Seeing that the twins seemed familiar with the professor, he asked, "What should we do now?"

Fred stepped forward, squatted down, and pushed Trelawney, "She's unconscious... As expected of Professor Trelawney, as a diviner, every step she takes can exceed my expectations."

He looked up at Weizet again, "Which subject was your first class in?"

"Potions class."

"Then let's do it!" Fred put Trelawney's hand on his shoulder and lifted it up.

George stepped forward very tacitly and put his other hand on his shoulder.

Fred said unhurriedly, "Your first class is with Professor Snape. Being able to recognize the way to the school hospital will improve your probability of survival."

"Yes, remember this path of survival!" George said with a straight face and a very solemn tone, "If Professor Snape says he wants to poison, as soon as you find something wrong, go to the school hospital as soon as possible!"

"Poisoning?" Weizet's eyelids twitched, "Is this also part of the Potions class?"

"No!" The twins shook their heads together, "This is part of Professor Snape's bad taste."

"In a sense, he is still very powerful." George replied, "Many of our prank props are inspired by the poisons he has administered."

"As long as he doesn't poison us..." Fred gave George a wink.

George said knowingly: "The poison will turn into gold galleons in our pockets!"

Weizet's curiosity was piqued, "What does pranks have to do with poison?"

"You are very knowledgeable!" Fred praised, "I can see that you are sincerely asking us."

"You want to get to the bottom of everything, this is Ravenclaw!" George agreed, "You don't know much about the magical world, and you must have never been exposed to prank props."

"That's a scene you've never seen before! The collision of potions and creativity, the combination of magic and alchemy, can give birth to the great category of prank props!"

They have a strong sense of belief in so-called "prank props".

Before setting off, Weizet released his magic eyes and looked at the tapestry not far away.

The tapestry is magically animated, and the characters in the painting come to life. A troll in a tutu swings a stick and attacks a thin wizard jumping up and down.

There is indeed something strange about the wall opposite the tapestry. Strong ancient magical power gathers there, forming the outline of an arched door.

Weizet thought to himself: Could it be that this professor came out of it? The magical world is indeed magical!

The school hospital is located on the second floor of the castle. Before opening the door, the strong smell of herbs hit your face.

Madam Pomfrey is the manager of the school hospital, which is well-equipped and equipped with potions that can handle most diseases and all types of magical injuries.

A stern voice sounded, "Trelawney! You're drunk early in the morning again!"

Just when Weizet was about to knock on the door, a tall and thin middle-aged woman walked out first. Her temperament was somewhat similar to Professor McGonagall.

The clothes on the middle-aged woman are very distinctive. They are very similar to medieval nuns' clothes. The skirt has many pockets, and various tools and potions can be vaguely seen.

"Thank you." The middle-aged woman's voice became gentle, "I helped lift her down again... School has just started, and a drunkard is lying in the middle of the corridor. It's really ugly!"

Fred walked up to Weizet and bumped him with his elbow, "This is Madam Pomfrey."

Wizette nodded and carefully observed Madam Pomfrey's treatment process.

"Healed as before!"

Madam Pomfrey waved her wand, and the emerald green light focused on Trelawney's forehead, and the bruise caused by the bump dissipated instantly.

She took out another test tube from her pocket, opened Trelawney's mouth skillfully, and poured the potion into her mouth.

Trelawney coughed violently and exhaled puffs of amber smoke, which smelled of alcohol.

"Disappear!" Madam Pomfrey frowned and waved her wand again, and the unpleasant amber mist immediately dissipated.

"Professor Trelawney, I hope you can restrain yourself! It's too embarrassing for the new students to see you like this..."

"New student?" Trelawney covered her face like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and disappeared around the corner of the corridor at a very fast speed.

"Cool!" Fred and George whistled, "If Professor Trelawney doesn't become a fortune teller, but becomes a seeker, she will definitely do a lot!"

Madam Pomfrey raised her eyebrows and looked at the twins, "You guys too! Why do we give the new students Bafer's Brain Refreshing Potion? Although it has no side effects, taking too much can lead to dependence!"

"Who are you talking about? Us?" George pointed to his nose in confusion, "Mrs. Pomfrey, you know us, we have no money at all for this."

"That's right!" Fred nodded in agreement, "The most we can afford is rosemary. How many galleons does a tree monkey frog brain cost?"

Wizette also helped explain: "Mrs. Pomfrey, I didn't drink the potion, and they also sent Professor Trelawney here for me."

"Perhaps?" Madam Pomfrey bent down and looked at Vizette carefully, "Do you feel your mind is empty? This is easy to happen if you take the Bafe Brain Refreshing Potion for a long time."

