Vizet handed over a feather, "Mr. Firenze, if there is any harm in the Forbidden Forest... I hope you can notify me."

This phoenix feather is attached with "ancient magic power brewed over time", so it can make Vizet feel it like a real phoenix feather.

"I will..." Firenze held the phoenix feather in his hand, "Helping you is helping this forest."

"He may be planning something... Pluto is also abnormal... So you must be vigilant."

Hearing this, Vizet felt that Firenze should know something, "Mr. Firenze, are you talking about Voldemort? Or Tom Riddle?"

Firenze shook his head, "The planet will not give clear instructions, and the interpretation still depends on individuals. I hope I am wrong. If unfortunately, I hope to avoid harm as much as possible."

He raised the phoenix feather in his hand, "That's why I took this... I should leave..."

Leaving such unclear words, he turned around and leaped into the darkness.

Looking at Firenze who disappeared quickly, Vizette rubbed his brows, "Riddle... Centaur."


For a long time afterwards, Hogwarts entered the end of the school year, and the homework assigned by professors began to increase gradually.

Compared with the orderly situation inside Hogwarts, there were more undercurrents outside Hogwarts.

The Daily Prophet once again made an in-depth report on the Chamber of Secrets incident fifty years ago;

The words between the lines of this report revealed that Dumbledore knew who opened the Chamber of Secrets, but deliberately concealed the truth and protected the student who opened the Chamber of Secrets.

As soon as the report was issued, more owls flew to the auditorium, which led to discussions about Dumbledore and the Chamber of Secrets inside Hogwarts.

In the face of such controversy, Dumbledore did not respond at all. This silence seemed to become strong evidence, further indicating that the report of the Daily Prophet might be true.


Until Vizette finished the Herbology class and returned to Hogwarts Castle, he saw a lot of people standing on the marble staircase.

Seeing so many people whispering to each other, and hearing the words Ministry of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, Auror, Dumbledore, Hagrid, etc. occasionally popping up in their conversation, Weizet already had some guesses in his mind.

However, Weizet had not mentioned the relevant matters to anyone. What Dumbledore planned was not suitable to be disclosed as a topic of conversation.

"Why is it still related to the Ministry of Magic?" Anthony Goldstein frowned, "Are they coming to Hogwarts to arrest people again?"

"Again?" Michael Corner repeated curiously, "Is it... exclusive news from your relatives again?"

The relationship with Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein allowed Anthony to always know a lot of details of the past.

Anthony nodded, "Uh... I can't guarantee the accuracy."

The roommates looked at each other. Anthony's words usually meant that this was a real event, but it was not suitable to be spread to the outside world.

"Anyway, I think so... They just think that Principal Dumbledore is easy to bully!" Anthony said in a low voice.

"When Gellert Grindelwald escaped from the Magical Congress, the English Ministry of Magic came to find Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Who was it that came to find Dumbledore... It seemed to be the then Director of the Law Enforcement Department... But they didn't say what his name was."

Chapter 45 "Singing the Quibbler" to the Ministry of Magic

Terry Boot asked impatiently: "Why are you looking for Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? Isn't this what I was going to say?" Anthony cleared his throat, "It seems that they think Headmaster Dumbledore has betrayed them, and in order to restrict him, they put a warning ring on him."

Chris Moon asked: "What is a warning ring?"

"A magical tool used to monitor wizards." Vizet explained with a frown, "It has a similar effect to 'Tracing Silk', but it is more accurate."

"After wearing the warning ring, the Ministry of Magic can know what the wearer has done and what magic he has cast. If you have to make an analogy, it's a bit like... shackles on your hands."


"What do they think of Headmaster Dumbledore!"

After listening to Vizet's explanation, not only his roommates, but also the students who heard their discussion were filled with indignation and shouted together.

"So... it seems that Headmaster Dumbledore is easy to bully." Anthony shrugged, "The Ministry of Magic was like this before, and the Daily Prophet has also changed."

"That means the Ministry of Magic is slandering Headmaster Dumbledore!" Michael said indignantly, "The Daily Prophet is also slandering Headmaster Dumbledore!"

"Why not read The Quibbler!" Terry said, "The recent issues of The Quibbler are all about Fudge's crimes!"

"If I have to choose... whether to believe that Headmaster Dumbledore is shielding criminals or to believe that Fudge is murdering goblins, I will definitely believe that Fudge murdered goblins!"

Vizet laughed, "I think so too!"

