He suddenly remembered Colin's Polaroid camera and immediately asked, "Colin, where is your Polaroid camera? Did you bring it out... Did you take any photos?"

"I brought it out!" Colin nodded quickly, "I also took photos! It was before I was pulled here! I pressed the shutter!"

"Principal Dumbledore, there may be clues. The giant snake has disappeared now..." Vizette closed his eyes and felt it for a while, "There was no alarm at the place where the snake whistle was placed."

Dumbledore looked at the house elf on standby, "Then trouble you to run again and bring back what Colin dropped."

The house elf was very fast, and with another "pop" sound, he returned to the principal's office holding the Polaroid camera.

"Thank you for your hard work, go back and rest!" Dumbledore took the Polaroid camera, raised his wand and opened the back cover of the Polaroid camera.

What greeted him was a pungent smell of burning plastic and a burst of black smoke...

Chapter 168 Pipes of Hogwarts

Colin shouted with great distress: "My Polaroid camera!"

Dumbledore raised his wand and cast a repair spell on the Polaroid camera, "Repair it as before!"

The repair spell did not seem to work, and the Polaroid camera was still emitting black smoke and a pungent smell.

Snape's mouth curled up a trace of sarcasm, "If you hadn't been discovered by Vizet, the thing smoking now... would probably be you."

"I...I...He...He...Vizet saved me!" Colin's face flushed instantly, and his eyes widened as he looked at Vizet.

Harry blinked, and he felt that Colin's eyes at this time had a sense of déjà vu.

"The prank is over!" Vizet stared at the Marauder's Map, staring at the area of ​​the giant snake for a while, and then put the map away.

"Principal Dumbledore, the giant snake is probably not wandering directly in the castle... but moving inside the walls..."

"Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain why it suddenly appears and disappears... inside those walls..."

Dumbledore said: "That's the pipe..."

"Isn't it the darkest thing under the lamp?" Vizet said with emotion, "It's normal to have pipes installed in the wall."

"No... For wizards, this is not so normal." Dumbledore blinked, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"That's right." Vizet understood, "According to "Hogwarts: A History of the School", before the 18th century, the students of Hogwarts... did not need a sewage system."

"What do you mean by no sewage system?" Harry asked puzzledly.

"Hehe... you can solve the problem with magic." Snape looked at Harry and said with a teasing tone, "or take out the sphinx in your head... just wipe it clean."

"Ahem... that's what I mean." Vizet coughed twice and continued, "The plumbing system of Hogwarts was not truly established until the 18th century."

"Wizards copied the Muggles' practices to build plumbing systems and toilets and other facilities. Since then, professors don't need to teach students the 'toilet spell' in the first class."

"Yes, just have sphinx." Snape stared at Harry, "I think someone should go to the school hospital, otherwise he might not be able to hold the sphinx."

"Pipe... what does it mean?" Colin obviously didn't keep up with the train of thought, and he kept asking when he left the principal's office.

Harry said nothing. When he heard the words "pipeline" and "giant snake", a fleeting flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

He always felt that he was about to grasp something, but he was just one step away.

When Colin was about to reach the Fat Lady's portrait, he saw a figure in the distance and couldn't help asking, "Who's standing there?"

Hearing Colin's words, Harry looked up and said, "It's Professor McGonagall."

"Hehe..." Draco sneered.

"It's Professor McGonagall?" Colin's tone was full of fear, and there was a hint of crying, "It's over! It's all over now!"

Seeing that Colin was safe and sound, Professor McGonagall was relieved at first, but then her face turned serious.

"The Fat Lady told me that she saw a Gryffindor sneak out of the common room before curfew."

"Yes, but it's not a big problem. I've punished him." Snape's tone was full of joy, "He helped deduct 50 points from Gryffindor."

"I've seen it." Professor McGonagall's tone became more serious, "If it were me, I would do the same!"


After saying goodbye to Colin, who looked desolate, Harry was taken to the school hospital, and Draco was taken back to the dormitory by Snape.

Harry looked at Vizet's back as he moved away, and suddenly felt an impulse.

He wanted to put on his invisibility cloak and sneak into the restricted books area, find the book recommended by Dumbledore, and then read it carefully to digest the magic knowledge in it.

But before that, he had to digest the steaming bone spirit in front of him.

But when he took a sip, he felt his mouth was burning, so he immediately spit out all the potions.

"I know it's uncomfortable!" Madam Pomfrey poured another cup of bone spirit, "but if you want to see the morning sun, your bones have grown... I suggest you still drink it."

