Vizette scanned the books in his mind and found "Standard Spells, Level Three".

For these books recorded in his mind, as long as Weizet deliberately searches for relevant text, he can find the corresponding text paragraph at an extremely fast speed, as easy as searching for keywords on a computer.

The "Standard Spells" series has seven volumes in total, corresponding to the seven years of spells classes at Hogwarts.

It was for this reason that when he was reading books at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, he simply recorded all seven volumes.

He read according to the introduction of "Standard Spells, Level 3", "Mr. Jordan, the repair spell is 'Reparo'."

"If you need a complete explanation of this magic, it should be 'a spell that can be used to seamlessly repair most broken objects'."

"Are you sure?" Li Jordan's eyes lit up, and he grabbed Weizet's shoulders directly as if he saw a life-saving straw.

"Is that book you left in Africa called "Standard Spells, Level 3"?"

"Yes, yes! This is it!"

"That's right. When I bought the book before, I thought this book was quite interesting, so I wrote it down."

"Remember...write it down? Is this something a normal person can do? Do you really not know about the mysterious man?"

"Well, when you read out the question just now, I suddenly remembered it." Wizette nodded, "If you are worried, wait until Fred and George come over, and you can ask them to check the answer again."

"I'll try it myself first." Li Jordan took out a tissue from his pocket and tore it into several pieces. "Rep...aro...repaired as before!"

He continued to practice according to the questions in the preview paper. After more than ten attempts, the paper towels were barely put together.

Magic requires many attempts, but the paper towels can be put together without falling apart, which shows that the principle and spell of the repair spell are correct.

"Genius! Good brother, you are a genius!" Li Jordan changed his name to him and directly pulled the pre-study test paper over, "Please help me take a look again!"

Chapter 20 Gryffindor needs people like you

There are a large number of fill-in-the-blank questions on the test paper. If you have really previewed, the difficulty of the test paper is indeed not too great.

Wizette pointed to the empty seat and said: "In 1754, the Office for the Prohibition of the Abuse of Magic of the Ministry of Magic in England, Olabella Nutley, repaired the Colosseum that was accidentally destroyed."

"Brother! You are too strong!" Li Jordan gave a thumbs up and immediately wrote quickly, filling in the correct answers in the blanks.

"Patronus spell, the spelling spell is 'Expecto Patronum', and the explanation is 'an ancient and mysterious spell that can summon a magical patronus'..."

The blank spaces in the preview paper were filled in one by one. Qiu Zhang, who was still snickering, changed his expression and looked at Weizet in surprise.


The loud whistle sounded, and the Hogwarts Express finally set off.

Outside the window were countless parents waving goodbye, and many younger children, crying and chasing the train.

The train went faster and faster, and the children who were crying and chasing were left behind and could only keep waving to say goodbye.

Really freed from the shackles of their parents, many children now showed expressions of relief and took out their wands from their pockets. The sound of laughter and quarrels on the train was endless.

After finishing his homework, Lee Jordan was full of energy again, "Let me tell you! I met many wizards in Africa, and I also learned a magic without a wand!"

Qiu Zhang became interested, "Casting magic without a wand? I've read in books that Africa seems to be very good at this."

Lee Jordan waved his hand: "It's not a simple wandless spell, it's a kind of magic done through gestures! I'll perform it... and show it to you."

He rolled up his sleeves and performed a set of fancy moves, making a crackling sound with his palms.

But nothing happened, no special light appeared, and nothing special happened.

Qiu Zhang groaned and asked cautiously: "Are you sure this is magic? What kind of magic does it work?"

"Hmm... how about I try again?" Li Jordan scratched his head, pulled his sleeves directly to his shoulders, and clapped his palms again.

"Merlin's briefs! Are you controlled by an African wizard?" an exaggerated voice sounded.

Fred slipped in, put his hands on Lee Jordan's shoulders and shook him desperately, "Don't let anything happen to you! We are still waiting for your bag spider!"

"Hey! Weizet, you're here too!" George followed closely, waving hello, "Oh... and the girl who distracted Cedric."

Qiu Zhang nodded and said nothing more, but his ears were a little red.

"Of course nothing happened to me!" Lee Jordan shook off Fred's hands, "Be careful, you might crush the bag spider to death!"

"Then we will definitely regret it for the rest of our lives!" George made a praying gesture, "Take it out quickly!"

For a moment, the attention of five people was attracted.

Qiu Zhang was mainly on guard, afraid that the furry spider would jump up and jump in front of her.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan admired and admired the dense bristles on the bag spider's body.

Wizette used his magic eyes, like an X-ray machine, to scan the bag spider's body back and forth.

