In fact, the casting of the Memory Extraction Charm this time was completed through the power of ancient magic.

Compared with the general Memory Extraction Charm, the magic based on the power of ancient magic will have some additional special effects.

This is a wonderful use that he has practiced after casting the power of ancient magic many times.

Vizet said: "Books such as "Handbook of Ritual Magic", "Ritual and Protection", and "Ritual Magic Practice" all show some common characteristics for the category of leaves..."

Dumbledore was very timely, "Growth and absorption, these are the characteristics that all leaves will have."

"Yes!" Vizet nodded, feeling more relaxed than before, "Because growth requires absorption, it promotes the flow of energy to complete growth."

"Therefore, we can extend another related characteristic-flow, the mandrake leaves flow with my memory. should all feel it, right?"

He waved his wand, releasing some ancient magic power, giving this memory more possibilities.

Dumbledore and the others narrowed their eyes, as if they were carefully experiencing this feeling, and nodded one after another.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were still mumbling, they didn't expect that the Pensieve that Hogwarts had kept all this time was more powerful than they had imagined.

Only Dumbledore smiled and winked at Vizet mischievously.

As one of the few people who knew that Vizet was a guardian, he naturally understood why this memory was so special.

Vizet couldn't help laughing, and coughed lightly to adjust his mood. "This flow is two-way, which is a kind of exchange."

"I give the mandrake leaves past memories, and the mandrake gives me the characteristic of 'absorption'."

"This statement is very convincing." Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement, "Animagus itself is too cumbersome and there is a lot of danger."

"Only a few wizards who want to understand the soul will learn Animagus. In this way, without understanding the soul, it is difficult to discover this characteristic of mandrake."

"I am a little curious about the 'exchange' that Vizet mentioned." Professor Flitwick said: "The exchange of memory and characteristics... Everyone, do you know the 'siphon phenomenon'?"

"I studied ancient Rome before. During the magic era, a wizard mentioned the story between him and Muggles in his memoirs. By the way, the relationship between Muggles and wizards was not tense at that time. "

"The memoirs wrote that in order to get water, Muggles would build large water pipes, which would facilitate them to cross two valleys and transport water to the city. They were very smart!"

"Siphon phenomenon?" Professor McGonagall shook her head, "I don't think I've heard of it... After all, we can use water-making spells, so there's no need to be so troublesome."

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Muggles have always been very smart. I remember that in the earliest times, they were still called 'Muggles'!"

"Siphon phenomenon!" Wizett was enlightened by Professor Flitwick, and felt that there was an extra clue in his mind, connecting all the slightly messy ideas together.

He felt his eyes brighten, "Yes! This can explain it clearly!"

Wizett waved his wand and used the power of ancient magic to create an extremely simple "siphon suit".

The "Siphon Set" includes two transparent cups, one high and one low. The high cup is filled with water, and the low cup is empty. The two cups are connected by a transparent tube filled with water.

"Professor McGonagall, this is the simplest "siphon phenomenon". I call this tube a "siphon tube."

Through the siphon phenomenon, the water in the high cup flows slowly into the low cup along the siphon tube.

Vizet said excitedly: "Professor Flitwick, thank you for your advice! This example is so vivid!"

Dumbledore clapped his hands, "It's great to discuss a better and more vivid conclusion!"

"With the "siphon phenomenon" as an aid, it's much easier to explain!" Vizet's mind worked quickly, and even his speech speed increased.

"The flow of the 'siphon phenomenon' will continue until both sides are balanced! And this can extend to another characteristic! That is stability, which is a means of protection."

"Through the characteristic of 'stability', it can also further explain why the mandrake leaves..." He waved his wand and enlarged the curled mandrake leaves.

"Like I said at the beginning, it's like a needle! And it's also a siphon! The function of the siphon is the 'siphon phenomenon', and the function of the needle is the 'anchor point!'"

"Back to the first step of Animagus!" Vizette recalled the tedious steps of Animagus, "You need to hold the Mandrake leaf in your mouth for a full month!"

"The two key points of 'holding in the mouth' and 'a month' are extremely important! Because the mouth is on the head, being close to the brain means being close to the soul!"

"During the month that the Mandrake leaf is in the mouth, it will continue to absorb our memories, and use the memory as the basis to establish an anchor point."

"When the Mandrake leaf becomes a magic potion, the memory contained in this 'anchor point' is the key to transforming into an animal or human form!"

"But there is another problem... The memories that a person can hold are diverse... The time span will be very long..."

Vizet frowned slightly, and his thinking was slightly hindered.

"Perhaps you can trace it back to its origins?" Dumbledore reminded softly.

