Before Weizet could say anything, he was called over by the Tritops family and sat in the corner near the Speaker's throne.

Scott Territops whispered: "I guess you guys will want to sleep later, so the corner is a good place."

"It's also fast to go up and collect the prize later. If you get sleepy listening to Benjamin talk, you can still sleep against the wall."

Weizet and Luna couldn't help but laugh, thanked them and sat down, waiting for the press conference to officially begin.

The fire dragon attack in New York has a great impact. If the No-Maj government were not willing to cooperate, the confidentiality laws maintained by North America would inevitably encounter extremely severe challenges.

It is extremely important to hold a press conference to convey the specific situation to other magical worlds and prevent the spread of rumors and false information;

In addition, it can also calm public sentiment and avoid further speculation and panic;

It can also launch planned actions, detailing the measures taken by the MAC to respond to the incident, demonstrating their emergency response capabilities and determination.

Benjamin Graves did the same thing, first explaining what happened specifically, how many fire dragons participated in the attack, how many werewolves refused to cooperate, and destroyed the stability of the magical world;

Then I praise the wizards who participated in controlling the werewolves and fighting the fire dragon, and finally appeal to all wizards, hoping that they can actively provide clues to help the Magic Congress find the real murderer as soon as possible...

About an hour later, Luna quietly dozed off while leaning on Vizette's shoulder.

Weizet also rubbed his eyes. He now felt Scott Territops' good intentions and Benjamin Graves's speaking tone did have a hypnotic effect.

In fact, Scott Territops was already asleep. He folded his arms and lowered his head, snoring like a stuffy nose.

The members of the Tritops family were in a similar situation. They basically yawned again and again, and a few of them fell asleep. Then they knocked their heads to the ground, covered their heads and grinned.

Wizette looked across the way and found that the Aurors who were also waiting for awards were actually casting spells on each other. Judging from the shape of their mouths and the arc of their shoulders, they were probably using resuscitation spells.

He moved his arms carefully, took out the notebook from his pocket, and browsed through the notes to pass the time and prevent himself from dozing off.

He had communicated with Teletops in the past two days and obtained the magic potion formula of the Teletops family;

This formula can reveal some of the principles of the swelling potion, and can be combined with the swelling spell to achieve the effect of changing the size of magical animals. It is a very interesting and ingenious magic potion formula.

This is considered an exclusive formula of the Tritops family, so Wizette can only research it on his own and cannot spread it;

Otherwise, Weizet would have written an extra copy of the recipe and asked the owl to give it to Snape after returning to England.

Many changes occurred during this period, and the original plans were disrupted. Therefore, there was not much time left for him and Luna to travel, and it was time to consider buying special products.

Fortunately, the land of North America is large enough, and there are many special products that can be used as gifts...

Another half hour passed, and Luna let out a soft murmur, rubbed her eyes and finally woke up.

She raised her head slightly, glanced at Weizet who was reading his notes, and then leaned back to her original position, planning to squint a little longer.

Unfortunately, Benjamin Graves ended his official speech and entered the reporter's question period.

The reporters were like hungry hyenas, asking questions all over the place, and the entire Pentagon Conference Hall finally became lively.

The members of the Territops family woke up one after another, their eyes shining brightly, and they looked like they were watching the fun.

The New York Specter was the main force asking questions, and several reporters stood in the front, occupying the best position.

The positioning of this newspaper is similar to that of the Daily Prophet and it has close cooperation with the Magical Congress;

The Magical Congress obviously had a bad relationship with the New York Ghost. The questions raised were not so pointed, and the Magical Congress could take the opportunity to restore its image.

The Territops family looked regretful and gradually became less interested. Rather than building up the image of the MACAU, they wanted to see the MACCA cause embarrassment.

Rita Skeeter looked at Weizet and the others, suddenly pushed up her glasses, put the wand against her neck, and shouted in a voice that could be heard throughout the chamber:

"Chairman Benjamin Graves, I am a reporter from the Daily Prophet in England. I would like to ask... what role did the two wizards in our country play in this?"

Chapter 105 The reporter who dared to face Dumbledore

As Rita Skeeter spoke, the Pentagon Council suddenly fell silent and immediately became noisy again.

The reporters were still whispering to each other, slightly criticizing the first few "New York Specters";

The question time is occupied by local reporters, and the time they can ask questions will naturally be compressed;

They also didn't want to give other reporters the opportunity to ask questions. They all wanted to be the reporter who asked questions. They all felt that their questioning angle was more tricky and would make it difficult for the Magic Congress to answer.

"English... a reporter from the Daily Prophet?" Benjamin Graves frowned slightly and shifted his gaze slightly to look at the list of reporters aside.

He actually knew something about what happened in England, and there was only one reporter from England on the list, "Rita... Skeeter?"

Rita Skeeter nodded, "It's me."

In an instant, the Pentagon Council Hall fell silent again. Except for the reporter from the New York Specter, all other reporters turned their heads and focused their eyes on Rita Skeeter's face.

When the reporter from the "New York Ghost" heard this name, he couldn't help but frowned, and his eyes were a little wandering, as if he thought of something bad.

