"Oh? What can you learn from it?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, "Can you... directly learn magic from the other world?"

Chapter 43: After lighting the fire, you must control and guide it

"I'll show you..." Weizet took out the wand from his pocket and raised it a little. The tip of the wand was still pointed at the ground, as if he were holding a sword.

A cluster of silver-blue sparks emerged from the tip of the wand, and the air was filled with an unspeakable silence, like the depression before a storm.

"Fire shield protection..."

Weizet's incantation was slow and steady, but the thin flames from the tip of the wand were extremely fast, like wildfire in a prairie, spreading rapidly around him.

He slowly turned his body, and the spreading flames turned bright blue, quickly forming a wall of fire to protect him within it.

The water vapor in the air was instantly dispersed, and dryness and high temperature filled the entire room.

The next second, everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened. Only the heat remaining in the room told what had happened just now.

Only by truly studying the magic that Gellert Grindelwald left in the "other world" can we understand how complicated it is;

If you want to trace its origins, the Fire Shield Curse can be regarded as an extension of the Iron Armor Curse, but it incorporates a large number of magic techniques, such as fire magic, transformation magic, Legilimency...

Even the flame magic is extended to give the Fire Shield Spell the effect of black magic, allowing it to grow and enhance its own power by devouring surrounding creatures like the Fire Spell.

If Weizet hadn't mastered fire magic and had experience in compound magic, it would have been difficult to learn the Fire Shield Spell through that glimpse of the "other world".

Even after Wizette learned this magic and wanted to cast it and be able to control it, it took a lot of twists and turns and practice.

This also made him realize more deeply that only by continuously learning magic knowledge and in-depth study of its magic principles can he help himself grow faster.

At least in this world of extraordinary power, magical knowledge can indeed be transformed into power.

The firelight quickly faded, and Professor McGonagall let out a long breath. She adjusted her glasses and looked at Weizet's feet. There were no signs of burning around them.

"Amazing! I almost used the 'Spell Stop'... At least when the fire first started, it wouldn't be so difficult to contain it."

"Yes!" Dumbledore smiled in agreement, "Wizet, have you mastered this magic now?"

"Have you got a preliminary grasp?" Weizet scanned the office where he was and made a simple gesture. "It's almost such a big place, but I can still control it."

"Very good! It may be easier to light a fire, but it is not easy to control or guide it!" Dumbledore said with a smile.

"But I still have to remind you...if you cast the Fire Shield Spell in the forest, you'd better be conservative...to avoid accidents."

Looking at that smiling expression, Weizet always felt that there was something in Dumbledore's words.

Before Weizet could continue to ask questions, Dumbledore brought the topic back to the Animagus papers.

"Minerva, I think there is nothing that needs to be revised in Vizette's paper, what do you think?"

"Of course!" Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement, "The problems in the previous draft have been corrected. We can even find an owl now and have it send the paper to Transfiguration Today."

"I don't think it needs to be so fast..." Dumbledore waved his hand, "We can consider delaying it for a month...perhaps someone will... expand the publicity for us for free by then?"

"Principal Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall...should I expand the content?" Weizet asked, "Add the content of the second form of Animagus to the paper?"

He looked at the contents of the notebook and briefly went through the process in his head, "If it is postponed for a month, I think the time should be... barely able to catch up."

"The content is substantial enough!" Professor McGonagall looked a little helpless, "You must be very tired during this period of time to complete the thesis..."

"It's better to relax! I don't want Poppy and Philius to come here in a few days and come to me to accuse me."

Hearing Professor McGonagall's joke, Weizet also smiled slightly, "Actually, it's not bad..."

"I also think it needs to be discussed..." Dumbledore groaned, "The content about the second form should be able to play a greater role... maybe it can lead to some unexpected gains."

He stood up, stroking his beard and pacing, "Vizet, are you interested in the International Symposium on Animagus?"

"International Symposium on Animagus?" Professor McGonagall thought for a while, "The time seems to be just right...it will be during this summer vacation."

Weizet asked curiously: "Will African wizards also participate in it?"

"Of course they will participate! They like this seminar very much." Dumbledore nodded, "Under normal circumstances, African wizards are always the protagonists of the seminar."

"You will definitely learn a lot!" Wizer nodded, with some expectations in his heart, "Do I need to prepare anything?"

"Of course I am recuperating my energy." Dumbledore said with a smile, "As for the International Animagus Symposium, let me handle it!"

