When Vizette was at Luna's house, he ate Xenophilius's homemade biscuits, which were made from Gordig roots and flour. The main flavor was a strong onion flavor without any fragrance.

Although the meals at the welfare home in his previous life were nutritionally balanced, the taste was hard to describe, which led to him not pursuing much food. Eating full was his primary goal.

Suddenly faced with a choice, he asked Qiu Zhang for help: "Do you have any recommendations? I have never seen those snacks."

"It's a bit hard to choose, each has its own characteristics..." Qiu Zhang frowned and thought, "If you want to experience the fun of snacks, Bibi Multi-flavored Beans, Chuibao Super Bubble Gum, and Chocolate Frog are all good."

The prices of snacks are extremely affordable. Weizet bought several of the snacks mentioned by Qiu Zhang and only spent fifteen copper knuts.

"This is the most magical place," Weizet said with emotion.

If converted into the price of goods in the previous life, these snacks would only cost about five yuan, which is incredibly cheap.

Not only that, the outer packaging of these snacks is colorful and eye-catching.

Especially the blue carton containing the chocolate frogs, with gold edges on the top and bottom, looks very exquisite.

"Thank you!" Qiu Zhang accepted the chocolate frog handed over by Weizet.

She opened a box of chocolate frogs. The chocolate frog in the box jumped up and drew a brown arc in the air.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Weizet gently pinched the chocolate frog, with an expression of surprise on his face, "This one can actually move? It's amazing!"

Through the magic eye, he discovered that the surface of the chocolate frog had magic attached to it, as well as an equally vague symbol.

"The pictures inside are also very magical!" Qiu Zhang took out a picture from the box.

The picture also has vague magic symbols attached, including an old man with a white beard and the character's name - Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled, nodded slightly to Weizet, and then disappeared from the picture.

Weizet quickly said: "Why did he disappear?"

"This is magic!" Qiu Zhang explained with a smile, "There are many moving pictures in the magic world. You may leave this picture and visit other pictures."

"The most valuable thing in Chocolate Frog is these pictures. If you are interested, you can also start collecting them. The character introductions above are quite interesting."

"Character introduction?" Weizet turned the picture to the back and read the introduction.

"Recognized as the greatest wizard... who defeated the leader of the Wiccan Party Gellert Grindelwald in 1945... and Nico Flamel, the creator of the Philosopher's Stone, who was very effective in alchemy..."

Not only are the pictures fun to draw, but the chocolate frogs also taste delicious.

The aroma of milk and chocolate is very rich. The chocolate frog melts quickly after entering the mouth, and the mouth is filled with silky smoothness.

The right amount of bitterness combined with the sweet taste deserves the highest rating - not very sweet.

"It should be sent to Luna... and Mr. Lovegood!" Wizette's eyes lit up and he quickly ran up the aisle, looking for the witch who was selling...

Qiu Zhang should be very popular in Ravenclaw, and students would come to visit her from time to time.

Just after noon, another beautiful brown-haired girl came here.

The girl is a fifth-year Ravenclaw student named Penelo Crevat.

Penello hugged Qiu Zhang's waist and confided: "Qiu, I feel so stressed right now... I will take the O.W.L. exam this school year, and as a result, I became a prefect."

As she spoke, she pulled the badge on her chest, and the blue and bronze badge shone brightly.

Qiu Zhang patted Penello on the shoulder and comforted: "Isn't this a good thing? I heard that you also have a special bathroom, which is very luxurious."

"When you enjoy benefits, you have to bear obligations." Penello sighed lightly, "For example, when patrolling on the train, I just changed shifts with Percy Weasley, and I have a meeting later..."

"I came here to sit down and practice magic during my break from shift...I can't cast spells during the summer vacation, which took up a lot of my time."

After that, she took out her wand from her pocket and handed a notebook into Qiu Zhang's hand, "Qiu, please help me see if I have memorized the content correctly. The summoning spell, the spell is Accio (flying here)..."

"This is a magic spell that can make distant targets fly towards you. Precautions for casting the spell... You must concentrate your will and clearly imagine the target. You cannot use it on living creatures..."

She pointed her wand in the direction of Qiu Zhang, "The notes are flying!"

The note turned through a few pages in Qiu Zhang's hand, and then there was no movement.

"I neglected my practice..." Penello showed an annoyed look, "You have to concentrate...visualize clearly...notes are flying..."

Weizet had some impressions of this magic. He flipped through the "Standard Spells, Level 4" in his mind, and there was indeed a description of the summoning spell in it.

The description of the summoning spell in "Standard Spells, Level 4" was very long, and Weizet was a little confused when he read it.

On the contrary, he understood everything in Penello's notes and even thought he could try it out.

In fact, when Lee Jordan was practicing the Restoration Charm, he wanted to try it.

