"Dad told me before that there was a great witch who did just that...fly across the Atlantic Ocean with a broomstick...we can try it then..."

Listening to Luna's murmur, Weizet was extremely moved. Luna must have thought that she could never change back, so she kept comforting herself.

Compared to the cry of an eagle, the sound of the phoenix is ​​magical. It was only now that Wizette initially mastered the technique and was able to sing out a long chant like music.

In an instant, his long chants were intertwined with Luna's comforting voice, as if playing a serenade.

Luna couldn't help but yawn as she listened to Weizet's long chant, her voice a little more confused, "We can take risks in the Forbidden Forest then..."

"If your appetite becomes like that of a phoenix, we can look for berries and herbs in the Forbidden Forest... If we encounter berries you like, I can also grow some at home..."

Luna fell asleep, and the little music turned into a solo, resounding high in the sky.

Vizette flapped his wings and flew around in the Forbidden Forest before flying towards Hogwarts.

He landed on the Quidditch pitch and stood on top of one of the viewing platforms. Looking forward from here, he could also see Hogwarts Castle in the distance.

"You are still you, my most precious..."

"No matter what you become, we are still..."

Vizette stood quietly, listening to Luna's soft sleep talk.

Luna would fold her arms from time to time, as if she was confirming something.

Finally, the restlessness of the "Wizard's Practical Guide" stopped, and one of the blank pages showed the content, and an expected ancient magic appeared:

"Ancient Magic: The Fantastic Beast Animagus (Phoenix State)": Guide ancient magic to cast the Animagus... and transform into the magical animal Phoenix...

The emergence of this ancient magic means that Vizette has completely completed the Animagus, a magical animal form that no one has truly completed.

To get to this point can be regarded as the joint result of accumulation and luck. The accumulation lies in his understanding of Animagus. Fortunately, he has mastered the ancient magical power.

As long as Vizette wants to return to his human form, it is just a matter of thought.

But Luna was still dozing on his back, so he decided to stand there for a while.

His feathers were warm enough and there was no need to worry about Luna getting cold.

"Wood, you know that my bed and I are inseparable from each other. Why can you be so cruel..."

"Yes! The rain hasn't stopped completely yet, and you drag us out for training. The broomstick will slip..."

Fred and George groaned repeatedly, and before they could finish their words, Wood shouted: "We need to use every minute and every second. The champion is not inseparable from us."

"Well..." It seemed that it was because of the voices of several people on the court that Luna murmured in her sleep and finally woke up.

She gently rubbed the down on Weizet's back and asked, still a little confused: "How long have you been standing like this? Let me get down!"

After she finished speaking, she carefully jumped off Vizette's back, trying not to pull the feathers.

"Look... there's a rainbow over there!" Weizet quietly transformed into a human form and stretched out his fingers into the distance.

Luna did not follow the finger, she focused her attention on Vizette, rubbed her eyes again, and seemed to want to pinch herself.

Weizet stopped her and said softly: "I'm sorry for making you worry. I've really changed back."

Luna laughed, "Aren't we wizards? Dad was the same way back then. He never felt that mom did anything wrong."

"Isn't it normal for wizards to face these things? Even if you can't change back, you are still you and there will be no change!"

The thin clouds are like layers of soft down, and the sun smiles in the gaps between the clouds, casting golden light on the earth.

There are scattered raindrops shining under the sun. Under the influence of the wind, they arch up a brilliant rainbow.

"We're so lucky!" Luna said, looking at the rainbow.

"Yes, very lucky!" Vizette said looking at Luna.

"Oops, Oops! I must be hallucinating due to lack of sleep!" Fred's face changed drastically as he was warming up, "I heard Wizette's voice!"

"Oops, Oops! Me too!" George's face also became panicked, "I think I heard a sound too! We have to go to the school hospital to check it out!"

"Train hard!" Wood put down the tactical board, "Don't make any excuses, we are going to have a clash with Wizette soon!"

The dark clouds have completely dispersed, and the sky has returned to its original appearance. There are only a few scattered white clouds on the blue sky.

The sun hangs high in the sky like a bright pearl, and the surroundings seem to have experienced a baptism, sober and bright...

Chapter 39 How to increase the output of Coolik?

When Weizet was studying the Animagus, Professor Flitwick once mentioned an important concept - the siphon phenomenon.

It was precisely because of this concept that Weizet was able to take that important step and smooth out the principles of the Animagus.