For Dumbledore, Xenophilius still respects him very much;

In addition, he is the editor-in-chief of The Quibbler. Now that The Daily Prophet has slandered Dumbledore again, Xenophilius will naturally fight back;

Since the Daily Prophet was slandering Dumbledore, The Quibbler attacked Cornelius Fudge and sorted out a lot of relevant evidence for this;

This time Xenophilius did a very good job. He did not attack by name, but just indicated between the lines that the person in the story was Cornelius Fudge;

This was also a case of giving someone a taste of his own medicine, and the nature of The Quibbler itself was like this.

The Quibbler itself was not very eye-catching and was a very niche magazine, so the Ministry of Magic had never intervened;

Once the Ministry of Magic took action, it was tantamount to proving one thing in disguise - Cornelius Fudge did do these things;

However, if the Ministry of Magic did nothing, there would always be some people willing to believe that Cornelius Fudge did do something shameful;

After such a war of words, people who were dissatisfied with the actions of the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet became the audience of The Quibbler, and Terry was a typical example.

Even if this audience is not long-term, it is enough to make Cornelius Fudge uncomfortable for a while in such a special period.

"Hagrid has been arrested!" Harry and the others squeezed into the crowd, "We saw it when the potions class was over!"

Hermione frowned, looking worried, "If it's as you said, they must be looking for Principal Dumbledore now!"

Her guess was immediately confirmed, and there was another noise in the distance.

"Principal Dumbledore is coming down!"

"And people from the Ministry of Magic!"

"It seems that there is nothing in his hand?"

In the direction of the marble staircase, a team is slowly going downstairs.

A short, stout middle-aged man walked in front, with a dark green hat under his armpit and a dark green velvet robe on his body;

He opened his mouth slightly and panted, holding a white handkerchief in his hand, constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead, looking a little nervous, and looking around erratically;

It seemed that because there were too many students, he had to show his demeanor. He held his head high and chest out every step he took when he went downstairs. His eyes did not fall on the stairs, and he felt swaying with every step.

Behind the middle-aged man were several wizards in black robes, who surrounded Dumbledore and Hagrid.

Among the wizards in black robes, there was a witch who was very conspicuous. She looked very young and should not be more than 20 years old;

Her hair color was also very special, like a ball of bubble gum. As she walked down the stairs step by step, her hair was also changing, from ear-length short hair to fluffy afro.

The black-robed wizard next to him turned his head and noticed the witch's hairstyle. He immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Miss Tonks, you'd better change your hairstyle to one that's not so conspicuous."

"At least I want to be different from you, so that students know that I'm not in the same group with you." Tonks' tone was also dissatisfied.

"If I knew that you were here to take away Principal Dumbledore, I would definitely not come! I thought there was a clue about the dragon thief!"

The other black-robed wizards were also moved, and there was obvious dissatisfaction in their expressions. Obviously, they were also "tricked" to come.

The first black-robed wizard warned: "If you don't change back, you will have to do another internship!"

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Miss Tonks, since you have become an Auror, you will face more things in the future, so please don't worry about these."

"Okay!" Tonks sighed and returned to her original hairstyle, and even her hair color turned brown.


At the end of the team were two wizards with gloomy faces, their robes were very well cut, and almost every finger was wearing a gem ring.

"Great! Headmaster Dumbledore always knows how to be considerate..." One of the wizards said sarcastically, "If you can be considerate of my daughter, it won't turn out like this!"

Dumbledore still kept smiling, "Mr. Parkinson, if you are willing to talk to your daughter more and notice the abnormality in her, maybe it won't turn out like this."

"You!" The wizard with a harsh tone gritted his teeth.

"Why talk to our predecessor..." Another wizard stretched out his voice, "The headmaster of Hogwarts said that? He can't do anything now!"

Dumbledore smiled and agreed, "Yes... Mr. Yaxley is right, I really can't do anything now."

There is no doubt that the middle-aged man in the lead is Cornelius Fudge, the current Minister of Magic;

The black-robed wizards surrounding Dumbledore and Hagrid should all be from the Auror Office;

And the two wizards at the back of the team should be members of the school board and members of pure-blood families. Their surnames are all pure-blood family surnames mentioned in the "Pure-Blood List".

Compared to the others, Hagrid was in the worst condition.

It was the first time that Vizet saw such obvious fear on Hagrid's face;

The beard on Hagrid's face was shaking constantly, and he stumbled with every step, as if he might miss a step at any time.

In the next second, Hagrid really missed a step and lost his balance and fell forward.

The black-robed wizard took action first, pulling out his wand and shouting, "Minister Fudge, be careful!"

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