It was just that the situation at the time was special, so I couldn't take action.

And now is a good time to practice.

He placed the chocolate frog on the opposite side, took out the military thorn-like wand, and gently pulled it back, "Here comes the chocolate frog!"

The blue box containing the chocolate frog shook, as if being pulled by a thread, and moved twice in his direction.

Learning environment is very important. Penelope summed up experience while trying, which benefited Vizette a lot.

As he practiced the flying spell repeatedly, the distance the blue box moved became longer and longer.

Just then, hurried footsteps came from the corridor.

"Excuse me, have you seen a toad? Neville's toad is lost..."

Vizette looked up and a panting girl appeared in front of him.

The girl had fluffy brown hair, chubby cheeks, and a pair of big front teeth that were very conspicuous, like a sea otter.

Vizette subconsciously wanted to take back the chocolate frog, but habitually chanted the spell, "Chocolate frog flies!"


The blue box drilled into the palm of his hand at a very fast speed.

The girl widened her eyes and looked incredible, "What kind of magic is this? Why haven't I seen it in the book?"

Chapter 22 Ancient Magic: Improved Summoning Spell

The girl sat down, Penelope and Qiu Zhang stopped practicing magic, turned around and looked at Vizette and the girl.

"Oh! I also tried a few magic tricks at home." The girl seemed a little excited. "It was just a simple practice. I thought I knew all the magic I was going to learn this year."

"A lot of strange things happened when I was in school. When I got the admission letter, I knew it was magic. As far as I know, Hogwarts is the best magic school!"

"I mean... I have memorized all the textbooks this year, but I haven't seen your magic. By the way! My name is Hermione Granger, what are your names?"

Hermione finished her words in rapid succession, looking at the other people in the car a little awkwardly.

"She is Qiu Zhang, and my name is Penelope Clearwater." Penelope introduced, "Did you see Vizet casting a spell just now?"

"Yes!" Hermione nodded repeatedly, her eyes were particularly bright, "He shouted 'Chocolate Frog Fly'! Then the Chocolate Frog flew from the seat to his hand!"

Penelope asked in disbelief: "Have you learned the summoning spell?"

"I tried it a few times, and just now it was the first time it succeeded." Vizet nodded gently, recalling what happened just now.

He was very devoted to the magic practice just now, and subconsciously wanted to clean up the seat, and then habitually recited a spell.

For some reason, he thought of what Luna had said to him: When a wizard casts a spell, he always needs a wish, so that the magic power can become docile...

Penelope came over, "Can you try again?"

"I'll try!" Vizet did not refuse, and pointed the wand at the notebook in Qiu Zhang's hand.

According to Penelope's experience, he first memorized the appearance of the notebook and tried to imagine the specific details of the notebook.

After the specific image of the notebook appeared in his mind, he added the inspiration given by Luna to himself-give a wish, he wanted to get the notebook in Qiu Zhang's hand.

"Notes fly over!"


The notebook in Qiu Zhang's hand was like an arrow from a string, drawing a hard straight line in the air and piercing into Vizet's hand.

"Merlin's beard! This is fourth-grade magic..." Penelope said in a daze, "Is there something wrong with my magic talent?"

"Is this fourth-grade magic?" Hermione asked anxiously, "Did you buy the fourth-grade textbooks in advance? Have you mastered the previous textbooks?"

Vizet shook his head gently, "They were practicing there just now, and I just sat in..."

"Sit in?" Penelope covered her cheeks, her voice full of frustration, "He is a freshman, and he has already mastered the fourth-grade magic, but I can't even review..."

Qiu Zhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and could only comfort him as gently as possible: "You got the prefect badge, which is the school's recognition of you, and Professor Flitwick's recognition of you..."

"Could it be too anxious?" Vizet tried to combine the pre-exam experience in his previous life and talked about his own experience, "After all, the big exam is coming."

"In fact, it's normal to be uneasy...C Miss Rivat, after patrolling the train, did you have lunch? "

"No." Penelope shook her head, "I just finished my patrol and came to see Qiu."

"That's why!" Qiu Zhang's eyes lit up, "Why don't you eat something first? My grandfather once told me - 'People rely on food, iron relies on steel, and if you don't eat, you will be hungry.' "

"Miss Rivat, here's this for you." Vizette handed over a box of chocolate frogs, "Replenish some sugar, and it can also relieve depression and anxiety."

"There is absolutely no problem with your notes, otherwise I wouldn't have mastered the summoning spell in just one afternoon. I practiced step by step according to your experience."

"I think this is not your problem, but your current state is not good enough, so you need to adjust it a little, at least to return to your usual level."

"Is that so? Thank you..." Although Penelope was a little skeptical, she still ate a chocolate frog obediently.

"How did you do it?" Hermione asked puzzledly, "Why did she listen to you? My classmates don't listen to me?"

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