Thanks to the nourishment of those grassy-smelling liquids, although he was a little dizzy at the moment, it would never affect his thinking.

As the magic of the moonlight weakened further, the mandrake blades finally moved away from the maze of souls.

The edges of the mandrake blades curled up and gathered toward the veins, turning into an extremely slender needle.

Weizet was in a strange feeling at this moment. His consciousness was between the soul and the body. He could not only feel the leaves like long needles, but also feel the feeling of the leaves touching the mouth.

The labyrinth of the soul emits a soft light, as if attracted by the mandrake leaves, constantly releasing the beautiful emotions hidden within.

This "release" is not one-way, the mandrake blades are also "releasing";

Through this curled up form, it releases its own magic circuit and establishes a certain connection with the soul labyrinth.

Wizette savored the wonderful process, and a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, reminding him of the Potions class not long ago.

In that Potions class, he saw the magic circuit of the young mandrake leaves through his magic eyes——

It is a complex pattern like nails, and it is carrying out some kind of slow exchange and communication with the roots.

It's the same exchange and communication. How similar is it to the situation he is facing at this moment?

Mandrake leaves establish a connection with the soul labyrinth, and the soul labyrinth also conveys beautiful emotions...

The nourishment from so many grassy liquids made Vizette's thoughts well up at this moment. He felt suddenly enlightened and realized more and more the power of the magic eye...

Chapter 126 The Miraculous Use of the Magic Eye

Even for a wizard, if you want to find some kind of magic-related laws, you need to use various means including but not limited to magic, reverse deduction, and continuous experiments...

This process sometimes takes a long time, and requires continuous induction to finally summarize the relevant rules.

Visette had already gained a deeper understanding of the related exploration process in Snape's private lessons.

Therefore, he also understood how difficult it was to complete this process.

The magic eye can intuitively see the law itself.

Weizet can conduct forward deductions through the law itself and observe what this law can bring.

I have to say that this is an extremely powerful ability.

However, it should be noted that this ability is actually closely related to the knowledge one possesses.

If Wizette doesn't understand anything, even if he can use his magic eyes to see the law itself, he will not be able to make associations through the law itself, trigger thinking, and then carry out subsequent deductions.

Because the methods mastered by the wizard are all about reverse derivation, he needs to absorb enough ideas from this reverse derivation process to complete this forward deduction.

This particular feature of the Magic Eye is actually very consistent with Wizette's character and hobbies.

This extraordinary world with magic has so many things worthy of his in-depth study and learning.

Weizet took a gentle breath, feeling the smell of mandrake leaves flowing down his throat and into his body and consciousness...

"I see, that's why mandrake is used!"

"It seems our work is over." Hearing Weizet's words, Dumbledore smiled and put away his wand, and the night sky and the castle quickly approached them.

Seeing Dumbledore's actions, Flitwick and Professor McGonagall also retracted their wands, and the soft moonlight returned again, falling on the Scottish Highlands.

"Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Principal Dumbledore, thank you!" Weizet bowed deeply first to express his gratitude.

He said a little shyly: "I really didn't expect that I would cause you so much trouble."

"Of course it's not a trouble!" Flitwick smiled and said cheerfully, "I'm very, very happy to be able to help the students of my own college!"

He deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the words "students of his own school" and winked at Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore looked at each other, shook their heads in unison, and sighed softly.

"Filius, Vizette is of course a student of Ravenclaw," Dumbledore said.

"Vizet, why not share it with us in the Ravenclaw way...what do you know?"

Weizet looked around and felt the cold wind.

Such is the night in the Scottish Highlands. It's late autumn now and the nighttime temperatures are even colder.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, can we move to another place? I need the help of a pensieve."

"With the help of a pensieve?" Dumbledore blinked, "It seems that you have learned how to perform mental magic. There is a pensieve in the principal's office, why don't we go there?"

On their way back to the principal's office, the four of them happened to meet the Weasley twins who were planning a night out in the corridor on the eighth floor.

As soon as Fred and George emerged from the portrait, they met Professor McGonagall with a serious face and pursed lips.

