Chapter 37 Phoenix Animagus

Vizet silently chanted a spell in his heart, and all the ancient magic power stored in the "Wizard's Practical Guide" surged out at this moment, all rushing towards the altar that could bring thunderstorms.

The moment the ancient magic power poured into the altar, the lightning disappeared, as if it had never appeared;

Even the dark clouds were getting brighter and brighter, as if they were gestating something, emitting a silver-blue light...

The next second, a thick silver-blue lightning rushed down from the sky, hitting Vizet heavily and completely submerging him.

This lightning was silent, and when Vizet was enveloped by lightning, he could even hear Luna's screams.

The silver-blue lightning fell, and another violent heartbeat appeared.


The strong heartbeat was like a drumbeat, as if it was going to shatter and melt his whole body.

Along with the drumbeat, there was also a cluster of flames.

The flame appeared in his mind, spreading rapidly like a prairie fire, as if it was going to ignite everything around it.

Not only his mind seemed to be on fire, but also Vizet's body seemed to be on fire, bursting out amazing heat;

The original floating spell was no longer maintained, and the heavy rain poured down madly, but not a drop of it fell on him. Instead, it was evaporated by the distorted high temperature and turned into a turbidity.

The feathers belonging to the golden eagle continued to melt and shrink, as if they had become the wick of a candle. The flame ignited the wick-like feathers, turning them into glittering flame feathers, shining with a golden red luster.

Not only did the feathers shine with a golden red luster, but the sharp claws and long beak belonging to the golden eagle were also transforming, coated with a layer of golden color.


Hagrid's tone was full of doubts, "Running Gorgon! Can Animagus also become a magical animal?"

"Merlin's beard! Phoenix!" Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall couldn't help but speak, full of surprise and worry in their tone.

The phoenix that Vizet transformed into flapped its wings, and the scorching heat distorted the air, evaporated the rain, and spread in all directions.

Dumbledore raised his wand and flicked it lightly. A magic energy field with red light appeared, covering the three people.

Luna seemed to realize something and hurriedly called out: "Vizet!"

She continued to call out her name while walking out of the magic energy field.

Professor McGonagall and Hagrid both reached out to grab Luna, but were stopped by Dumbledore.

"We should trust them..." Dumbledore said, gently flicking the wand in his hand, separating a bubble-like magic energy field to protect Luna inside.

"The Animagus of Fantastic Beasts... is really unimaginable!" Professor McGonagall held the wand tightly, and her eyebrows became more worried.

"There are too many examples of failure... If Vizet can't change back... he must always stay like this..."

Luna heard what Professor McGonagall said, and her pace quickened a bit, and her voice of calling became more firm.

Hagrid was a little overwhelmed, and kept asking Dumbledore: "Principal Dumbledore, should Vizet be okay?"

"The size of this phoenix... seems a little too exaggerated? It should be okay... right? Principal Dumbledore?"

"Of course, give them confidence!" Dumbledore nodded gently and responded firmly.


The flames not only melted the feathers, but also seemed to melt Vizet's mind.

Compared with the phoenix nirvana experienced in the principal's office, this experience was much more uncomfortable.

At that time, he was just using the phoenix Fawkes to feel the nirvana process from the side;

Now he is the person involved, as if he is in a sea of ​​fire, with a suffocating burning feeling all over his body.

He instinctively waved his arms constantly, trying to relieve the continuous heat waves around him in this way.

In Professor McGonagall's notes, this kind of torment occurs when ordinary animals undergo Animagus transformation.

Perhaps because of his deep understanding of Animagus, he did not experience this kind of torment during his first Animagus transformation;

He could even clearly feel the whole process and gain inspiration about transformation magic and soul.

Now that his Animagus target has become Phoenix, all kinds of unexpected situations described in Professor McGonagall's notes have come one after another.


Just when he was suffering so much, he heard a voice, a firm voice from Luna.

The voice seemed to be able to extinguish the sea of ​​fire, and the feeling of torment was much reduced, giving him a moment of respite.

He tried to get rid of the sea of ​​fire and gain control of his body.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, and in a hazy red halo, he saw Luna walking towards him unswervingly.