Except for the fangs and venom glands that emit a faint green light, other parts of the bag spider do not glow and appear gray.

Weizet concentrated on observing the green light of the fangs and venom glands. There seemed to be a symbol in the green light.

It's just that this symbol is too vague, and I really can't see the specific structure of this symbol clearly.

A hand suddenly appeared at the position of the fangs. The bag spider did not hesitate at all, biting the hand directly and injecting the venom containing magic into it.

As the venom was completely injected, the green light of the fangs and venom glands dimmed.

The hand was from Fred, and the bite swelled at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Qiu Zhang's eyes widened and he subconsciously pulled out the wand, "Why did you put your hand over it yourself?"

"Don't worry, it's just a minor problem." George was very calm and took out a suction cup-like thing from his pocket and clicked it on the bite site.

The suction cup seemed to come to life and actually made a "gurgling" sound.

The venom containing magic followed the wound, was absorbed by the suction cup, and gathered into the small glass bottle at the top.

Fred's hand swelled quickly, leaving two wounds the size of a grain of rice.

Li Jordan was not idle either. He took out a piece of green leaf, chewed it and spit it on the wound.

A few wisps of green smoke slowly dissipated. When he pushed the green leaves away, the wound had completely healed, but it was smoother than the surrounding area.

Fred then bared his teeth and let out a long breath, "This bag spider is really exciting! It hurts me to death!"

"But we got this!" George took off the glass bottle and gently shook the green venom inside, "Here we come, Fat Tongue Toffee!"

Fred smiled, "But you have to remember, you will be the one who gets bitten next time."

Wizette dispersed his magic eyes and asked curiously: "Excuse that Bai Xian?"

"Expert!" Li Jordan held his head high as if to show off, and took out a bag full of green leaves, "I got it in Africa, and this bag is free!"

"No wonder it healed so quickly, it turned out to be this rare product!" Fred was amazed. "I don't know when we will be able to earn enough money to take our family on a trip."

"It should be soon." George comforted, and he looked at Weizet again, "I didn't expect that you could even recognize Bai Xian at a glance."

"My buddy is very powerful!" Lee Jordan put his arm around Weizet's shoulders and called him brother, "When I was waiting for you just now, guess how I finished my homework?"

Fred said: "It must be blind. It's just Professor Flitwick's homework and not Professor McGonagall's homework. It's not a big problem."

"Ahem..." Qiu Zhang coughed twice, indicating that he was still a Ravenclaw.

"I'm not as irresponsible as Fred." Lee Jordan said with a smile, "With the help of Wizette, I finished the preview paper."

"Well..." George touched his chin, "What's the difference between you doing this and being blind?"

Li Jordan suggested: "How about checking the test paper? Anyway, I believe him, and I don't need a reason to believe it."

Fred and George, both action-minded, quickly took their preview papers and checked them word for word.

At the end of the inspection, George still didn't believe in evil, so he also found the "Standard Spells, Level 3" and checked the corresponding blanks again.

"Merlin's Mediterranean! How can it be all right...I was actually careless in some places and didn't spell the words correctly..."

"Really?" Lee Jordan said very proudly, "If I hadn't actually cast the recovery spell, I wouldn't have believed it."

"He is just a new student, but he actually memorized "Standard Spells, Level 3" in the time it took him to buy books in Diagon Alley. Isn't it amazing?"

"Are you interested in coming to Gryffindor?" Fred's expression suddenly became serious and he patted Weizet on the shoulder, "We need talents like you!"

Chapter 21 Practicing the Summoning Spell and Meeting Miss Sea Otter

"It's hard to say, the sorting ceremony is decided by the sorting ceremony." George smiled evilly, "It might be a bit difficult to pass the sorting ceremony..."

"Yes!" Fred blinked and said with a regretful tone, "If you want to enroll, you have to go through the terrible sorting ceremony!"

Lee Jordan said solemnly: "Brother, I believe you, it's just a life and death duel, it's definitely not difficult for you."

The three of them had a clear understanding of each other, and one of them left a bluff and slipped out of the carriage.

Weizet was very calm, "The sorting ceremony... shouldn't be so scary, right?"

"I can't say this." Qiu Zhang couldn't help but said, "I should be able to get to school in the evening, and everything will be revealed by then."

The train leaves London and rides across the wilderness.

There are few people here, only herds of cattle, sheep and trains.

The time soon came to twelve o'clock, the warm sunshine poured into the carriage, and the sound of the trolley's wheels "clicking" came from the aisle.

The plump middle-aged woman opened the compartment door and said, "Honey, do you want to buy something to eat? Candy, cakes, snacks, pies... everything is available."

As the middle-aged woman spoke, she took out a wide variety of snacks and displayed them.

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