"That child is not simple..." The Sorting Hat suddenly cracked open, "I seem to be able to see what he is thinking, but it seems that I can't see it clearly."

"This feeling is very wonderful! I think he is very friendly... I'm not saying that he is also an old antique... I mean..."

It considered the wording for a long time, "I can see you from the perspective of that child."

"This is really interesting! I like this feeling very much, I like this child very much."

Snape frowned and showed a thoughtful expression, "You mean..."

Chapter 29 Demon King, Revolutionary, Rising Star and Prophecy

Snape took a sip from his teacup, "Occlumency?"

"This is the Sorting Hat." Dumbledore added sugar to his teacup, one piece after another, "For Vizet, Occlumency is very important."

"Being able to control emotions freely, and to send and receive extreme emotions freely, the so-called silent rampage will become controllable..."

Before he finished speaking, Snape directly refused: "Don't look for me."

"I'm not going to look for you for this matter." Dumbledore seemed to have expected it, and smiled and shook his head, "I have a more suitable candidate."

"Who is the intruder?" Snape Snape changed the subject and his eyes became sharp. "What's in the corridor on the right of the fourth floor? Is it possible that... the Dark Lord is back?"

"It's not certain yet." Dumbledore sighed lightly. "I just received some rumors and found some clues. We still need to get evidence."

"Get evidence?" Snape's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something. "Could it be related to the thief who broke into Gringotts? What's in the vault?"

"An alchemical product that is enough to attract Voldemort, worth his risking his life and making such a big noise."

"It's the Philosopher's Stone! Only it can attract the attention of the Dark Lord!"

"Severus, you are too perceptive! ...This makes it difficult for me to continue communicating with you and exchange more information."

"That's your freedom, but I have to reiterate my point just now, Hogwarts is really 'safe'!"

Dumbledore laughed and followed Snape's words and said: "Such safety is maintained by us all, and we need your help."

His smile was like a hunter who captured a beast, "In addition to you, I will ask other professors to increase the safety of Hogwarts together."

"Maybe I came at the wrong time." Snape's face turned bad, "From the moment I knocked on the door, it was a wrong decision!"

"You came at the right time." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, "Even if you don't come to me, I will visit you and ask you sincerely."

"I think you seem to have something to say..." Snape became alert, "What are you going to do next? Is the intruder confirmed?"

"It's not certain for the time being, but he will be exposed at some point." Dumbledore shook his head gently, "It's getting late, the new school year has begun, let's work hard together!"


Late at night, a female portrait in the principal's office suddenly spoke: "As you expected, someone did go to that room."

Dumbledore, who was still working, raised his head, "Ms. Wilkins, who is that person?"

Wilkins said: "Quirinus Quirrell, he didn't open the door directly, but used magic to keep testing."

"As expected of Ravenclaw, it's a very smart move." Although Dumbledore said compliments, his tone revealed unspeakable disappointment.

"This is not his style, things are moving towards a worse direction... The final candidate can be confirmed. "He picked up the quill and filled in the last name on the list.

The list not only included Quirinus Quirrell, who had just been written down, but also Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Rubeus Hagrid and other names.


In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone through the window into the dormitory, Vizet just opened his eyes, and the snoring and talking in his sleep echoed in his ears.

He felt that his head was empty, as if he had received too much information, but in the end he couldn't remember anything.

"One, two, three... I maintained the Guardian Meditation Method for at least five hours yesterday. ”

This is the longest time he has maintained the Guardian Meditation.

With the help of the meditation method, he spent a wonderful magical night, feeling everything that happened here with his whole body and mind.

The Guardian Meditation Method can restrain emotions internally and control the silent within the core;

It can enhance perception externally and even increase the speed of casting spells, giving a feeling of both offense and defense.

It’s just that you need to pay attention to the usage time at present, and you can’t enhance perception all day for the time being.

There is an extra piece of parchment at the desk, and all the courses are written in the grid.

Vizet picked up the schedule and glanced at it. Both classes in the morning were potions classes, and there was a history of magic class in the afternoon.

Vizet first walked around the dormitory to absorb the ancient magic power contained here, and then went to the bathroom.

After washing, Vizet came to the common room and planned to preview the textbook again. This was a habit he had developed in his previous life.