"I may be free for a while, which is just right for dealing with these things... This is also a rare opportunity, isn't it?"


Before leaving Professor McGonagall's office, he also asked Dumbledore for various materials about the "other world", intending to read it as a leisure reading to gain some knowledge.

On the way back to the Ravenclaw common room, a house elf suddenly appeared, holding a parchment envelope in one hand.

The house elf ran to Vizet and bowed sharply, "This is the letter that the master asked me to send to you!"

"A letter for me?" Vizet took the letter, and the messenger was Lucius Malfoy.

[Loyal Lucius Malfoy! ]

[My master, someone pretended to be you and wanted to invite me to join the team to impeach Albus Dumbledore. What should I do? I hope to get your instructions! ]

Seeing the content of the letter, combined with what Dumbledore said, Vizet already understood-Tom Riddle's next move is about to begin!

Since Lucius Malfoy has just sent the letter, it means that Tom Riddle's gang does not regard Lucius Malfoy as their own.

The reason why they joined forces with Lucius Malfoy is probably because of Lucius Malfoy's status as a school director.

He is willing to trust me... That is the fire I ignited... Naturally, I have to guide it.

Vizet looked at the trembling house elf and had an idea in his mind.

"You bring him a message, just say... to be with a group of people who are doomed to fail?"

The more blank space is left, the better the effect is.

"Understood! Understood!" The house elf nodded repeatedly, and when the voice fell, it had disappeared from Vizet's sight...

Chapter 44 Abnormal Uranus and Pluto

Looking at the letter in his hand, Vizet thought of what Dumbledore had said before.

"Principal Dumbledore also mentioned the forest to me. It seems that Tom Riddle is going to take action again, and it will also involve the Forbidden Forest..."

Flames burst out from his fingertips, and the flames instantly ignited the letter, emitting an extremely unusual flame.

"Ancient Magic: Animagus (Phoenix Form)"

The moment Vizet turned into a phoenix Animagus, the flames seemed to be frozen and suddenly solidified in mid-air.

He first plucked a feather and held it in his mouth, and a silver-blue light flashed faintly on the feather.

After doing all this, he stared at the flames without blinking, and after a long time he stretched out his wings towards the flames.

The flames leaped again, spreading the flames along the wings to the whole body.

However, in the next second, everything disappeared, whether it was the flames, Vizet or the ashes, as if they had never appeared in the corridor.


In the Forbidden Forest, the originally dark open space suddenly caught fire, and the flames quickly spread to illuminate the surroundings.

Vizet walked out of the flames and regained his human form again.

"It's very useful... but I'm not proficient enough..." He summed up his experience of the Phoenix's Displacement, "I can't use the Displacement magic in an instant like Fox."

In addition to the inspiring singing voice and the Phoenix Tears that heal wounds, the most obvious feature of the Phoenix is ​​Displacement;

It can ignore the so-called anti-apparition magic like the ball-escape bird and disappear and reappear at will.

After this period of familiarity, Vizette can also do this initially;

But he can't disappear and reappear almost instinctively like the Phoenix Fox, and can take people with him.

He needs the help of fire and accurate positioning after a period of time to complete this process of displacement.


The voice of the centaur Firenze sounded, "Who is there? The Forbidden Forest does not welcome arsonists!"

Compared to Bane, Firenze is obviously more gentle. Although he also holds a bow and arrow, he did not attack when warning, but chose to expose himself and show goodwill.

Vizet is lucky to meet Firenze; ​​compared with other centaurs, Firenze is more friendly to humans and easier to communicate with.

Vizet bowed slightly to Firenze and whispered, "Mr. Firenze, it's me."

"A pony favored by unicorns?" Firenze put down his attack and came to Vizet.

He bent his knees and tried not to be so condescending. "What are you doing here? The Forbidden Forest is dangerous."

Vizet asked, "Mr. Firenze, is there anything unusual in the Forbidden Forest recently?"

"Abnormal?" Firenze thought carefully, "If you are talking about Uranus... then it is a bit abnormal."

Vizet murmured, "Abnormality of Uranus?"

Centaurs are good at astrology and integrate astrology into their lives. Sometimes they talk like this, suddenly mentioning the observed stars.

For ordinary centaurs, although they observe the stars, they are limited to observation and will not make any changes based on the stars. This is something Vizet finds difficult to understand.

Since Firenze mentioned that Uranus is abnormal, Uranus is an evil star. Whether from the perspective of centaurs or from the perspective of wizard astronomy, it means that something bad will happen in the near future.

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