"We have to go back to England. He will forget us by then." Weizet shook his head, "Let's go! The press conference is about to begin!"


Olga Goizueta finally breathed a sigh of relief when she returned to the hotel. After turning on the TV, she pulled off her raincoat and fell onto the big bed behind her.

Television broadcasts news about the World Trade Center:

[It is reported that an accident occurred in the underground parking lot of the World Trade Center in New York, and a violent explosion occurred, causing the inside and outside of the building to be filled with thick smoke...]

[After the explosion, nearby buildings also felt significant vibrations, and the New York City police, fire department, and emergency medical services rushed to the scene immediately...]

[New York Mayor David Dinkins held an emergency press conference, announcing that the explosion had caused many casualties, and stated that all departments were fully engaged in rescue operations...]

[The police stated that it was initially suspected to be a deliberate explosion... Emergency rescue operations at the scene are still continuing. Firefighters and police are conducting a thorough search of the World Trade Center to ensure that there are no other explosive devices...]

[The New York Times analyzed the nature of the explosion, published an article pointing out the possible perpetrators and motives, this may be a terrorist attack, and called for strengthening urban security...]

[An FBI spokesman announced that a preliminary investigation revealed that the explosive device was a one-ton nitrate explosive hidden in a truck. The investigation is underway quickly to identify the person behind the scenes...]

[The New York City Police stated that the images of the "huge fire-breathing creature over New York" circulating on the Internet are all visual errors caused by the reflection of smoke and debris produced by the explosion. Citizens are advised to pay attention to identify...]

"Haha! I was almost deceived by you! You guys have no credibility at all!"

Olga Goizueta sat up and looked at the announcer on the TV with a disdainful sneer.

He unzipped the backpack on his waist, took out the handheld video camera inside, and pressed the play button.

Although the footage from the handheld camera is a bit blurry, one can still see Wizette gently waving his hand to block the splashing sewage in front of him.

Olga Goizueta came to the table and after a simple operation on the laptop in front of her, a simple pop-up window appeared on the screen.

His hands moved quickly and he typed a sentence on the pop-up window: "The harvest this time is great. Not only has the role of this heavy rain been confirmed, but there are also unexpected gains!"

Within half a minute, a series of questions appeared on the pop-up window.

"Who did you meet?"

"Have you met those agents?"

Olga Goizueta smiled and typed the next line, "I have met our 'god'!"

Chapter 103: Resisting the fire dragon is just a piece of cake

Through the large turnstile, Weizet and Luna walked into the hall of the Magic Congress, where a large group of reporters stood.

Jacob Kowalski stood in front of reporters. As the Director of the International Magical Cooperation Department of the Magic Congress, he needed to answer some questions to avoid the subsequent press conference from being too confusing.

The hall of Magic Congress was much brighter than usual, and photographers raised their cameras, pointed them at Jacob Kowalski and pressed the shutter;

With a "click-click" sound, the flash exploded with dazzling light, and at the same time, the camera sprayed out a plume of purple smoke.

"Journalists must have keen observation skills...be able to discover newsworthy points from ordinary things..."

"You also need to have excellent intelligence acquisition capabilities, conduct multi-party investigations, pay attention to digging out details, and understand the most important point of this crisis..."

Rita Skeeter's voice rang out, she was still dressed in a flashy outfit, carrying the crocodile leather bag;

That pair of exaggerated glasses seemed to have been maintained, and with bursts of flashes, the inlaid gems shone brightly.

She quickly walked up to Weizet and Luna, with a proud smile on her face, "Who is the protagonist of this crisis!"

Weizet pointed out: "You must have spent a lot of effort... to find me here."

From what Rita Skeeter said just now, we can guess that she must have turned into a beetle and first searched around New York for information before finally finding Weizet.

"Ahem! It took a lot of effort!" Rita Skeeter's smile faded a bit, and she coughed lightly and said, "The news about you is spread among the staff who are actually doing the work."

"They always talk about you. Some people's children need to go to school. They are all considering whether to immigrate to England so that they can enter Hogwarts."

"Seriously, I suggest you talk to Dumbledore. Once someone is admitted to Hogwarts because of you, he needs to give you a bonus to reward your contribution to Hogwarts."

"There's no need to say so many polite words." Weizet looked not far away, "Why don't you seize the opportunity to ask Mr. Kowalski a question? The press conference should start soon."

"It is precisely because the press conference is about to begin that I came to see you." Rita Skeeter said, "The director of the department spoke too officially and did not get much useful information."

"So in order not to waste useless time, I found you and planned to conduct a personal interview first... to get some unique news. This is the meaning of news, isn't it?"

Under the leadership of an Auror, the three of them entered a small conference hall, which was very suitable for personal interviews.

Before leaving, the Auror looked at Weizet and said, "Mr. Lovegood, I will come here again when the press conference starts."

Weizet waved his hand, "Don't bother, I will remember to attend the press conference."

"It's really hard to imagine..." The Auror closed the door, and Rita Skeeter sighed, "An Auror would respect you so much. What have you done?"

