"Merlin's beard! I suddenly feel frustrated... I'm afraid I won't be able to surprise you." Ollivander sighed.

"I originally wanted to wait until you made a real magic wand before revealing it to you... I didn't expect you to summarize it yourself through the magic eye."

Wizette smiled and said: "Mr. Ollivander, the process of making the wand has already given me a big surprise."

He briefly explained and then thought about the active potion, "Mr. Ollivander, what will happen if you increase the proportion of different properties in the active potion?"

Chapter 60 The staff maker’s conjecture

Weizet further said: "What would happen if the active agent had more soul-like properties and were used in wand making?"

"This... we are also trying." Ollivander said with a helpless tone, "The craftsmanship of making wands is actually improving all the time."

"At least for the Ollivander family, progress has been made...Each generation of Ollivander wand makers will improve the potion formula to make the wand have stronger soul properties."

"Usually this process is very slow, so I can't imagine... what will happen if the active potion has sufficient soul properties..."

Ollivander suddenly realized something and asked tentatively: "Vizet, can you make the active potion... add more soul characteristics?"

He carefully placed the crystal cup, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

The active potion is similar to the soul soothing potion, which reminds Vizette of an ancient magic: "Ancient Magic: Potion Equilibrium Transformation".

Using this ancient magic, you can transform the characteristics of the soul and the properties of the potion with the help of ancient magic power.

He thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I can give it a try, but I may not be able to succeed."

When it comes to soul-level potions, he still chooses to be more conservative, so as not only to protect himself, but also to protect Ollivander.

"That's right! Of course there is a chance of failure when brewing potions." Ollivander nodded in agreement, "How about this, you go back and rest first!"

"You are already very tired today. Go back and have a good night's rest! When you feel refreshed, come over to my place."

The next morning, Wizette arrived at Ollivander's Wand Shop.

When they arrived at the workshop, Ollivander was very generous and allowed Vizette to brew the active potion. He had covered all the ingredients.

After returning home, Weizet reviewed the entire cooking process and summarized various precautions.

For the first two pots of active potions, Wizette did not use "Ancient Magic: Potion Balance Conversion".

Compared with yesterday's active potion, the improvement of today's two pots of potion is mainly reflected in the speed.

Ollivander saw all this and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Such talent is truly astonishing. Even after only one day of use, there has been such a significant improvement.

Standing by the crucible, he went through the process in his mind again and started brewing the potion for the third time.

Everything went smoothly, the milky white magic potion emitted bursts of steam and began to boil outside.

Wizette waved his wand, calmed the restless potion, and at the same time cast "Ancient Magic: Potion Balance Transformation".

He unleashed the characteristics of his soul to his fullest, and the golden light in the crucible was no longer speckled, but turned into a continuous pulse and flicker.

Ollivander was extremely focused, and his very light silver-white eyes were filled with a layer of gold.

He widened his eyes and deeply remembered all the extraordinary changes that had occurred now.

Adding the clover essence, Vizette performed the final cast. When he put down his wand, rustling sounds came from all directions.

Ollivander came back to his senses and looked at the solid gold shelf not far away.

The neatly arranged magic wood seemed to have vitality at this moment, trembling constantly, and its ends were tilted towards the crucible in front of Weizet.

Ollivander rubbed his hands nervously, and his breathing gradually became heavier. He stared directly at the crucible, as if the active potion inside was the most precious treasure in the world.

Wizette used magic to remove the sweat on his body, "Mr. Ollivander, shall I put it up?"

"Yes! Come on!" Ollivander looked at his hand and showed a helpless smile, "I'm afraid I'll spill it..."

His eyes were unblinking, just staring at Weizet's movements, for fear that if he blinked, the active medicine would spill out.

Weizet placed the crystal cup on the table, "Mr. Ollivander, how do you need to verify its effect?"

"Yes! Verify its effect! Verify its effect!" Ollivander seemed a little out of sorts, spinning around in circles like a headless fly.

"Those magic woods are eager for it, which is enough to show that this cup of active potion is different... But wait for me, I will get something."

Ollivander disappeared to the end of the studio and returned to the table after a while, with a roll of something that looked like leather in his hand.

"This is the biggest secret of the Ollivander family. Its specific contents can only be revealed by activating it with an active agent."

He placed the leather on the table and slowly unfolded it. The feeling of ancient vicissitudes came to his face.

As Ollivander said, when he unfolded the leather, there were no patterns or words inside.

He picked up the crystal cup and kept murmuring: "If the old doesn't go, the new won't come... If the old doesn't go, the new won't come..."

Olivander seemed to be comforting himself, and finally gritted his teeth and poured all the active agent on the leather.