"Tracing back to the origin?" After being reminded by this sentence, Wizette felt suddenly enlightened, "And that hair!"

"So the hair used in the subsequent steps can be regarded as assisting and correcting this 'anchor point', allowing this 'anchor point' to be accurately recorded!"

"It takes a while to master the Animagus, and you need to pull out your hair...which means it has the final say!"

"Make sure that when we turn back into human form, we won't look like we were in childhood or even as babies, but we will maintain what we look like today!"

Chapter 128 Engraving Magical Memory

After coming out of the pensieve, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick blinked and looked at the real scene around them, but they felt a little dreamy and couldn't help but let out a breath.

Animagus is an extremely unpopular magic due to its potential dangers and overly complicated process.

It is precisely because of this that there are few wizards who study Animagus, and even in the Hogwarts library, there are not many references.

However, under this situation, Weizet used the first step of the Animagus to deduce so many details, and one can imagine his talent.

Professor McGonagall asked: "Vizet, have you ever considered writing a thesis?"

"Publish a paper?" Weizet didn't respond. He was still thinking about Animagus.

"Yes! The kind published in "Transfiguration Today"." Professor McGonagall spoke a little quickly, ""Transfiguration Today" has the Most Promising Newcomer Award. I think you have a chance..."

"This is can't be said that there is a chance. It should be said that as long as you publish a paper about Animagus, you will definitely win the Most Promising Newcomer Award!"

There was a little excitement in her tone, which was slightly different from her usual serious look.

It seems that the fighting spirit belonging to Gryffindor continues to explode.

"Professor McGonagall, I think..." Weizet murmured, "We can wait until the transformation of Animagus is completed before we consider writing the thesis."

"Although I have analyzed the corresponding steps, if I can complete the Animagus transformation, it should be more convincing."

"Indeed!" Professor McGonagall nodded, "In addition, when publishing a paper in "Transfiguration Today", the corresponding format is also very important, and you need to adapt to this."

Weizet continued: "I have another idea about these steps of the Animagus..."

"Can it be like making magic props, and inscribe 'runes' on this 'siphon'?"

"Engraved with runes?" Dumbledore repeated, "You mean enchanting it so that the final animal has some magical properties?"

Vizette nodded and said, "Yes, I think the process of Animagus is actually somewhat similar to the process of making magic props."

"Another point is that I have some understanding of spiritual magic, so the process of giving memories is at least controllable to me."

"So my idea is... can the memory injected into it, the memory of pure magic, be able to engrave it on it?"

"I think it's feasible!" Dumbledore encouraged, "This is a process worth trying."

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick said at the same time: "Is there any danger?"

"Weizet already understands the soul, which is the first guarantee." Dumbledore explained, "and he has mastered spiritual magic, which is the second guarantee."

"With these two guarantees, coupled with his special experience and outstanding talent, I feel very relieved. What do you think?"

The worry on the faces of Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall still hasn't completely dissipated.

Seeing this, Dumbledore added: "When he reaches the final step, I will be there to ensure that nothing happens to him."

Weizet was a little embarrassed and said: "Would this be too much trouble for you..."

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick said at the same time: "Of course not!"

"Haha!" Dumbledore laughed happily, "Do you have any other questions?"

"Actually, I still have a question." Weizet said, "I remember that weather spells can change the weather. Can we use weather spells to control the formation of thunder and lightning?"

"After all, Animagus needs to wait for a storm. If the location is not chosen well, it may take a long time before a storm appears."

"Storms attracted by weather spells cannot act on Animagus," Dumbledore said.

"At least...storms cast with ordinary weather spells have no way of affecting Animagus."

Vizette sensed the hidden meaning in these words and in Dumbledore's eyes.

Ordinary weather spells can't do anything, so the weather spells cast with ancient magical power should be able to work, right?

What's more, he has an alternative plan - the extremely powerful ancient magic "Thunder".

"I still want to learn weather spells. It's also a good thing to learn another spell." Weizet said, "Excuse me... are there any information books that I can refer to?"

Due to its location, the village of Ottery St. Catchpole does not necessarily get snow during the Christmas holidays.

But they were very lucky last year. On the day before Christmas, it snowed.

If you can master a strong enough weather spell, you can make snow with a festive atmosphere.

"The weather spell is not difficult." Professor Flitwick said, "It's a little late today... not very suitable."

"If you are interested, you can come to me at any time, I can teach you this magic."

Vizet nodded repeatedly, "Professor Flitwick, thank you so much!"

Every professor's time is precious. How can he not be grateful for being willing to take time to teach him magic knowledge?

Dumbledore stretched happily and greeted everyone, "It's really a little late, everyone go back and rest!"

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