Currently, there is a wizard named Albus Dumbledore in England;

Recognized as "the greatest wizard of our time", he is also the president of the International Confederation of Wizards and the Chief Wizard of the International Wizengamot;

One of the most praised and well-known events is the duel with Gellert Grindelwald in 1945, which ended the extremely tragic Wizarding World War and returned peace to the wizarding world.

It is such a legendary wizard, but he has encountered many reports in England, and the reports are not positive;

The person who wrote these reports was none other than Rita Skeeter who spoke at this moment.

For other journalists in the wizarding world, who can smear Dumbledore so wantonly and still be active on the front line of news, in some ways, they can be regarded as legendary journalists.

The reporters simply remained silent, picking up paper and pen, ready to record at any time, all wanting to hear what Rita Skeeter was going to say.

The people in the Territops family also became energetic and sat upright, looking like they were watching a good show.

Scott Territops clicked his tongue in surprise, turned his head and whispered to Weizet and the others: "Are you English wizards so interesting?"

Jacob Kowalski, who was sitting opposite, frowned, his eyes wandering between Rita Skeeter and Benjamin Graves, as if thinking of something, he turned to give a few instructions to the wizard next to him.

The wizard looked surprised and said a word. After Jacob Kowalski nodded repeatedly, he left the Pentagonal Council Room with a look of helplessness.

In the quiet Pentagonal Council Hall, the only sound was the sound of Benjamin Graves turning over the list.

He looked at the reporters who remained silent in the audience and Rita Skeeter standing in the back row. He thought about it again and again before slowly speaking: "Rita Skeeter, what did you want to ask just now?"

Rita Skeeter adjusted her glasses and said loudly: "Chairman Benjamin Graves, when you reported the case just now, you mentioned the names of two English wizards..."

"If it's just what you said, these two passing English wizards...are just two of the wizards who worked hard to defend New I right?"

"These are not my exact words." Benjamin Graves murmured, "Every wizard who defends New York will be regarded by the Magic Congress as a hero..."

"The so-called 'passing' in your mouth is 'just' and 'among'... Neither I nor the Magic Congress will recognize such words..."

"I'm really touched by the MAC's firm attitude!" Rita Skeeter smiled slightly, with a cunning expression on her face, like a fisherman holding a fishing rod, and the fishing rod suddenly moved in his hand.

"As the chairman of the Magic Congress, you must have been sitting behind the scenes when things happened, responsible for allocating people to where they should go. Am I right?"

Benjamin Graves nodded, "The incident happened suddenly. We really need to dispatch manpower and contact other states to initiate support."

"That's no wonder..." Rita Skeeter put on a look of realization, "Maybe it's because you don't know what's happening on the front line, so there are some misunderstandings..."

"The first misunderstanding is about the ages of these two wizards... They are both still students at Hogwarts and have not graduated yet. You can take a look..."

She opened her satchel, took out a small stack of pictures from it, and distributed them to the surrounding reporters, "These pictures are from Muggles...perhaps according to the saying here, they should be called 'No-Majs'."

"In order to maintain the law of confidentiality and ensure the normal life of wizards, these pictures that have been spread to No-Maj society need to be taken back to the wizarding world for centralized processing. I happened to get just a few of them."

Benjamin Graves twitched the corners of his mouth and tried to control his expression, but he had already cursed several times in his heart.

According to the original idea of ​​​​Magic Congress, at least when the details are disclosed to the outside world, they need to try their best to establish a positive image of Magical Congress, while making Wizette and Luna not so prominent.

Rita Skeeter laid the groundwork all the way, bringing things that had been downplayed to the surface again, and things about Weizet and Luna would become difficult to explain.

Things went in the direction that Benjamin Graves least wanted to see.

Rita Skeeter continued to ask: "As we all know, if you want to subdue a fire dragon, you need the cooperation of at least a dozen professional wizards."

"May I ask Chairman Benjamin Graves, why would two students join such a dangerous battle?"

Benjamin Graves frowned and explained bravely: "The situation at that time was extremely chaotic. No matter where you go, you may encounter danger..."

"Plus, they are determined to fight against the dragon, so our Aurors bring them with them to ensure their safety and to allow them to contribute."

"So that's how it is... What a benevolent Magical Congress!" Rita Skeeter nodded, opened her bag again, and took out a new stack of pictures.

"This incident was really too big, and there were a lot of pictures left behind, so I got more than just a bunch of pictures just now..."

"Wingardium Leviosa!" She took out her wand and waved it, floating the pictures in the air, "Everyone can take a look..."

"Mr. Lovegood from England seems a little too reckless... He is obviously a protected person, but he always rushes to the front..."

"Like this one... He also helped to block a ball of fire with amazing power. This ball of fire was too dangerous for both him and the Auror next to him!"

Chapter 106 Another rising star was born in Hogwarts

Seeing the pictures floating in the air, even the most obtuse reporters now understand that the Magic Congress did not explain the real situation.

The Pentagonal Chamber exploded, and the originally silent wizards opened their mouths and chattered.

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