowned, and he actually knew the long-haired man's name - Lucius Malfoy while looking at each other.

Maybe as long as he continues to stare at each other, he can learn more information.

Bagshot was a little confused, "Mr. Malfoy, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm feeling ill!" Lucius Malfoy's voice trembled a little, and he bent down with an extremely embarrassing movement and took the crutch back into his hand.

"Mr. Bagshot, I'm afraid I don't have time to meet your new friends... I'll take my leave now!"

His face was extremely tense, as if he was hiding some emotion, and his forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

Lucius Malfoy walked quickly through the crowd, as if looking for someone.

Finally, he made a discovery and came to a boy.

Without bothering to wipe the sweat from his forehead, he said, "Draco! We should go back!"

Draco Malfoy raised his head and said subconsciously: "I haven't bought all the school supplies for this year, and there is also a flying sweeper..."

He was suddenly stunned. This was the first time he had seen his father lose his temper like this, as if he had experienced something terrible.

However, after thinking about it, nothing seemed to have happened today.

They also went to Knockturn Alley and found a shop that traded dark magic items;

Dad prepared a list of items and wanted to sell some of the things in the manor;

There seemed to be no problems in the transaction process, and the conversation between Dad and the boss was considered pleasant;

Although the things in the store are interesting, my father has never touched them, so logically there should be no impact...

Lucius took Draco's hand and said, "Then come back and buy it next time, or let the store deliver the things directly to the manor. Come home with me now!"

Draco looked back at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore again, and happened to see Harry walking out of the crowd, holding a stack of books and heading to the corner, where someone seemed to be waiting.

He frowned and snorted slightly unwillingly, "Tsk!"

"It's rare to see him in such a mess." Bagshot said thoughtfully, looking at Lucius's back submerged in the crowd.

Weizet was also a little surprised. Why could he know this person's information just by looking at each other?

For this long-haired middle-aged man named Lucius Malfoy, even in the second-generation editing he had seen, there were not many scenes.

The only thing that impressed him most was probably when Lucius Malfoy was hit by a flashing blue magic and then flew backwards and fell to the ground.

Regarding those second-generation edited videos, Wizette’s tendency to watch them is all kinds of magic special effects. That is what interests him the most, and it is also the reason why he is so keen on learning magic.

"Since he has left, just ignore him!" Bagshot said, "You are here to buy books, right? The requirements of Hogwarts this year are a bit strange..."

"I actually need seven Gilderoy Lockhart books. These books are not cheap in total! Come into the store with me! I asked the store clerk to prepare all the books that will be used in the next school year."

After hearing these words, Xenophilius quickly said politely, "Mr. Bagshot, why are you so embarrassed..."

Bagshot waved his hand, "Vizet and Luna helped me a lot. The cultural salon can develop step by step according to my idea. Thanks to them!"

"In fact, for me, a good idea is priceless. I will do my best to compensate you. Just accept it, otherwise I will be uncomfortable!"

The admission books for two people add up to at least 100 Galleons.

Xenophilius was very happy to save such a sum of money now, "In this case... Thank you very much!"

"Vizet, you and Luna just go shopping downstairs. Mr. Bagshot and I will go to get the books and come back to you soon."

The book signing was in full swing. Gilderoy Lockhart enjoyed the process very much. I am afraid he has undergone special training.

While signing for book friends, he can also look up and smile.

He found Harry from the crowd and immediately pulled him in front of him. Together with Harry, they posed in various shapes and accepted the purple smoke baptism of the magic camera.

The atmosphere of the book signing became more and more heated. He put his arm around Harry's shoulder and picked up his new autobiography "The Magic Me".

"Everyone! While our 'boy who lived' has come to see me, I have a message to announce! I will become the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts in September this year!"

Upon hearing this news, many book friends immediately responded, triggering rounds of warm applause.

"Is he the next professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Vizet rubbed his eyebrows. Combined with Luna's evaluation of Gilderoy Lockhart just now, he always felt that it was a bit unreliable.

Chapter 55 The frightened Lucius

England, Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor.

In the magnificent main hall, under the enchanted ceiling, a huge crystal chandelier was suspended.

The crystal chandelier emitted a warm and bright light, illuminating the entire main hall, not missing any corner.

On the mirror-like floor, there was a thick bear skin carpet.

A silver incense burner was placed on a cabinet not far from the reception table.

The house elf with bat ears walked forward and opened the lid of the incense burner. He took out the remaining one-third of the incense, filled it with a complete piece of incense, and relit it.

After lighting the incense, the house elf came to the fireplace next to it and picked up a piece of firewood to put it in.

Before it put the firewood into the fireplace, the burning fireplace flame suddenly changed color, and the green flames jumped wildly in the fireplace.

The house elf's face changed, and he immediately put the firewood back to its original place, and disappeared into the air with a snap of his fingers.


Passing through the Floo network, Lucius and Draco walked out of the fireplace.

"Dad, what about my flying broom?" Draco was still a little unwilling, "You promised me to buy a flying broom."

Lucius didn't say anything, raised his left arm and shook it gently, and after confirming that there was no burning feeling, he exhaled slightly.

He seemed to be in a better mood. He stroked Draco's hair and said earnestly, "I will write to the Quidditch boutique. Dad will naturally complete what he promised you."

"But you have to remember! You must do what you promised me. Is there a problem? You are my son and the future heir of the Malfoy family. Remember this!"

Seeing Lucius's serious expression, Draco nodded repeatedly, "Dad, okay! I will remember it!"

"Go back and rest!" Lucius waved his hand, climbed the stairs with a cane, and walked to the study upstairs.

The tall middle-aged woman heard the sound of the stairs, walked out of the room, saw Lucius with sweat on his forehead, and immediately came up to him.

She asked in a clear and cold voice: "Lucius, is there an accident? You look very bad."

Lucius held Narcissa's hand and shook his head gently, "Narcissa, it's just a small matter."

"That Caractacus Burke... is asking for a higher price?" Narcissa frowned slightly, like a faint line drawn on a delicate canvas.

"I don't know what's wrong with the Ministry of Magic. They suddenly searched for dark magic props. Is their Ministry of Magic very clean? Forgot our annual donation?"

Lucius shook his head again, "Of course not, our transaction is going smoothly. He will come to the manor tomorrow and take those things away."

"As for the Ministry of was pushed by Arthur Weasley. They want to make a "Muggle Protection Act". After all, they are the pure-blood family with the largest number of people. There is no way..."

"The only thing left is the advantage of numbers." Narcissa said arrogantly, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"There are so many people that they have to keep splitting up. I remember that Arthur Weasley built a nest in a small village, right?"

"Of course they can't compare to us." Lucius forced a smile, "This matter will be over soon, don't worry."

Feeling that her husband was still hiding something, Narcissa, who had received family education, stopped asking questions and nodded helplessly: "Okay, I'll ask the house elf to make you some tea, and take care of your rest."

"You're the best!" Lucius sighed, gently hugged Narcissa, and put their cheeks against each other.

Seeing Narcissa return to the room, Lucius took a deep breath and turned the door handle of the study.

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