Hearing the heavenly voice, the moment Vizet broke free from the sea of ​​fire, the flames like the sea of ​​fire gathered and returned, gathering into the original cluster of flames.

The flames gathered, and the scorching air emanating from the body also gathered.

The raindrops fell again, not as crazy as before, but the surroundings were still noisy.

Vizet opened his eyes completely, and in the midst of the haze, Luna had come to him, like an elf walking in the mortal world.

"It's okay." Luna stretched out her hand, and her palm passed through the bubble-like magic energy field and fell on the feathers of the phoenix that Vizet had transformed into.

She could feel the warm and restrained feathers, and he could feel the slightly cool and delicate palm.

Luna gently caressed Weizet's phoenix feathers and comforted her softly like whispering: "It will be fine!"

Weizet's Phoenix Animagus is similar in size to the previous Golden Eagle Animagus, and is at least one size larger than Phoenix Fox.

At this moment, he had the urge to fly high into the sky. His hot breath seemed to turn into abundant energy, which he urgently needed to squander.

He had a hunch that he would be able to return to his human form soon.

As if aware of Weizet's thoughts, Luna said firmly: "Do you still remember what you told me on the train? No matter whether you can only do this in the future, I will stay with you..."

Of course Vizette remembered it, just like Luna did at the beginning, he nodded slightly and said silently in his heart, "I know..."

He shook his body slightly and tilted one wing towards Luna, making a gesture that seemed like an invitation.

Luna didn't step on her wings. She ran a few steps forward, jumped up and jumped on Weizet's back.

Vizette shook his body slightly, adjusted his balance, and then flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, "At least he's back to his senses."

"Professor McGonagall...then why hasn't he changed back?" Hagrid asked doubtfully, "I remember they fought with each other for a while and successfully changed back."

"Fighting each other?" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows, seeming to realize something, "Hagrid, who are they... you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" Hagrid's voice suddenly stiffened, "Professor McGonagall...I mean...what else does Weizet need to do after he regains consciousness?"

Professor McGonagall did not dwell on Hagrid's words and explained by the way, "Weizet still needs to release his instincts. This is also a necessary stage."

Chapter 38 I can accompany you to many places

"Interesting." Dumbledore stroked his beard and his expression relaxed. "He should at least fly once and recover."

"Yes! Look! He flew up with Luna!" Hagrid clapped his hands and cheered like a child, "I don't know what it feels like to sit on such a big phoenix!"

"We should go back." Dumbledore exhaled. "If we go back now, we should be in time for breakfast. I remember there was raspberry honey pie today. I like this very much."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "It's time to go back."

Hagrid tried his best to raise his head and looked at the flying phoenix Weizet, "Are you really okay?"

"Of course, now is the time to enjoy the Animagus." Professor McGonagall nodded, "After I completed the Animagus, I also struggled with that form for a while."

Hagrid was extremely curious, "Will you feel any different?"

"The hearing and smell will be sharper and more flexible..." Professor McGonagall recalled, "That's probably it."

"That's great!" Hagrid exclaimed, "It would be great if I could also learn Animagus..."

"Maybe there is a chance?" Dumbledore smiled slightly, "As for the Animagus, Wizette seems to be pushing it in a new direction, which is worth looking forward to!"

Professor McGonagall agreed, "Animagus that can cast spells... or even animagus from magical animals... are worth looking forward to!"

Brewing that silver-blue thunder and lightning, the dark clouds seemed to have exhausted their last strength and became thin.

The continuous rain also became sparse, and even the raindrops danced in the wind, becoming much softer.

A ray of sunshine shines through the gradually thinning clouds, shining tenaciously on the wet land and branches and leaves.

Luna lay on Weizet's back, her body sunken into the feathers, feeling the warmth through the innermost layer of soft down.

"There are so many transformation magics, we will find a solution... I can delve into all kinds of magic and experiment with all kinds of spells like my mother did, and I will change you back!"

"If we can't change back, we can also find a new way of life together... Then we can ride on the broomstick... and fly with you..."

"The village of Ottery St. Catchpole... Hogwarts... the Forbidden Forest... there are many, many places we can accompany you to... We can even cross the ocean when the time comes... "

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