"Did I do anything?" Weizet shrugged, "I just asked her to add some sugar. She just lacks a little sense of normalcy."

"She just said that she will face the O.W.L. exam this school year. Pre-exam anxiety is very normal. It's just that school has just started... What should we do in the future!"

"Have you been a Muggle before? Why are you so familiar with exams?" Hermione asked, "I read in the book that in order to hide, wizards will educate their children themselves and will not arrange for them to go to school."

Only then did she really take a look at Vizette.

A delicate and handsome face, with a sense of stability between his eyebrows.

"Are you Vizette? The Obscurial who appeared in the Daily Prophet? I'm not saying I'm afraid...because I just came into contact with the magical world...you should understand what I mean, right?"

After another rapid-fire speech, Weizet could only nod helplessly, "Maybe you don't need to explain too much. Sometimes too much can lead to many mistakes, which can easily lead to misunderstandings."

"Is that so?" Hermione frowned, as if thinking of some bad experience, "Maybe it's really like that, right?"

"The notes are flying!" Penello suddenly shouted, his tone much more sonorous and forceful.

The note escaped from Vizette's grasp and flew back to its owner.

"It feels completely different from what I just felt! I succeeded in one try!" She said excitedly, and put the notes in Qiu Zhang's hand again, "The notes are flying!"

The notes were back in her hands again.

"This is the right feeling! I was able to do this before, how could I suddenly fail?"

Penello cheered up, looked at Hermione and asked curiously: "Miss Granger, I remember what were you looking for just now?"

"That's right! I want to help Neville find a toad!" Hermione reacted, showing an annoyed look, "That's Neville's pet. I read in the book that wizards in the past liked to keep toads."

"I can't stand it anyway." Penello shuddered. "Hogwarts itself has some toads. If you want to practice magic or test potions, you can apply to the school."

Hermione's eyes widened, "Testing the potion? Using pets?"

Penello, who had regained his energy, was very talkative. "At least in the Middle Ages, the first choice pet of wizards was toads, which were very convenient for conducting various tests."

"I remember a description in "History of Magic" about Muggles' misunderstandings about wizards. They think wizards will persecute Muggles and then turn them into toads."

"Magic can indeed do this, but it requires very high magical abilities. Later, the Ministry of Magic banned the abuse of toads, and fewer and fewer people kept toads."

"Miss Clearwater, thank you! You let me know so much, but I promised Neville that I would help him find the toad." Hermione said as she stood up and prepared to leave the carriage.

Weizet spoke to keep her, "Miss Granger, maybe I can help."

When Penello was talking about the history of toad magic just now, he tried to merge the summoning spell with improved magic and got a new page:

"Ancient Magic: Improved Summoning Spell (Elementary Creature Capture)": Guide ancient magic to cast summoning spells, enhance the power of magic, and make it effective on creatures.

Chapter 23 The Unverifiable Dark Wizard

"Have you seen it?" Hermione asked quickly, "It's Neville's pet toad, his name is Leif."

Vizette shook his head slightly, "I haven't seen it, but I hope you can describe what this pet toad looks like."

"I'll go get Neville!" Hermione left the carriage in a hurry.

Penello asked gently: "Are you going to use the summoning spell?"

Wizer nodded, "Yes, I want to try it."

"But you should know, right?" Penello did not rush to deny Wizette's idea, "The summoning spell can only be used on inanimate objects."

"Even if there are exceptions, only creatures such as Florob caterpillars, whose structures are very, very simple, can the summoning spell work."

"Why don't we let him try?" Qiu Zhang suggested from the side, "Weizet is quite special... In the morning, he also helped a third-year student complete his pre-study homework."

"Is there such a thing?" Penello was surprised. "It is right to put curiosity into practice. As a Ravenclaw, what I just said is indeed inappropriate."

Weizet smiled slightly, he had a good impression of Ravenclaw.

After this short period of getting along, he appreciated the atmosphere of Ravenclaw.

Coming to this magical world, in addition to going to Sweden with Luna to find the Scimitar-Horned Snorlax, learning and exploration became his primary goals.

There are too many unknowns and magics in this world. Those magics that can cover all aspects of life are worthy of his continuous learning.

In addition, there are all kinds of magical animals, or wizard relics that he has never seen before, which make him yearn for.

Through Lee Jordan's introduction to the four colleges, Weizet now has a basic impression of the four colleges.