Harry could only endure the burning feeling of his esophagus and took a large cup of bone spirit with difficulty.

After the bones grew, he planned to go back to find Hermione and Ron and share what happened tonight.

He didn't know where they were... would they wait for him in the common room or stay in the abandoned bathroom?

He vaguely remembered that the brewing of the polyjuice potion seemed to be about to enter the next stage...

Vizette followed Dumbledore and Snape, first searching the place where Colin was attacked.

There were still no traces left at the scene. Even if Dumbledore waved his wand and tried to search for evidence from the surrounding pipes, nothing was found.

Weizet found something unusual in the corner, which were spiders crawling out of the window in groups.

Even the cold wind outside the window could not stop these spiders from leaving the castle.

He thought of some topics related to earthquakes, such as how some creatures instinctively migrate before an earthquake occurs.

Maybe the spider escaped from the castle because it sensed some kind of scary snake?

Thinking of this, he wrote "The Spider Escaped the Castle" into his notebook and followed Dumbledore out of here.

Dumbledore asked softly: "Weizet, where do you think we should go?"

"Now that we have the clue of the pipeline..." Weizet murmured, "Since the location where Colin was attacked has not been found, it's time to go to the place where Mrs. Loris was attacked."

Snape raised his eyebrows, "What a pity you don't have splendens in your head."

The writing on the wall where Mrs. Norris was attacked has not faded at all.

Not only are the writings still there, but even the water in the corner has been preserved.

This is because this year's unusually abundant rainy season caused problems in the abandoned washroom opposite, and the water flow spread from the washroom to here.

Professor McGonagall has already applied. When the rainy season is over, specialized wizards will be responsible for repairs.

When Weizet looked at the abandoned bathroom, Dumbledore and Snape also made similar movements, looking at the abandoned bathroom where water was slowly flowing.

Dumbledore was still at the forefront. He cast the magic lighting spell, like a hunter with a lantern on night watch, his movements brisk and unhurried.

The abandoned bathroom was naturally in disrepair. The wet floor was covered with thick yellow scale, and the walls were covered with mottled gray-black mold.

The damp, musty smell was mixed with a hint of fire and herbs.

"Someone is brewing potion here?"

Weizet, Dumbledore and Snape said at the same time.

"Brewing potions in a place like this?" Snape looked up and looked around, "Are they planning to blow up the bathroom... so that potions can flood every corner of Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore smiled and said nothing, walked to the door of a single room, raised his wand as if to detect something, and then pushed open the door of the single room...

Chapter 169 The crucible on the toilet, Hermione and Ron on a night tour

Inside the single room was a crucible, a crucible placed on the toilet, and there was a crackling sound coming from underneath the crucible.

There was clear water in the crucible, with only a few bubbles appearing at the bottom. It was obvious that it had just been turned on and was still being heated.

"Haha!" Snape seemed relieved and sneered, "What a genius idea, using the toilet to hold the crucible..."

"It seems that the user must have some special quirks. Wizette, take a look at the materials of the water tank."

Dumbledore and Snape moved out of the way, and Weizet walked into the single room, pulled out his wand and cast a magic lighting spell, "Luminescent!"

He picked up the transparent jars on the water tank, "Lacewings, live leeches, sap grass, two-eared grass... It can almost be concluded that these materials are intended to make polyjuice potion."

Snape seemed to want to wait for something, and asked somewhat casually: "Tell me why you came to this conclusion."

Although his expression was a bit lazy, he held the wand tightly in his hand and his body showed a vigilant posture.

Dumbledore was walking around, as if observing something.

With two extremely powerful wizards present, Wizette didn't feel too burdened and followed Snape's questions to explain his thinking process.

"Leech has the property of 'shrinking', so it is widely used, but it is usually mashed into juice, or a certain part is taken out and used..."

"It's like a shrinking potion. If it lacks leech juice that has been left to stand for more than a week, it will not be able to achieve the effect of 'making the drinker smaller'."

"But if you need to use a living body, you need to use the 'absorption' feature. This is in line with the principle of polyjuice potion..."

"If the person taking Polyjuice Potion was compared to a leech, he could 'suck' the other person's hair and become like that person."

"If you want to make good use of the properties of 'absorption' and 'transformation'..." Weizet pointed to two transparent jars, "You need to supplement it with liquid grass and two-eared grass, so that the polyjuice potion can be stable enough."

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