Weizet didn't want to expose the "Guardian Meditation Method", so he could only stick to what he said just now, "I didn't take the Bafe brain-refreshing agent. Maybe I slept late last night?"

"Perhaps." Madam Pomfrey did not pursue further and took out a bottle of purple clarifying potion. "Just drink a drop. It can relieve this symptom."

Wizette asked curiously: "Mrs. Pomfrey, is this lavender tincture? I saw a similar description when I was previewing this morning."

"Seems like a smart Ravenclaw." Madam Pomfrey nodded, waving her wand to remove a drop of lavender tincture.

"You have classes in the morning. Taking these is enough to relieve the symptoms and not make you drunk. Since you are a Ravenclaw student, go back and find a crystal to relax yourself at noon, and you will be able to recover in the afternoon."

With these words behind her, she walked into the school hospital without looking back.

"Madam Pomfrey is really amazing." Weizet praised, feeling much better now.

Fred laughed, "I have to! It's a pity that Madam Pomfrey will leave the castle during the summer vacation, otherwise we could stay in school all year round!"

"That's not possible!" Madam Pomfrey left and returned, "This is not your private clinic! Pay attention to safety when studying magic, and let me worry less!"

"Yes! Madam Pomfrey!" Fred and George raised their right hands in a salute gesture, "We will definitely remember your words!"

Chapter 31 Professor Snape’s Aura

After collecting the ancient magical power that could be obtained, Vizette came to the auditorium.

This time he imbues the Magic Eye with power.

Although the Magic Eye is still in its infancy, it has a special ability - making the magic circuit of magic materials clear and visible.

Vizette walked towards the Ravenclaw table, and an inexplicable malice appeared from the Slytherin table.

"I heard from Miss Parkinson that he is an Obscurial? An extremely dangerous person? He looks quite well-behaved and good-looking."

"It's just a skin. Find a therapist and use permanent transformation magic to transform it! You can become whatever you want."

"I don't want to be hospitalized at St. Mungo's. The risk of permanent transformation magic is too great..."

"If this dangerous person goes crazy in class, we will all be buried with him! Why did Dumbledore let him enroll?"

"It's so dangerous! I don't want to die. This kind of person should go to Azkaban and let the dementors kiss him!"

"I think so. Azkaban is the place where these dangerous people should go!"

Those Slytherin discussions were loud, as if they wanted everyone in the auditorium to know that he was an Obscurus and a dangerous person.

Weizet laughed it off without any disturbance in his heart.

In his previous life, he lived in an orphanage, and it was common for him to suffer all kinds of criticism, exclusion, and even bullying in school because of his special status.

Therefore, before he entered Hogwarts, he was mentally prepared to face doubts and rumors calmly.

But what surprised him was that only the Slytherin table seemed to be particularly concerned about this matter.

The other three long tables didn't respond much, and their chat focused on Harry Potter, the "Boy-Who-Lived."

The boy with a straight nose and long black hair sat next to Weizet, "You are indeed having breakfast in the auditorium."

"Chris told me that you were captured by an upperclassman from Gryffindor, and I was about to report it to Prefect Penello."

"Michael, you just think Prefect Penello is pretty and want to talk to her." Brown-haired Chris sat across from him and said with a smile.

"Good morning!" a blond boy asked: "Why is your book... so small? Is it a hardcover version?"

"Good morning, Anthony!" Weizet responded, "This is not a hardcover edition, it's just that I copied all the textbook content, and Luna helped me with the illustrations and cover."

"Good morning, Wizette!" Another brown-haired boy appeared and asked with a frown, "Luna? Is she a girl?"

"Good morning, Terry." Vizette nodded, "Yes, she is my sister."

Chris Moon, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Kohner, and Terry Boot, the four people who spoke are all Weizet's roommates.

"How can I have such a considerate sister! My sister only cries all day long, hey..." Terry said with some discomfort.

"Will your sister go to school in the future?" Chris also came over.

"Definitely!" Weizet thought, "We can meet next year."

Chris said in an envious tone: "What a perfect life for a sister who can help her brother draw!"

"His life is perfect, what can we do?" Michael sighed, "The first class is Potions class!"

Snape's reputation was indeed not good. A group of freshmen had only just started to take Potions classes, and they were already fearful.

Despite this, they took their textbooks and headed to the Potions classroom.

The Potions classroom is very unique. It is as wide as a medieval monastery and as dark as a medieval monastery. The lighting relies on a few torches.

Before they entered the classroom, a cold breath hit their faces.

The classroom is located on the ground floor, with rows of tall shelves lined against the wall, filled with glass jars.

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