"It's over." Dumbledore waved his hand, "The old runes don't have much value... and using the runes eggs as compensation is a small punishment."

Professor McGonagall was a little worried, "Will they take revenge again?"

"No." Dumbledore smiled, "I said to him in person that I would always keep an eye on this child. As long as Voldemort has not returned, they will not dare to be so bold as to do that."

"That's good." Professor McGonagall said, "I should go, the train is about to arrive."

She walked to a cabinet, took out a tattered hat, and left the principal's office with the list of houses.

Looking at Professor McGonagall's back, Dumbledore waved again, and the purple robe with star patterns flew up and automatically put on him.

The same purple wizard hat also flew up and landed on his head.

After getting ready, he gently closed the door of the principal's office...

Chapter 24 The train finally arrived at the station

"So magical? How did they do it?" Vizet was very curious about this, "It shouldn't be pure magic, right? How did they determine where we live?"

"This question is a bit complicated... Maybe it's some kind of magical creature?" Qiu Zhang tilted his head and thought, "According to our guess, it should be the house elves who helped us move our luggage."

Vizet heard a new term, "House elves?"

"Hmm..." Qiu Zhang stretched his waist, "The height and appearance are very similar to goblins, but house elves look much friendlier."

"Generally, they live in ancient magic manors, do housework every day, and unconditionally meet all the requirements of the wizard master."

"A qualified house elf is difficult for wizards to detect, so I haven't seen their specific appearance."

The train gradually slowed down, and there was another commotion in the carriage, accompanied by "wow" screams.

Many students changed into robes, and after hearing the sound, they all rushed to the end of the carriage.

"It seems that Harry Potter is fighting with someone..."

"Harry Potter? The boy who lived? He finally got into school!"

"Go and have a look! It seems that the one who started it is someone from the Malfoy family. He is actually fighting with the savior!"


Wizet walked out of the aisle and found that the aisle was full of students, all pushing to the back. "It's crazy, just like chasing stars..."

As night fell, the Hogwarts Express finally stopped and stopped at a small platform with uneven road surface.

There were no lights or torches around the platform. The cold wind was blowing, and many students who got off the train sneezed.

"We'll say goodbye for now." Qiu Zhang waved to Vizzet, "You freshmen need to follow tradition and enter Hogwarts from another place."

Vizzet asked: "Follow tradition? Is it the Sorting Ceremony?"

"No!" Qiu Zhang blew a breath into his palm and rubbed it hard, "It's to walk the road where the four founders found the castle. Anyway, that road is quite rugged."

"First-year students! First-year students come here!" A thunderous voice sounded, "Worry about your feet! Be careful! Come to me quickly!"

Vizzet turned his head and saw a huge lantern in the distance, and the person holding the lantern was Hagrid.

"Hey! Vizzet! I finally found you!" Hagrid also found him and waved his big hand to greet him, "Come here quickly! Come to my side!"

Hagrid relied on his height of more than three meters to pass several people and carry Vizzet to his side.

He said cheerfully, "It's great to see you. Have you been harassed recently? The Daily Prophet is much more obedient, I think it shouldn't be?"

"After all, Harry is enrolled, and the focus of the reports is on him. He is very famous in the wizarding world! Let me introduce you to him... Harry, where are you?"

Hagrid's height is really an advantage. He is like the grip of a claw machine, and he easily grabbed Harry.

Harry has a pair of emerald green eyes, black hair that looks messy, and looks a little thin.

He was carried over, and another familiar face squeezed out of the crowd and came to Vizet.

Ron waved and said, "We've met before! That time on the Floo Network. Do you remember me?"

Vizet nodded, "Of course I do. Nice to meet you."

Ron said to Harry again, "This is Vizet. I told you about it in the car!"

Harry looked enlightened, "It's you. When Hagrid took me to Diagon Alley, he often talked about you and said that you helped him a lot."

Vizet explained, "It was just a piece of cake. I was forced to do it at the time."

Hagrid interrupted, "That was not just a piece of cake. Not only did you help me, you actually helped Headmaster Dumbledore!"

"Headmaster Dumbledore?" Vizet looked puzzled.

