Seeing Harry's focused expression, Dumbledore stroked his beard with satisfaction, "Yes, this is memory, it's magical, right? Remember to find that book!"


There was a gasping sound outside the principal's office door.

Then came Draco's voice, "Professor Snape, what's wrong with you?"

Snape's voice was still cold, "Go in!"

"Vizet, why are you here?" Draco walked into the principal's office and saw Vizet and Dobby who was in a coma.

He walked around the dark bubble, looked at the ferocious-looking Dobby and said in surprise: "It's really Dobby...why is he here too?"

"This requires you to speak." Snape followed closely, wiping a drop of cold sweat from his forehead. "Otherwise, he would rather stab himself to death with his chin than speak."

Vizette nodded to Draco, put the extracted memory into the bottle, then raised his wand and chanted: "Resume quickly!"

The effect of the resuscitation spell was obvious, and Dobby let out a sharp scream, "The man who must not even be named! The man who must not even be named!"

He rolled his eyes and wanted to pass out again, but because the effect of the resuscitation spell was still there, he was still awake.

"Shut up! Dobby!" Draco shouted arrogantly, "Tell me! Why are you in school!"

"Dobby...Dobby is a bad house elf!" When Dobby heard Draco's words, he opened his mouth wide and stuck out his tongue, as if he wanted to bite it off.

Dumbledore flicked his fingers, and a piece of wood suddenly appeared and stuck Dobby's mouth.

He looked at Draco and asked, "Mr. Malfoy, what's going on?"

"It seems... he acted without permission from his father." Draco said casually, "So when I ask about this, he will punish himself."

"As a house elf, if you can't protect the interests of your master, what's the difference between it and a waste? So dad told him that he must punish himself severely."

After hearing these words, Harry felt that his accumulated anger was about to dissipate, and he even felt a little pitiful for Dobby.

"Do you want to use Veritaserum?" Snape raised his eyebrows, but looked at Harry, which made Harry feel a chill running down his spine.

Dumbledore waved his hand, stood up and walked to the cabinet where the pensieve was stored, "Actually... Weizet just extracted the memory, it's not as good as us..."

At this moment, Weizet's brows suddenly knitted together, and he shouted at an alarming speed: "The giant snake has appeared!"

Chapter 167 Horror Corridor

Colin Creevey held a Polaroid in his hand, stepped lightly through the circular doorway, and quickly ran out of the Gryffindor common room.

The fat lady in the painting yawned and reminded lazily: "The curfew is about to start! If you miss it, you will have to sleep outside the door."

"Don't worry, Fat Madam! I'm going to see Harry and I'll be back soon." Colin nodded, and the warmth from the fireplace flame quickly dissipated.

It rained heavily today, and the water vapor has not dissipated from Hogwarts Castle. Now it has become damp again, and the ground is a little slippery.

Curfew time was coming, and there was no one in the corridor, making it look very empty.

Colin clutched the Polaroid and walked quickly through the corridor.

The dim torches in the corridor gave off a faint light, casting long shadows. The shadows danced due to the beating of the flames, like lurking ghosts.

Every step Colin took was amplified in the empty corridor, echoing like a drum beat.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly remembered the legend about the secret room. He pursed his lips tightly, not daring to make too much noise for fear of disturbing some monster.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but he felt that his heartbeat seemed to be unusually loud in this quiet corridor.

Do you want to go back?

Colin suddenly came up with such an idea.

no! Ginny was also concerned about Harry and wanted to know how Harry was doing now.

As the minister of the "Harry Potter Fans" club, how could he not satisfy the deputy minister's wishes? Can't back down!

Colin thought so, and quickened his pace a little. In his wild thoughts, he was led askew by the moving stairs and mistakenly entered a corridor on the fourth floor.

Just as he was determining the direction and turning through the corridor, a biting cold air suddenly hit him, making his hair stand on end and a layer of cold sweat breaking out on his back.

The cold wave seemed to magnify Colin's perception, and cold malice came from all directions, making him breathless.

He also caught a fishy smell, which seemed to be that of some kind of reptile.

Maybe he couldn't smell such a weak fishy smell normally, but at this moment, the fishy smell was multiplied by his perception, almost making him breathless.

Is it the monster in the secret room?

Colin tried to keep his steps light enough, trying to avoid being discovered by the monster in the secret room in this way.

He swallowed hard, and the Polaroid in his hand became his only comfort.

As he backed away cautiously, he picked up the Polaroid and put it in front of his eyes, using the viewfinder to observe the situation in front of him.

Fear washed over him like electricity, and his heart seemed to be playing Flight of the Bumblebee, threatening to burst out of his chest.

Colin felt that the fishy smell was getting closer, but he still couldn't find the source...

His breathing quickened, and his fingers rested stiffly on the Polaroid shutter, but he didn't seem to have the strength to press the shutter.

Not only were his fingers stiff, but his body also became stiff, as if frozen. He wanted to scream and escape but could not do anything.

His heart beat faster and faster, rumbling like a train on the tracks, making him feel like he was deaf.

Time seemed to stand still, and Colin felt his arm suddenly being grabbed. The thing that grabbed him was long, thin, cold, and had a texture like flesh...

The feeling of fear was like a cold current spreading through his blood.

This kind of fear is deep in the bone marrow. It is the despair and helplessness in the face of death. It makes him seem to see his past, from birth to entering Hogwarts...

Colin opened his mouth wide, but he could only make a "ho ho" sound.

In his ears, a faint sharp voice echoed.

"Found you!"

Colin didn't know what he was about to face, so he could only squeeze out all the strength in his body and press the shutter button fiercely.


White light suddenly appeared, filling the entire corridor...


Weizet walked directly to the desk and took out a crumpled piece of parchment.

"I solemnly swear that I will not do bad things!"

The Marauder's Map quickly unfolded, and countless landmarks showed their specific shapes.

Dumbledore quickly stood next to Weizet and knocked on the desk with his hand.


A house elf appeared, "Headmaster Dumbledore, what can I do for you?"

Wizette's eyes scanned the Marauder's Map, and he immediately determined the location. At the same time, he saw a familiar name - Colin Creevey.

"Headmaster Dumbledore! Colin is here on the fourth floor! He encountered the giant snake!"

Dumbledore immediately said: "Go to the place Wizet said and bring Colin back!"


The house elf also knew that the situation was urgent, and disappeared with a crisp sound.

"The giant snake appeared suddenly! Logically speaking...this corridor has been arranged..."

Weizet frowned, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

The moment Colin's name disappeared, the alarm of the snake whistle also stopped, "It suddenly disappeared again... There must be something we missed..."


The house elf returns with Colin.

"Ah!" Colin suddenly screamed.

"Shut up!" Snape frowned, swung his wand quickly, and instantly suppressed the piercing screams, "Shut up!"

"The curse will stop." Dumbledore raised his wand again to help Colin lift the gag curse.

He smiled and knelt down and comforted softly: "My child, you are safe now."

"Principal Dumbledore?" Colin rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the light in the principal's office, "Wizet! Harry!"

"Going out during curfew time... and encountering danger is a serious crime." Snape raised his eyebrows, "Fifty points from Gryffindor."

Harry and Colin, the two Gryffindors, had a tacit understanding and shouted in unison: "Fifty points!"

Dumbledore stood up, the smile on his face turning into two light coughs.

Snape sneered, crossed his arms but said nothing.

Weizet pursed his lips, not surprised by this.

This time it was Snape who was in charge. Being able to avoid being attacked by the giant snake was considered the greatest luck.

Weizet's current thoughts were still focused on the giant snake.

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