If you can enter Ravenclaw, you should be able to have a good student career and lay the foundation for future exploration.

Soon, Hermione led the boy who had lost the toad back here.

The boy had a round face, and his red cheeks were covered with tears. "Thank you... thank you... Hermione said... that you can help me find Leif... Leif..."

Weizet handed over a few tissues and said, "I need a more specific description. What does Leif look like? It's best to explain it clearly so that the goal is clearer and I can help you better."

"Thank you... thank you!" The boy blew his nose and his sobs disappeared a lot. "It's as big as two of my palms, it's dark brown, and there are thirteen bumps on its back..."

The boy is very interested in Toad Leif, and the details of the description are very accurate.

A series of words and gestures were enough to give Weizet a concrete image.

The next thing to do is very simple...

He pulled out his wand and waved it gently, while shouting the spell: "Here comes Toad Leif!"

The core of Obscurus beat suddenly, bursting out an ancient magical power. This power merged into the wand, which emitted a silver-blue light at this moment.

Several people in the carriage all looked in the direction of the door.

There was a sudden commotion in the aisle.

"Look! A flying toad!"

"Ah! It's so disgusting, it touched my hair!"

"How could someone bring a toad on a train? Where is it going?"

With a panicked "croak" sound, a fat toad appeared at the door.

It paddled its limbs desperately and struggled hard, but it could only pounce on Weizet helplessly.

Wizette's eyelids twitched and he took back his wand.

Losing the control of the summoning spell, Toad Leif fell freely into Neville's hands.

"Merlin's beard! For such a big toad, the summoning spell shouldn't be effective..." Penello rubbed his eyes and silently opened a box of chocolate frogs.

"It's true," Qiu Zhang said with a smile, "It's really interesting!"

Neville kept thanking you: "Thank you so much! I don't even know what to say! My name is Neville, Neville Longbottom!"

Hermione began to speak rapidly again, "Wizet, which house do you plan to enter? Is it going to Gryffindor? That's the house that Principal Dumbledore came from..."

"I haven't thought about this question yet. It should be Ravenclaw, right? If I could choose..." Weizet replied absently.

His attention was focused on the chocolate picture. He seemed to have seen Dumbledore coming back just now.

The picture of Dumbledore that came back seemed a little different, his eyes were a little more lively, and Weizet could feel the kindness in it.

"Did you tell the other people who helped? After all, the toad has been found!" Qiu Zhang's words finally sent Hermione and Neville away.

"Huh..." Looking at the two people's leaving figures, Wizette let out a long breath.

The two of them thanked and asked questions for half an hour, which made him a little exhausted both physically and mentally.

Qiu Zhang chuckled and said, "This year's freshmen are really energetic."

"Yes!" Penello stood up and straightened the prefect badge on his chest, "I'm going to a meeting, and this badge actually reminds me to go to the meeting in a hot way..."

The sky was getting darker and darker, with large swaths of purple smearing across the sky. The mountains and woods below the sky quickly passed by the window, giving the impression of ghosts.

Not long after, a hollow voice echoed in the train.

"The Hogwarts Express will arrive at the station in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will take your luggage to the dormitory."


Dumbledore put down the chocolate picture in his hand, with a smile on his face, "Amazing magical ability... can you achieve this level just by being exposed to the wand?"

He quickly stopped smiling, thinking of the not-so-good past, and sighed softly.

"We still need correct guidance so that what happened before can't happen again. A Harry...a Wizette needs special arrangements. It seems like he has a lot of work to do!"

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door, and Professor McGonagall in dark green robes walked in, "Principal Dumbledore, are you ready for this year's sorting list?"

"Of course I'm ready. You came just in time." Dumbledore stood up and waved his fingers like a conductor. The parchment scroll on the table flew up and fell into Professor McGonagall's hand.

The sorting list was written in beautiful cursive fonts. It wasn't until Professor McGonagall caught the parchment scroll that the emerald green ink on it completely dried.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the sorting list, "Wizet's last name is Lovegood? What's his original last name?"

"There is no way to verify..." Dumbledore shrugged helplessly, "I also investigated the dark wizard... everything is full of mystery."

"So I can only use the surname Lovegood. It was to protect his safety, so it has not been made public."

"It wasn't until today, after Weizet took the Hogwarts Express, that I asked Xenophilius to go through the formalities."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "This is a necessary measure. I didn't expect that the news would leak out before. The Parkinson family is still so extreme."

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