Weizet pointed at Luna's picture album and said, "You gave me the research results at that time, and I also tried to make a magic prop, and it was very successful!"

"Yes, yes! That pattern can indeed be used!" Fred and George's eyes lit up, but immediately dimmed, "But crystals are needed...pure crystals are not cheap!"

In the production of alchemy and magic props, if cost is not considered, crystal with high enough purity is often a good all-purpose material.

It is precisely for this reason that the price of crystal is relatively high, so it was not within the scope of the two's consideration.

George added: "There should be other materials that can be substituted...but they need to be constantly tested, and it will definitely cost a lot of galleons..."

Fred's tone was a little helpless, "And our savings... have been invested in the research of prank props..."

Weizet said simply: "I can find a way to find some more."

"Yes! The snake whistle from before!" Fred reacted, "You actually still have high-purity crystals?"

"We can make an IOU with you!" George jumped up with joy, "But if we want to pay these back, I guess it won't be that fast!"

The two of them thought clearly that Coolik's profits were good. As long as they could keep selling for a long time, it would not be difficult for them to pay back the money...

Chapter 40 How to make Phoenix Tears?

It is not that simple to build a magic machine for producing Coolik.

Fred and George were very interested in this. They asked Weizet back and forth several times about the process of making the album, and finally solved all the problems.

The picture album given to Luna was able to draw three-dimensional figures not only because of the magical power in it, but also because of the design of the crystal pen itself.

Weizet combines the writing principle of the ballpoint pen to reduce the waste of magic powder as much as possible, thereby extending the use time of the crystal pen.

"I didn't expect that!" George sighed with emotion, "Now I can understand more and more...why dad likes Muggles. Muggles are really amazing!"

"I didn't expect it! So much thought was put into this gift! This is probably...ahem...right!" Fred joked with a smirk.

Vizette tried his best to turn his attention to the notes and said without raising his head: "Luna likes to draw..."

Luna also buried her head and drew a lively deer in the picture album.

Neville raised his hand and asked a question: "Do you need anything else...an automatic stirring crucible? Otherwise, Wizette will have to brew a lot of potions, right?"

"Automatic stirring crucible?" Fred blinked, "This is a good choice!"

George nodded in agreement, "We can help, and we will definitely negotiate a preferential price!"

Weizet calmed down, raised his head and said, "Koolik's puree is quite special, and it is difficult to maintain the quality with an automatic stirring crucible. Don't worry, I will find a way to solve it myself."

Fred sighed, "That's right. Among the non-Slytherin students, you are the only one who can walk out alive after entering Snape's office."

George said in an exaggerated tone: "More than just coming out alive! I heard Ron say that among so many non-Slytherin students, he is the only one to get an 'O'!"

Hannah added seriously: "I heard from Gabriel and the others that they seem to be the only ones to get an 'O' in these years! It's super rare!"

Neville asked curiously: "These years? How many years?"

"Of course it started when Snape became a professor!" George hooked Neville's shoulder, "Didn't you get any points deducted?"

Neville suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, "I've been detained!"

"You've grown a lot!" George patted Neville's arm, "If it were before, you would probably be stuttering and trembling at the same time."


Leaving the hallway, Weizet took the prepared papers and headed to Snape's office.

He planned to wait until the private lessons were over, then go to Professor McGonagall's office and hand over the paper.

"Five points from Ravenclaw!"

Weizet stepped into the office with his left foot and was deducted by Snape.

But Weizet was not surprised by this at all, because just yesterday in the Quidditch match, the Slytherin team suffered another disastrous defeat.

Yesterday's Snitch stalled for a long time, giving Wizette too much time to score;

Even if Draco caught the Golden Snitch, it would only end the game and set the score at 410 points to 200 points.

"Let's begin!" Snape said coldly.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Weizet raised his wand, and a silver phoenix flew out of the tip of the wand and floated quietly in mid-air. The entire office seemed to feel warm.

"Sure enough, it has turned out like this..." Wizette groaned, and when he put down his wand, the silver phoenix disappeared.

After completing the Phoenix Animagus, his patronus has been unstable and will appear in different shapes from time to time.

It wasn't until he cast the Patronus Charm this time that his Patronus finally stabilized its form and took on the appearance of a phoenix.

When Snape taught him how to master the Patronus Charm, he once mentioned that a physical Patronus who was too special would often reveal important information.

For example, Weizet's Phoenix Patron Saint is naturally a special physical patron saint.

Thinking of this, Vizet asked, "Professor Snape, there should be a way to hide the Patronus, right?"