In fact, there is a "siphon phenomenon" when people get along with each other. If a group of people stay together for a long time, they will also influence each other in a subtle way.

For example, Neville and Hannah, who have now integrated into M.S.C., are bolder than at the beginning and can proactively raise their own questions and seek solutions from the people around them.

Weizet also learned a lot from them, whether it was their unique views on things, their careful care of herbs, or their fantastic ideas about alchemy, they all inspired him greatly.

Professor Flitwick's gentle personality, Professor Snape's stern attitude, Professor McGonagall's uprightness, Professor Sprout's optimism and easy-going...

The professors of various subjects at Hogwarts also have a subtle influence on Weizet.

Salazar Slytherin told Weizet that "every action taken by the Guardians will eventually have an impact on the wizarding world"...

The care of the previous Guardian, the selfless dedication of Professor Quirrell and Dumbledore, Luna's unreserved trust and support...

Wizette enjoys these moments and is ready for any challenges that may arise.

But before that, seizing the time to continue learning is the most important thing.

In Weizet's view, the relationship between learning and challenge should be similar to the relationship between learning and exams, which can be regarded as a way to test learning results.

He has basically completed the paper on the Animagus, and now he only has some finishing work left to show it to Professor McGonagall and others.

The completion of relevant papers does not mean the end of relevant research. There are many places worth exploring in Animagus, waiting for him to continue to dig and discover.

Regarding this part, he also started to organize it, and planned to discuss it with the professors when the paper was submitted.

As the snow completely melts and the cold, wet weather recedes, life is returning to the Scottish Highlands.

The arrival of spring means the revival of all things. Luna and Hannah are busy adding many magical plants to the corridor.

As for the specific style selection, it was based on the Hufflepuff common room. Hannah described the layout inside, and Luna made a sketch.

Hufflepuffs like to study some different things. Compared to the students of the other three houses, they know a lot about Hogwarts Castle.

Hannah can always find some furniture that can still be used from some abandoned empty classrooms. After Weizet and the others repair it, the furniture can continue to be used;

Through the efforts of all members of M·S·C, the corridor has become more comfortable and warm. It is a good place whether it is used for study or leisure and entertainment.

It was another weekend, and all the members of M·S·C were in the hallway.

Hannah was the first to start the conversation, placing a parchment list on the table, "This is what my great-uncle sent me... He wants to order another batch of Coolik."

"Order! Let me see!" Fred's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly grabbed the parchment list and read it.

Not to be outdone, George scanned the list next to Fred, "I didn't expect it! The Leaky Cauldron wants a lot!"

Neville walked behind Fred and George, craned his neck and glanced at the list, "Are we busy enough? There will be an exam soon..."

"Such familiar words!" George's eyes widened, "Who did you hear these words from?"

"Let me think about it..." Fred groaned, "Did Hermione tell you that?"

Neville replied: "Well... when I came out of the library in the morning, I heard her talking to Harry and Ron about this matter."

"Hermione..." George nodded seriously, "That's not surprising. How did Ron answer?"

"Uh..." Neville scratched his head, "That means there will be no exams until hundreds of years later..."

"Hehe!" Fred smiled evilly and stretched out his fingers to count, "I thought about what Hermione would say...the exam will be in ten weeks! In the blink of an eye."

"Yeah...that's what I said." Neville nodded honestly.

"What about this order? Great-uncle said..." Hannah tried to bring the topic back, "If it sells well enough, he will order a large batch during the summer vacation!"

The excitement on Fred's face disappeared, "That's a problem!"

George said with a grimace: "According to the quantity on the order...it feels like there are only a few of us, it's very difficult!"

Luna asked: "How about trying to use a machine to make it?"

"Made by machine?" Fred and George said in unison, looking at Luna.

"It's like this..." Luna took out the picture album given by Weizet, picked up the crystal pen and sketched on the album, and a figure similar to a spinning machine emerged.

Fred looked at the album curiously, "Luna, this album you are using... doesn't it feel like an ordinary magic prop?"

Luna smiled and nodded, "This is from Vizette..."

"Ouch..." Fred drawled and smiled narrowly.

George was more interested in the graphics that emerged, "Magic printing press! But we lack the magic power to operate for a long time..."

"This is controlled by other pure-blood families. If you directly buy a magic printer... it would be inappropriate..."

"We actually have magic power." Weizet raised his head and put down his note-taking hand and said, "Do you still remember the magic pattern of the elf?"

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