The leather was like land that had been dry for a long time, and it instantly absorbed the active agent without spilling onto the table.

It seemed to come alive, automatically curled up, and then turned into a dense forest.

A robed figure shuttled through it, holding a branch in his hand, constantly wandering between the forests...

Vizet looked very carefully. With the previous knowledge of wand making as a basis, he could immediately see that this figure was making a wand, using an extremely simple way to make a wand.

However, his knowledge reserve was still not rich enough, and the subsequent actions of the robed figure and the related intentions of the subsequent robed figure were already somewhat elusive.

Ollivander also looked very carefully. He dedicated his life to wand making, and naturally knew more about the intricacies of it.

He nodded repeatedly while watching the figure's movements, muttering: "So that's how it is... This step can also be added to this..."

Unconsciously, the robed figure and the forest disappeared, turning back into leather, and the last scene was frozen on him raising his magic wand and summoning countless skeletons.

Vizet did not dwell on the robed figure's intentions, but instead observed what the robed figure did.

Compared to the current complex wand-making process, the robed figure can draw strength from various plants by simply communicating with them, making the branches in his hand stronger until they become a magic wand.

Ollivander said: "It is unknown when wizards appeared. He may be the first wizards in this world, or he may have appeared earlier than wizards..."

"After all, he does not need potions or ritual magic. He can use a more natural way to make a powerful wand."

"So the wand makers have a guess that perhaps there were gods in this world. They can communicate directly with everything, and the so-called magic is the result of communication..."

"Until a certain incident happened, these gods disappeared, leaving only a few marks, like this roll of leather." He patted the leather in his hand.

"Later, humans were born. Some humans were born sensitive and followed the marks left by gods, thus becoming wizards, while others became Muggles."

Chapter 61 The Fatal Temptation of the Old Wand

Vizet frowned. He looked at the leather in Ollivander's hand, recalled the battle he had seen in the colorful world, and felt that this guess might be true.

In addition, Isaiah's meeting with Selina Pendragon seemed to confirm this guess from a certain aspect.

"Vizet, just treat this as a story." Ollivander smiled and shook his head, "Let's talk about the topic related to the wand! Do you know the 'Elder Wand'?"

"Elder Wand?" Vizet frowned slightly, thinking of a bedtime story book he had read at home - "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

The role of this book in the magical world is equivalent to various fairy tales in the Muggle world.

There is a story called "The Legend of the Three Brothers", which mentions the "Elder Wand", which is an invincible wand.

In addition, there is a "Resurrection Stone" that can bring the dead back to life, and an invisibility cloak that never wears out.

These are the "gifts" given to the three brothers by the god of death;

The eldest brother took the Elder Wand, but died of sneak attacks and carelessness;

The second brother took the Resurrection Stone, but eventually embraced death;

Only the third brother did not want to be entangled by the god of death, so he put on the invisibility cloak and lived until the end of his life, and then took off the invisibility cloak to meet the god of death and passed away.

"Yes, the Elder Wand!" Ollivander nodded, "It has other names, such as the Wand of Destiny or the Stick of Death!"

"This is an extremely special wand! It has an incomparable soul characteristic, which is completely different from other wands!"

"Its soul characteristic will undoubtedly attract wizards and arouse the strong desire of wizards... Only a few people can resist this desire!"

His brows were tightly knitted together, as if he was recalling something bad.

"Vizet, remember what I said? The wand chooses the wizard... The Elder Wand is implementing this sentence and pushing it to the extreme!"

"I have studied it with other wand makers. It is a terrifying wand... but it is so fascinating..."

Olivander rolled up the leather again, conjured up two chairs, and invited Vizet to sit down together.

"In the long river of history, traces of the Elder Wand always appear and disappear from time to time. Only by studying it specifically can we find some clues through clues."

"I remember that after the freshmen entered Hogwarts, the History of Magic was a compulsory course... Wezzet, you should be familiar with the demon Emeric, right?"

Wezzet nodded, "The first lesson of the History of Magic mentioned that he implemented a reign of terror in southern England, and this action became the fuse of the "witch hunt." "

"Mr. Ollivander, do you want to say that he is the owner of the Elder Wand? So... his duel with the evil monster Egbert was actually because of the Elder Wand?"

"I also paid attention to the life of the evil monster Egbert. After he defeated the demon Emeric, he soon died in the duel... Could it be because of the Elder Wand?"

"It seems that every time the Elder Wand appears, it seems to be accompanied by death. Perhaps after getting the Elder Wand, hiding is the best choice."

“But if the old wand is special enough, someone will still discover the extraordinaryness of this wand and continue to repeat history, right?”

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