"You have some self-knowledge." Snape raised his eyebrows, "Five points for Ravenclaw! For ordinary wizards... ordinary wizards can't summon a Patronus..."

"For wizards who can summon a Patronus, if they want to hide the physical Patronus, they can mix positive and negative emotions when casting the Patronus Charm..."

After the bonus points were added, he began to explain directly how to hide their physical Patronus.

Vizet had a feeling that Snape's tone did not seem so cold when he explained this content.

Snape introduced two methods. The first method is a general method. In short, it is to weaken the emotions when casting the spell, which will naturally make the Patronus Charm weak and difficult to maintain the physical body.

The second method was something Snape thought of temporarily, and it may only be applicable to Vizet. It needs to be tried to determine whether it works.

Vizet began to try the second method, holding the wand against his chest and chanting: "Amado, Animou, Animado, Animagus."

As his body transformed, he turned into a golden eagle, and then quickly changed back.

"Expecto Patronus!"

Vizet cast the Patronus spell again, confirming Snape's idea, and a golden eagle Patronus really flew out from the tip of the wand.

Looking at the golden eagle Patronus hovering in the air, Vizet couldn't help but start thinking, "Professor Snape, Obscurus actually also contains transformation magic..."

Snape nodded, "Then stop talking nonsense, try it!"

The third round of attempts began, and Vizet's idea was also confirmed. His Patronus turned into a cloud of mist, just like the Patronus he summoned when he cast the Patronus spell for the first time.

"The first time I used the Patronus Charm, I summoned a physical Patronus..." Snape rubbed his brows, "Take out the crucible first."

"Professor Snape, I actually have another question." Vizet spread out his notebook, "I want to try to make Phoenix Tears, but failed, may I ask..."

Before Vizet finished speaking, Snape had already said: "Usually, if you want to make materials for magical creatures above level XXXX, it is not as simple as using the Patronus Charm."

"You need to use ritual magic and the Patronus Charm, consume a lot of materials with relevant properties, and then brew for a long time to obtain a small amount of corresponding materials."

"Long Time to brew? "Vizet's heart moved, "Professor Snape, how long does it take exactly?"

"If you make a complete runeskin egg, it will take about three months, plus the brains of seven snakes."

"Professor Snape, what is the most critical point?"

"Time is the most important! This ritual magic needs to be performed outdoors, and make sure the weather does not change. It will stay sunny on sunny days and rainy on rainy days."

"Is time the most important?" After listening to Snape's description, Vizet suddenly thought of a combination - the failed Phoenix Tears and the ancient magic power brewed by time...

Chapter 41 Face the Parseltongue

Creating a certain material almost out of thin air is an ability that only a potion master can possess.

Vizet took a shortcut. With Snape's advice and his own knowledge, he mastered similar abilities in advance.

After this period of study and research, with his understanding and mastery of materials, there are not many materials that can be truly "created out of thin air";

They are nothing more than common materials such as slugs, nettles, ginger roots, peppermint, caterpillars, flobberworm mucus, daffodils, daisies, etc.;

The number is not large, and it cannot reach the level of "creating something out of nothing" that he idealizes. He needs to continue to study hard and learn more about potion materials.

If you use tricks, based on magic circuits, patronus spells and ancient magic power, you can "create more materials out of thin air".

Vizet's Animagus is very special, with the magical animal form of phoenix;

Even if you don't need to combine magic circuits, patronus spells, and ancient magic power, you can create a drop of phoenix tears in the state of phoenix Animagus.

It's just that the phoenix tears created in this way have a very short duration of characteristics, which only lasts for about two seconds, and then they will lose their characteristics, which is no different from ordinary tears.


Vizet planned to make real Phoenix Tears by adding "ancient magic power brewed over time" according to Snape's suggestion.

In this way, the process is simplified into three steps. The first step is to become a Phoenix Animagus, the second step is to shed tears, and the third step is to add "ancient magic power brewed over time".

"Professor Snape, I seem to have succeeded!" Vizet said after breaking away from the Phoenix Animagus and picking up the glass bottle on the table.

He just made a drop of real Phoenix Tears through these three steps;

Although it consumed a lot of "ancient magic power brewed over time", Phoenix Tears has a strong healing effect, and Vizet is still willing to bear this price.

"Is this why he trusts you so much?" Snape took the glass bottle, and a fleeting exclamation appeared in his eyes.

"You don't have to show me these..." He suddenly exhaled, and his tone became cold, "I'm not... the greatest wizard of the contemporary era, not that noble."

"But..." Vizet said.

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