"Oh... nothing!" Hagrid realized something and awkwardly changed the subject, "We should set off! There's still a long way to go!"

The road to Hogwarts is not easy to walk on. The ground is bumpy. If there is no lantern lighting, it is easy to step into the pit and trip.

Such accidents happen frequently, and Hagrid often has to stop and pick up the fallen children.

Due to Hagrid's amazing size, the children did not cry, but tears could be seen in the corners of their eyes.

Ron said with emotion: "Fortunately, I squeezed to the front, there are still many tests today!"

"What other tests are there?" Harry asked hurriedly.

Ron said seriously: "Anyway, Fred and the others said that the sorting ceremony is very scary, and we may have to fight giants!"

"Giant?" Harry looked up at Hagrid, "Can it be taller?"

Ron shook his head, "I don't know, but taller than Hagrid!"

Hermione's voice seemed a little abrupt, "Real giants are at least twenty feet tall, and those short people are discriminated against."

"Oh..." Ron wailed and suddenly stopped talking.

Harry's reaction was similar to his, and they both shut their mouths.

Just when Hermione was about to say something else, Hagrid made another deafening sound.

"Hold on a little longer, turn this corner and you'll see Hogwarts!"

Not long after, a black lake appeared in front of Vizet.

On the other side of the vast lake, there was a high hillside, and a magnificent castle with spires stood there.

This is a castle with a strong Gothic style, with warm lights shining through windows, like twinkling stars under the night sky.

Vizet let out a long breath. Although he had seen many magnificent buildings on TV in his previous life, only by being there in person could he truly feel the magnificence.

Especially under the eyes of magic, this towering castle glowed all over, and the silver-blue magic was as dazzling as the sun, which made him dare not look directly at it.

This castle contains a huge ancient magic power, which is like a treasure sealed in a box, attracting him to explore.

A lot of information poured into Vizet's mind, and he suddenly felt dizzy.

He hurriedly ran the "Guardian Meditation Method", and the dizziness and swelling of the head eased and disappeared.

At this moment, the "Wizard Practical Guide" in his mind suddenly opened, and a map appeared on the notebook, which was the map where Hogwarts was located.

This map was shrouded in fog, and the castle and the lake could only be barely seen.

Only one route was clearly visible, which was the rugged path from the station to the lake.

Obviously, if you want to dispel the fog on the map, you have to explore the surroundings of Hogwarts.

"It looks like life won't be boring in the future!" Vizet smiled.

Hagrid pointed at the boats, "Get on the boats in order! We're going to the other side of the lake by boat, and each boat can hold up to four people."

Vizet got on the boat, and Hermione, Ron and Harry were with him.

With Hagrid's order, the boat started moving by itself, heading for the other side at a fast speed.

"Riff! Don't run!" With Neville's scream, the pet toad broke free from his owner's arms again and jumped into the water.

Ron looked at the toad Riff who fell into the water and whispered softly, "At least Scabbers is not so rebellious and won't think of running away..."

Vizet drew out his wand, "Toad Riff comes flying!"

With the help of the Guardian Meditation, his spellcasting speed was faster this time.

As soon as the toad Riff touched the lake, he was pulled by the magic and flew out of the lake, bringing up a splash of water.

Amid the children's exclamations, the toad Riff drew a half arc in the air and fell into Neville's arms again.

Harry and Ron stared with wide eyes, "What kind of magic is this!"

Chapter 25 Retracing the Founder's Path

"Summoning spell!" Hermione answered, "Didn't I tell you before? You wanted to turn the mouse... Scabbers yellow, remember?"

"There's something wrong with that spell, seriously..." Ron was a little uninterested, "Can you please not mention that?"

Harry wanted to say something, but after seeing Ron's strangeness, he also closed his mouth.

Hermione did the same, lowering her head, looking listless.

Vizet was the one who felt most comfortable. He maintained the Guardian Meditation Method and enjoyed this trip to the Black Lake with the purest state of mind.

A cool breeze blew, and the lake surface was covered with layers of ripples.

The moon in the night sky was like a scimitar, and the moonlight fell on the lake, coating the rippling lake surface with a layer of brilliance, and the sparkling waves were like a beautiful oil painting.

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