Even though it was late autumn, Fred and George were sweating profusely.

George could only smile and say: "Aha! Good evening...Professor McGonagall..."

"And Principal Dumbledore...Professor Flitwick...Wizzett!" Fred rubbed his eyes, "You were caught too?"

"Good evening." Dumbledore blinked. "It's not that we were caught. We just have something to do. We'll leave right away."

"Oh, oh, oh!" Fred and George nodded repeatedly, as if they understood what Dumbledore meant.

They patted the picture frame and shouted the password for the Gryffindor common room: "Honeybird!"

The Fat Lady in the picture frame showed a dissatisfied look. She changed into a hat with bright feathers and planned to leave her picture frame and visit other picture frames.

"Hey! What are you doing? Why are you going back again? Don't you usually have to be deep..."

"Hahahaha! Fat Lady, you are really funny!"

Fred and George laughed loudly, drowning out the Fat Lady's muttering, and also trying to soothe Professor McGonagall's frown.

Dumbledore was also smiling, shrugging his shoulders at Fred and George, "Minerva, we should go."

Fred and George breathed a sigh of relief and waved, "Good night! Good night!"

After that, the two of them quickly rushed back to the Gryffindor common room.


In the headmaster's office, the old phoenix Fawkes was on the bird stand and made a low and long cry.

This is also the reason why Dumbledore chose to walk. With Fawkes' current state, it would be extremely difficult to take someone to Apparate.

Vizet first greeted him, then took out a flying boat lee and placed it in front of Fawkes.

Fawkes rubbed Vizet's palm with his beak, picked up the flying boat lee and ate it slowly.

"It will be fine after Nirvana, it will be a bit hard during this period." Dumbledore said as he walked to the cabinet and held out a gorgeously decorated stone basin.

There were countless runes carved on the stone basin, which looked ancient and vicissitudes.

"It is very difficult to check and classify memories." He looked at Vizet and said, "Vizet, don't force yourself."

Vizet nodded solemnly, "I have mastered a magic to extract memories, and I learned how to use the forgetfulness spell from Professor Lockhart."

"This kind of mental magic seems to be connected in some places... and there are some similarities in the brain block, so I didn't force myself."

"Lockhart..." Flitwick rubbed his eyebrows, "It seems that he can do some serious work."

"Yes." Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement, "It would be better if you can perform less stage plays during class."

After speaking, she looked in the direction of Dumbledore and pursed her lips.

Dumbledore also blinked in response, and things were still going smoothly.

Vizet picked up the wand and pressed it against his temple, "Remove the soul to remember!"

His movements were extremely slow, as if he was sorting something out. After a while, he pulled out a silver thread.

The silver thread slowly fell and became invisible in the meditation basin.

"Very clever technique." Dumbledore praised, "Everyone, let's go in and take a look!"

After sinking into the memory, Dumbledore and the others immediately realized that this was an extremely wonderful state, which seemed to be between reality and consciousness.

Dumbledore couldn't help but praise again: "It's more exquisite than I thought! Such a wonderful memory can actually reduce personal subjective influence to this extent!"

Chapter 127 Siphon Phenomenon and Anchor Point

To be honest, Vizzet is feeling a little stage fright now.

The three professors in front of him are all wizards with extraordinary attainments in magic.

Although Vizzet just wanted to share his experience, he began to worry about gains and losses;

He was worried that if he didn't make it clear, he would disappoint Dumbledore and the others' expectations and help.

Vizzet raised his head and happened to meet Dumbledore and the others' eyes, with encouragement and expectations flashing in their eyes.

It seems...not so nervous anymore.

Vizette exhaled lightly, "I learned from some places that the inner part of the young mandrake blade is actually different."

"It feels like a needle... Especially in the soul, it intuitively shows such a form, which can be regarded as a proof of this statement."

"But this is just my initial impression of it. As I completed the first step of Animagus today, my understanding of the mandrake blade has also changed."

A magic wand appeared in his hand, with a very obvious silver-blue light on it.

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