It was not yet seven o'clock, and many people were already in the common room. They were holding various reading materials in their hands and reading books with relish.

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" Qiu Zhang sat in a corner of the common room, his voice was very gentle, "Are you still adapting?"

"Very good." Vizet nodded, "I am looking forward to today's Potions and History of Magic classes, both sound very interesting."

"It seems that I am going to pour cold water on you." Qiu Zhang teased, "These two courses... you should be mentally prepared."

"Professor Snape will appear silently behind you, don't be scared; as for the History of Magic class, if you see someone sleeping, it is normal."

Vizet asked curiously: "History of Magic class? Why is it like this?"

Qiu Zhang explained: "Professor Binns is the oldest professor here. He is a ghost and is said to be the only professor of History of Magic in the school."

"He speaks slowly, and that classroom... is very comfortable, even I fall asleep occasionally."

Vizet smiled indifferently, "That's also amazing."


Vizet sat in the common room for a while until his stomach growled with hunger, and then he planned to have breakfast.

Not far from the lounge, he heard a sudden burp and bumped into a drunken woman.

The woman was as thin as a bamboo pole and wore a pair of thick and large black-framed glasses, which magnified her eyes many times.

She was decorated with countless beads and chains on her slender neck, and various bracelets and rings on her skinny arms. She looked like a typical charlatan.

But that was based on his judgment in his previous life. After all, magic really existed in this world.

Now it was just dawn, and Vizet could be sure that the corridor was empty and the woman appeared out of thin air.

He stood up first and said calmly, "Sorry, ma'am, I didn't notice you."

"Burp!" The woman burped, and the disgusting smell of alcohol spread. "It's okay... This is the guidance of fate."

Her voice was weak and a little vague, "Yes, I knew it a long time ago. I would bump into someone this morning. I saw it in the crystal ball."

Vizet was speechless at this time. He didn't know what this mysterious woman was doing in school.

"Since you are okay, I will leave first." Vizet said hello and didn't intend to continue to care about this woman.

However, the woman's eyes widened, and her two eyeballs moved rapidly.

Her mouth was wide open, and she looked sick.

Vizet subconsciously took two steps back, but the woman caught up at a very fast speed, and her spider-like fingers clamped his arm.

The woman made a harsh voice like a sawing saw, "The demon king who defeated the revolutionaries in the armor of a brave man... He found the rising star... The rising star reminded him of the past..."

"He passed on the armor and the sword... The former demon king has made a comeback, and the disguised demon king must defeat the former demon king... The rising star gave the disguised demon king a reason to take off the shackles..."

"Is it the former demon king who brought down the old fear... Or is it the disguised demon king who brought new disasters... The future is still unknown... The rising of the rising star... Will illuminate the way ahead..."

Chapter 30 Trelawney, who is keen on death prediction

Footsteps came from the other end of the corridor.

"George, did you hear any sound?"

"Won't you know if you go over and take a look? It's probably the people of Ravenclaw studying ancient books."

The footsteps gradually approached, and Vizette looked up and saw two familiar faces-the twins Fred and George.

"Vizet?" Fred showed a playful expression, "It's only the first day, and you have inherited the fine tradition of Ravenclaw and got up so early!"

"It doesn't seem like you got up voluntarily." George pretended to frown, "Professor Trelawney must be itching to do the most primitive divination..."

"Got it!" Fred nodded in understanding, "Randomly select a freshman and get the revelation of fate through blood sacrifice."

Vizet didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the twins' ability to talk nonsense was a bit scary.

"Is this lady also a professor at Hogwarts? Why did she drink so early in the morning and say a lot of incomprehensible words..."

"Professor Trelawney in charge of divination." George introduced, "I remember that she is the great-great-granddaughter of a famous prophet. In fact, I think she is more like a dark wizard."

"That's right!" Fred agreed deeply, "She especially likes death prophecies... and she hopes these prophecies will come true."

"That's a death prophecy. If you really want the prophecy to come true, you can only rely on the evil black magic curse!"


Trelawney rolled her eyes and fell to the ground, her head hitting the ground with a crisp sound.

The twins shook their heads and exclaimed as if they were appreciating the sound of nature: "It sounds so beautiful."

It was the first time that Vizette encountered such a weird professor and had no experience in dealing with it.

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