"That Auror..." Weizet frowned slightly, thinking about what happened that night, "I can't remember clearly... it was just to help resist the attack of the fire dragon, that's all."

"It's no wonder." Rita Skeeter nodded as she opened her satchel, and the gray shorthand quill and parchment floated up. "Perhaps for you, this is just a piece of cake."

As she spoke, the shorthand quill went to work, leaving a string of words on the parchment.

[Paul is survived by his wife and children. For Mr. Wizette Lovegood, helping to resist the attack of the fire dragon is just a small effort, but for Paul, this not only saves him, but also saves his wife and children. Children are an undisputed redemption. 】

"There's no need to write it like this..." Wizette coughed lightly, "Isn't it a bit too much..."

"I have restrained myself. This is another shorthand quill. Please pay attention to the color!" Rita Skeeter raised her eyebrows and pointed at the shorthand quill.

"And during my previous investigation, I found that he was indeed the father of a child, and his name was indeed Paul, Paul Smith."

She coughed twice and her expression became serious, "Let's get started! First of all, I want to ask... how did you find out that the fire dragon was in the sewers of New York..."

Rita Skeeter's inquiry was very targeted, and after a while, she had asked all the questions that needed to be asked.

"To be honest..." Rita Skeeter placed the parchment full of words in front of her and said with some emotion, "It looks like a story made up by Gilderoy Lockhart..."

"Without Luna, those horned water snakes wouldn't have been lured up."

"Without Vizette, there would be no way to attract the fire dragon."

Vizette and Luna said at the same time, their tone was extremely sure.

"You two, don't be so excited, I'm just sighing!" Rita Skeeter crossed her fingers and rested her chin, showing a very playful smile.

"I have no doubts about the authenticity of these contents... Now I am even more sure that what you said is true... After all, you have cleared each other's names, haven't you?"

Wizette asked: "Who are you here on behalf of? The Daily Prophet? Or..."

"Of course it's the Daily Prophet." Rita Skeeter said, "You have been vacationing here for a long time. I don't know how many people in England are panicking right now..."

"Cornelly Fudge has blocked the port, and the border is full of dementors. It's very troublesome to get out. You need to go through countless inspections, and even goblin anti-thief waterfalls, before you can finally go out."

"Dementors?" Weizet frowned, "Do we have to use that kind of thing?"

Rita Skeeter shrugged helplessly, "There is also the Quidditch World Cup! There is also a need for a lot of wizards to help, so the best and most trouble-free way...is to recruit dementors."

"And your favorite "The Quibbler"... I recently wrote another article about Cornelius Fudge who may have illegally bred dementors to have enough dementors to search the whole of England."

"Sounds like something Fudge would do." Vizette and Luna nodded at the same time.

"So you guys have the same idea..." Rita Skeeter was a bit dumbfounded. "Actually, I stayed at The Quibbler for a few days."

"Normally the atmosphere is pretty good, but as long as Cornelius Fudge is involved, Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood seems to be a different person and will appear particularly aggressive."

She put the shorthand quill and parchment into her satchel, "Speaking of which...don't you all like Cornelius Fudge?"

Luna shook her head slightly, "He is not... a good person."

Weizet also said bluntly: "Yes! I don't like it!"

Chapter 104 Press Conference

"Okay... it's almost time." Rita Skeeter stood up and smoothed the wrinkles on her robe, "The press conference is being held in the Pentagon Council Hall, let's go there together!"

Weizet thought thoughtfully and said: "Ms. Skeeter, if the Daily Prophet publishes your article, Mr. Lovegood should also find you..."

Rita Skeeter shrugged, "Of course I know. I mentioned this when I asked him for leave, and he asked me to help write a manuscript."

She glanced at the corner of her mouth, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes, "So I still need to interview Mad-Eye Moody... This guy is neurotic... It's not easy to handle."

"But you're right, The Quibbler has changed now." She sighed again, "It's much better than before. At least it will give you royalties, although it's better than nothing."

She shook her crocodile satchel again and said, "But with your interview transcript here, I think Mad Eye Moody will be easier to talk to."

Wizer nodded and said nothing more.

Rita Skeeter obviously knows how to read and write, but in the final analysis, Dumbledore is easy to talk to. That’s why when Rita Skeeter reported on Dumbledore, her words were so extreme and even distorted the facts;

When she faces someone like Alastor Moody, she will be much more cautious and try to gather some favorable support before contacting him.

The Pentagonal Chamber, this is a place that impressed Vizzet.

In the movie "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein and Jacob Kowalski were interrogated in the Pentagonal Chamber.

This is a Gothic-style chamber. There is a speaker's throne opposite the door of the chamber, which looks very impressive;

Several rows of staircases extend around the throne, and in the middle is a whole marble floor with a simple five-pointed star pattern, which is also the origin of the name of the chamber.

When Vizzet and his team arrived, the marble floor was already crowded with reporters, and it seemed that Rita Skeeter would have a hard time squeezing to the front.

"I expected this." Rita Skeeter said in a low voice with a smug look, "But I have got the most valuable news."

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