"It must be a very pleasant thing to be your professor." Ollivander said with a smile, "You are right, this series of events are all because of the Elder Wand."

"As you said, the appearance, glory, and disappearance of the Elder Wand are always accompanied by killing and death, and even the closest people can't believe it!"

"There was once a father and son. After the father Godlot obtained the Elder Wand, he was killed by his son Hereward in the basement. Perhaps... you also know the name of Godlot?"

Vizet said: "According to the records of "History of Magic", Godlot is a very powerful dark wizard, and he also left a book "The Most Poisonous Magic"."

"That book records a lot of black magic, and many of the sources of black magic are extremely ancient, which has made a lot of contributions to the later magic research."

He suddenly realized, "Wait! Ancient black magic... Could it be that these black magics come from the old wand? Can it remember these black magics?"

Olivander nodded and affirmed: "It's amazing, right? A wand that is truly worth passing down! A wand that is powerful enough to even make countless powerful dark wizards fight for it!"

"As a wand maker, of course I want to make such a wand! Of course... I don't want it to be an excuse for killing, I just hope it can provide experience for those who come later."

"There are too many secrets in the past, perhaps just like the old wand and the roll of leather, it comes from the era when humans were not yet born, and it is a tool made by God..."


Olivander needs to spend a lot of time to implement the inspirations he got from the leather.

He did not stop guiding Vizet. After completing the teaching of the potion part, he went directly to the next step of making the wand - carving the wooden core and leaving a groove for embedding the wand core.

The cutting spell is needed to carve the wooden core. Vizet has already used similar spells when Snape was giving private lessons, and now he doesn't find it difficult to perform it.

This time, the wand was paired with unicorn hair, which was the simplest of the three types of carving. All you had to do was determine the length and carve a straight line.

He carefully cast the levitation spell, embedded the unicorn hair in it, and then showed it to Ollivander, "Mr. Ollivander, does this meet the requirements?"

Ollivander narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the grooves that fit perfectly, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

This carving speed... was even faster than he imagined.

He still remembered the first time he completed the carving. It took a whole day.

After all, for beginners, this carving process needs to be combined with the cutting spell. This magic is not so easy to control, and it is easy to cut through the magic wood directly.

As for the time it took for Vizet... was it ten minutes or twenty minutes? He didn't plan to check the time, but he didn't expect it to be over.

"Mr. Ollivander, is there anything that needs to be improved?" Vizet asked in a low voice.

"I haven't figured out the texture of this magic wood yet. My technique is not sophisticated enough, so it took a long time."

"Uh..." Ollivander laughed dumbly, "Vizet, you did a great job! By the way! I have already done what you mentioned to me last time!"

Vizet took a purple certificate with his name, the qualification of a junior potion master, and a stamp from the Ministry of Magic on it.

He didn't expect that he would get the corresponding junior potion master certificate from Ollivander so quickly after just mentioning it.

Ollivander smiled kindly, "I showed them the active potion you brewed, so I omitted some unnecessary processes. If you encounter any difficulties later, you can tell me."

"I can't guarantee a longer range, but at least in Europe, my identity as a wand maker can still play a significant role, so don't be polite to me!"

Dick Creevey

Unconsciously, the time has come to September 1st, the day when Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry opens.

In order to avoid accidents, Vizet and his team arrived at King's Cross Station one hour earlier than the departure time.

They also helped a freshman to cross platforms nine and ten and enter nine and three-quarters station.

"It's amazing! It can pass through the wall like this? What if it gets stuck in the middle? Will it leave its butt outside?"

"Wow! This is a steam train! It looks so old! But how come it looks like a new one? And there is no strange smell at all!"

The freshman was amazed, his eyes widened, and he took the "Polaroid" in his hand and took pictures crazily, disappearing in the surging crowd.

Xenophilius accompanied Luna for another walk, and then he kept nagging her, telling her to pay attention to rest, be happy, and never go hungry...

In fact, Xenophilius started to say these words since yesterday afternoon, but the order occasionally changed.

"If you have time, you can write to Dad. If you are too tired to write, then let Vizette write for you. He sent back a lot of letters last year..."

"Dad, I know!" Luna smiled and nodded, "I will definitely write to you in person! Dad, you have to take care of yourself too..."

After a while, the freshman ran back again.

He said breathlessly, "I finally found you! You helped me so much just now, let me take a photo of you!"

The new student introduced himself while fiddling with the Polaroid camera, "My name is Colin, Colin Creevey."

Vizet and the others also introduced themselves.

Seeing the Polaroid camera in Colin's hand, Vizet suddenly had an idea, "Mr. Lovegood, wait until I have prepared the developing potion, and then I will send you another magic photo!"

He himself did not have the habit of taking photos, and it was only when he saw Xenophilius's reluctant face that he remembered this matter.

"That's great!" Xenophilius nodded subconsciously, and couldn't help but sigh, "You are also a potion master now! Only a year has passed..."

He patted Vizet's shoulder, "I should go too, remember to take good care of Luna. I will deal with the potions at home, and then I will open a vault for you in Gringotts."

After saying this, he hugged Luna for a while, and then he turned back every three steps and drowned in the crowd.

Colin followed behind Vizette, and wanted to take a picture with the Polaroid camera whenever he saw a broom, an owl, or any other pet.

He was very outgoing, and followed Vizette and Luna into a carriage.

"The magic world is so great! Before I received the admission letter, I didn't know that the strange things that happened were caused by magic!"

"My father is a milkman, and he can't come to send me, so I can only come by myself. But I promised him that I would take pictures of all these and send them to him!"

"Vizet, the developing potion you just mentioned... what does it do? 'Magic photos' refer to those moving photos in wizard newspapers?"

Vizette explained simply: "Yes, there is a magic potion that can make photos move."

"When the time comes, you can help me move these photos, too, okay?" Colin jumped up excitedly, his neck was red.

He took out two bottles of milk from his bag, found the small compartment in the bag, and searched it several times before taking out a handful of copper knuts and a few silver Sickles.

"These are for you. I know potions are not cheap. My father told me so! And this milk..."

"This is what my father gave me. He said that if I make friends, I will drink it with them. Would you like to... accept it?"

Vizet only accepted the milk and proposed another plan. He hoped to borrow the Polaroid camera occasionally to take some photos of Luna's life, develop them with developing potion and send them to Xenophilius.

In this way, Xenophilius should be much happier.

Colin is a person who can't sit still. He soon picked up his backpack and ran around in the corridor of the train, trying to find the trace of Harry Potter.

Vizet cast a home life magic and slowly heated the milk in his hands.

The carriage of the Hogwarts Express was not idle either. Vizet's roommate flashed in the corridor.

"Where did Vizet go? He also went to Sweden. He must know about that incident, the big tree that reached the sky..."

Not long after, they turned back and walked into the carriage.

Black-haired Michael came in first and waved, "Hello, Luna! I'm Vizette's roommate, my name is Michael Cona."

Luna also waved, "Hello, Mr. Cona!"

"Just call me Michael." Michael sat down, right next to Vizette, "Although this is the first time we meet, I already knew you when the school started."

Luna blinked, "Is that so? Because of those letters?"

"More important than homework!" Anthony walked into the car second, "Luna, you don't know, he doesn't pay that much attention to the homework left by the professors!"

Vizet touched his nose, coughed lightly and corrected, "I treat them all with care."

Terry also walked in, "I testify! Vizette has always been very attentive, Anthony said nonsense! My name is Terry Boot, you can just call me Terry!"

"I suggest you don't tell Anthony in the future that you should find that reference book to write the paper." Chris walked into the car last, "Hello Luna, my name is Chris."

Luna waved and greeted several roommates.

With so many people in the carriage, the seats suddenly became crowded.

Vizet held the milk in his hand and squeezed towards Luna.

Their arms were pressed together, and they could feel each other's warmth.

Vizet stuffed the warm milk to Luna and asked softly, "Do you feel crowded?"

Luna shook her head gently and took a sip, "No, it's warm."

"Michael, sit a little to the side!" Terry reminded after hearing Vizet's words, "You take up most of the seat by yourself."

"You don't understand at all..." Michael laughed, "Vizet, remember! Terry asked me to move away."

He moved to the side a little, his body pressed against the other side of the seat, and asked again, "It's still the thing just now, is the big tree in Sweden real?"

"Why would I lie to you?" Anthony raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms, "I just forgot to buy the newspaper over there, this thing must be true!"

Vizet also moved a little to the side so that Luna could sit more comfortably, and confirmed this matter, "It's the wizard ruins near Stockholm, I can testify."

The anecdote of Delohart

"Right!" Anthony looked up and glanced at Michael from the corner of his eye, "Do I have to lie to you? It's a pity that I forgot to buy the newspaper earlier. That issue of the newspaper was very popular!"

"It is said that the incident was not that simple. On the small island where the big tree appeared, there was a wizard's relic that disappeared, and it was replaced by a Lethe River spring."

Chris asked in confusion, "Sweden also has a Lethe River spring? Then the price of Lethe River water should be cheaper in the future, right?"

Michael frowned and said, "The water of the Lethe River is not expensive, at least I think... not as expensive as those books of Gilderoy Lockhart."

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